About the recommended levels on quests
Really depends on a number of factors.
1. What profession do you play?
2. What enemies are present in the quest?
3. Do you have level 10 gear or starter gear on?
4. Is this your first character, and/or are you comfortable with the combat system and dodging?
Short answer: You can do quests a couple of levels up, but it will be more difficult. I did a level 14 quest at level 10 earlier today. There is no harm in trying it and seeing how you do.
Just to make it clear, where I get this lv 10 gear?
Its my first character ( mesmer), and I use all itens from quests/drops >_>
If you use items from quests and drops your gear should always be relatively up to date. I’ve done it all the way from level 1 to level 78 and I think the furthest behind I’ve ever been was 10 levels, but that was only 1 peice, the rest was closer to my level.
But you can also buy armor from mechants, for both gold and karma. You can craft it too, but I’ve found it tough to keep my crafting matching my level without having to spend a lot on materials.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Hey LucaZ,
I’d say that you should be OK to solo stuff a few levels above. Your illusions are great for tanking while you keep back.
Danikat answered your other question in regards to drops.
Also get used to dodging (double tap a direction). Even if you are within the radius of an attack, you will “evade” it if you are dodging.
Thanks for the info!
Wont be so scared to enter the main quests anymore. It was getting a bit boring walk around looking for events to level up >_>
In my experience, recommended level for main quests are rather deceiving. Unless you are warrior or Guardian that can survive fairly well, you will almost always have a hard time doing main quest at the recommended level. I usually do main quest at 5 to 10 levels above the recommended level. sure, the reward might not be useful by then, but the XP still good. There is no actual incentives to do main quest at recommended level.
If you need to level, there are plenty of XP outside the main quests. After completing your starter zone, go to the other races’ starting zone for more heart quests and XP; gather everything, explore new areas for more XP. Before you know it, your level is a few above the recommended level for your main quest.
If your next story instance is recommended for higher than your level but you want to try it, try it. If you get beaten up and it seems really hard, maybe go away and level up for it first :P
In all seriousness, doing an instance below the recommended level can be tough if you’re alone; if you bring friends, you can likely blitz through it. It depends on the instance and on your character though, so you’ll know best to judge it. Yramrag is right about levelling up; if you need more levels, don’t just stay in one place. Take an asura gate to some other starter area if you have to, but doing new stuff is likely to help.
Yeah, I find that leveling is a lot easier when you’re not just questing. Exploring, discovering waypoints, climbing up to a vista, all those things give you experience. A nice trick I learned when you visit other starter areas is that you should talk to the Scout NPC (the telescope icon), and they will tell you the heart quests for the area, which I found to help out a lot.
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