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I have taken a small break from the game but am coming back. I hit level 80 a week or so ago and have been aiming for Ascended/Legendary gear, and when asking my guild mates what the average required time for the two they usually say it takes upwards of four to six months. I’m not really that into a grind that’s THAT long, so I considered instead buying most of the materials needed for both as it seems like it would take less time.
So my question is: what’s the best gold per hour in this game? I’ve tried dungeons and, while the gold payout and the chance of rare/exotics is nice, trying to find a decent group with LFG or a good guild to roll with is difficult to say the least. I’ve heard that Orr is decent, but I haven’t been able to try it well enough since the shards I entered there were vastly underpopulated.
I have, on average about 4-6 hours a day to play, and one of those hours are dedicated to daily achieves. If any other info is required please let me know.
I’m no expert here, but there’s a thread on a very similar question that might help you: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/players/Gold-time-spent-Orr-events-or-Dungeons/first#post4492084
And I have heard that speed-clearing dungeons is the best money/hour in game, but it’s also one of the most skill-intensive things to do in game too. It might be worth joining a speed-clear guild who are looking to train people who are new to the speed-clear experience.
I’m no expert here, but there’s a thread on a very similar question that might help you: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/players/Gold-time-spent-Orr-events-or-Dungeons/first#post4492084
And I have heard that speed-clearing dungeons is the best money/hour in game, but it’s also one of the most skill-intensive things to do in game too. It might be worth joining a speed-clear guild who are looking to train people who are new to the speed-clear experience.
Any recommendations for a good speed clear guild? I’ve tried two, namely [CLER] and [RIKO] (both based in GOM, fairly small guilds). Also, thanks for the link, I’ll give it a look.
The best gold/hour would be various forms of TP trading (I’ve got up to around 200g/hour. meaning 400g profit from 2 hours of work and 5 days of waiting).
For playing the game, guild missions would be the highest (around 10g/hour), but that’s limited to only 1 hour a week.
dungeons are pretty high (5-10g/hour)
world bosses are decent. But the way they give the most is if you show up near the last second, so you get 2 rares from like 2 minutes of running from the WP.
node farming should be pretty good as well, but I’ve never tried it extensively.
realistically, you’ll get the most by doing things that less people are doing. Phrased another way: If everyone is doing it, it will give less. So anything someone tells you would be the popular ones with diluted incomes.
For an unusual approach, map completion is a contender. If you already have lots of SP and lots of karma, then map completion is all you’re missing to make and sell a legendary. I usually get about 900g profit per sold legendary, map completion gives 2 legendaries and takes roughly 40 hours, so that would be 45g/hour. But it’s not that straight-forward: 200 SP could be turned into ~200g, and 1 million karma could be turned into ~100g, so that leaves 600g each. or 30g/hour. now that I say this, I realize this wouldn’t really fit your needs. but I’ll leave it here just to throw it out there as a potential gold/hour for someone else.
That’s a good bit to take in, but helpful nonetheless. I’ll give the SP and karma a shot as I get a ton of those doing map completion as it is.
absolutely. If you’re not using sp and karma, it’s worth a good chunk of change.
for SP, promoting T1 into T2 is often pretty good (recently has been around 1-2g/SP). each promotion gives about 87 materials on average.
a lot of the eldritch scroll weapons (not the ‘Mystic’ ones) are decent (about 40-80s/SP), but you can convert lots of SP at a time. some are upwards of 2g/SP, but will also require dungeon tokens; these are great to make if you have the tokens.
for karma, beaded weapons give about 20-40s/1000 karma, but you can really only convert about 30k karma at a time (1 of each weapon), and it takes a painfully long time to buy the sun beads
buying fine bloodied linen armor, throwing 4 into the MF, salvaging the armor that comes out gives about 8s/1000 karma, but also takes a long time to convert lots of karma
buying lost orrian jewelry boxes is extremely fast, but only gives about 3.5s/1000 karma
for dungeon tokens, the best use of them (besides mixing with eldritch scroll as mentioned above) is buying level 68+ rare armor and salvaging with master kits (~1s/token). For AC, CM, TA, SE, you can’t do this, so buy exotic armor with either soldiers, magi, rabid, or shaman stats and salvage with master kits (~65c/token). I recommend light armor because silk is worth a bit more than mithril or elder.
