About Monumental Tapestry

About Monumental Tapestry

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: duka.1704


Hey. Long story short my GW1 acc was stolen and taken back by the help of the support. In the meantime, the thief sold my or deleted Monumental Tapestries.

How could i re-earn them? A guide would be great. Or can it be brought? IDK, it was wierd standing in the HoM not being able to earn my stuff cause everything is locked. I’m pretty helpless at this point cause i don’t feel the power the learn GW1, and complete the EotM all over again. Expesially now, that so few ppl are online.

What can be done?

Zonn O Noz – [CTD] Chase The Devil

About Monumental Tapestry

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: duka.1704


Forget to mention, ofc my account is cleared amlost completly by the thief.

Zonn O Noz – [CTD] Chase The Devil

About Monumental Tapestry

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

Support couldn’t do an account rollback to a point before the hack?

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

About Monumental Tapestry

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: duka.1704


Never thought they have the power to do such thing. Do they have?

Zonn O Noz – [CTD] Chase The Devil

About Monumental Tapestry

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


Did you just have the tapestries sitting in your vault/inventory? Because the thief wouldn’t be able to sell them or anything once they’re put up. Keep in mind that you have to earn the tapestries on every character if you want that character to be able to put things in the HOM.

As for how to get more, if you already got them all on a character before the hack, then you could just start a new character and get them to EOTN. You get one tapestry right away, and then you get the rest as you play through the EOTN story.

About Monumental Tapestry

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: duka.1704


They can’t do it anymore

“You asked about the possibility of having your account restored or rolled back to its pre-compromise state. Unfortunately, the Guild Wars account restoration tool stopped functioning properly some time ago, and after conferring with our programming team we have learned that the tool won’t be usable any time in the future. For this reason, although we truly want to help and sincerely wish that we could do so, we can’t restore the account.”

Zonn O Noz – [CTD] Chase The Devil

About Monumental Tapestry

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: duka.1704


Did you just have the tapestries sitting in your vault/inventory? Because the thief wouldn’t be able to sell them or anything once they’re put up. Keep in mind that you have to earn the tapestries on every character if you want that character to be able to put things in the HOM.

As for how to get more, if you already got them all on a character before the hack, then you could just start a new character and get them to EOTN. You get one tapestry right away, and then you get the rest as you play through the EOTN story.

It was in my inventory. I didn’t do my research and i thought i have to make my decisions right away when i unlock a statue.

Zonn O Noz – [CTD] Chase The Devil

About Monumental Tapestry

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

Ahhhhh. Well you can get more by having another char do the quests and you’ve already done on that char, putting it in the bank and picking it up on your main.

Four tapestries are given as rewards for completing certain plot points in the Eye of the North storyline.
First talk to Jora outside of Boreal Station and then speak with Gwen after viewing The First Vision in Hall of Monuments
Talk to Mamp in Rata Sum when completing quest The Knowledgeable Asura
Talk to Captain Langmar in Grothmar Wardowns when completing quest The Missing Vanguard
Talk to King Jalis Ironhammer in the Battledepths when completing quest Northern Allies

Maybe you could run 4 chars through just the first one if you need to replace 4, or just once if only one.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

About Monumental Tapestry

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: duka.1704


Maybe you could run 4 chars through just the first one if you need to replace 4, or just once if only one.

I was thinking about the same, but even so it seems as an incridible challange, given i have to relearn the game, and builds. I wish some1 would just sell them.

Zonn O Noz – [CTD] Chase The Devil

About Monumental Tapestry

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

I don’t have any gold any more, given it all away, but I do have some to eternal tonics I could give you from birthday presents. I don’t know how much they are worth now but you could sell them for some cash.

This gives some prices, looks like the most recent is a year ago. You can ask for price checks in Kamadon.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

About Monumental Tapestry

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

You can get tapestry from any one else in the game or by creating an extra character just to run through the minimum amount of story to get the first one (which is arriving at the HoM and watching the First Vision).

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

About Monumental Tapestry

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


Go hang around Kamadan if you just want to buy them. Someone was selling some 6 hours ago and 10 hours ago, according to Kamadan Trade Chat.

About Monumental Tapestry

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: duka.1704


Thank you Just a flesh wound, but i have plenty of those too. It seems i will make some runs with alt and spam the good old WTB.

Zonn O Noz – [CTD] Chase The Devil

About Monumental Tapestry

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: duka.1704


Go hang around Kamadan if you just want to buy them. Someone was selling some 6 hours ago and 10 hours ago, according to Kamadan Trade Chat.

Thanks for the idea!

Zonn O Noz – [CTD] Chase The Devil

About Monumental Tapestry

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: duka.1704


Just letting you know that i have brought the tokens. Now im on to sell minipets and tonics to earn my items back. Thanks for the advices!

Zonn O Noz – [CTD] Chase The Devil

About Monumental Tapestry

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

Just letting you know that i have brought the tokens. Now im on to sell minipets and tonics to earn my items back. Thanks for the advices!

Nice! Good luck and have fun with GW1.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”