one good method of gold/hr is to sell an arah path, it takes ~40min to solo (with practice) and you make about 25g. I was talking with a buyer and apparently there’s a shortage of sellers recently—so less competition if you were to sell around peak time. This use to be my main source of income when I was farming for my last legendary, along with dungeon runs and playing the TP I would make like 40-50g a day.
(edited by nagr.1593)
Nobody mentioned frostgorge sound champ farming? It has changed a bit recently, but the current path is Coil watch – trio – wurm – drake – troll. That is around 20-25 champs at coil watch + 6 so around 30 champ bags for about 20-25 minutes or around 90 champ bags an hour. For an average run on coiled watch I also get an average of about 6-8 rares and 1 exotic (often named). It’s easily 20 gold per hour. Part of it will be in material but W/E.
I’m currently in the same boat as you though. I would recommend you do multiple things in those 4-6 hours. I have set dungeon paths I do each day + a 1 hour node farm path + frost gorge sound farm + edge of the mists (mostly for karma). If you just do one of those they will do your head in tbh. Better to break up the monotony and experience more of the game whilst maximising profits from your activities.
one good method of gold/hr is to sell an arah path, it takes ~40min to solo (with practice) and you make about 25g. I was talking with a buyer and apparently there’s a shortage of sellers recently—so less competition if you were to sell around peak time. This use to be my main source of income when I was farming for my last legendary, along with dungeon runs and playing the TP I would make like 40-50g a day.
O_O there are repeat customers to arah sellers? why???
let’s say they pay 5g, they get 3g back. maybe 60s from the tokens. maybe 50s from loot, because I’m pretty sure the seller doesn’t allow them to get the boss chest, so it’s only the dungeon completion chest. still, that’s a 1g loss every time. why would they pay for that? I was under the impression they were paying for dungeon path completion achievement, which is not repeatable.
Tokens mainly. And it’s different buyers everytime. But I wouldn’t advice selling those days, kickers are even more agressive than before, and it takes time to fill a group. Even at the best hours, it’s about 5-10 min average if you’re lucky. The absolute max gold per hour is playing the trading post, but that’s not something you’ll learn in a day.
Gratz on hitting 80!
I understand the need to make quick gold but as someone that has farmed all parts of the game my suggestion is mix it up and don’t burn yourself out on 1 task. Run a few dungeons then jump on the world boss train then the Orr temple run or the dozens of other farms there are out there. you may not get the best gold per hour but you will have fun.
Good luck hope you reach your goal!
one good method of gold/hr is to sell an arah path, it takes ~40min to solo (with practice) and you make about 25g. I was talking with a buyer and apparently there’s a shortage of sellers recently—so less competition if you were to sell around peak time. This use to be my main source of income when I was farming for my last legendary, along with dungeon runs and playing the TP I would make like 40-50g a day.
O_O there are repeat customers to arah sellers? why???
let’s say they pay 5g, they get 3g back. maybe 60s from the tokens. maybe 50s from loot, because I’m pretty sure the seller doesn’t allow them to get the boss chest, so it’s only the dungeon completion chest. still, that’s a 1g loss every time. why would they pay for that? I was under the impression they were paying for dungeon path completion achievement, which is not repeatable.
I payed for about 10 paths. About 5 of them were because I needed dungeon completion, but with dungeon completion you have to do all paths on the same character so I ended up having to do it more often. I blew those tokens and ended up making a legendary and theres no way you will catch me running arah.
And Arah has some of the best looking armor. Now theres also the new achievements which require you to unlock all the arah armor and weapons.
And each path is 60 tokens which can be converted into ~2 globs and a chance at inscription. Or roll for a pre in the forge?
Did I mention I hate running arah?
Everyone hates running arah, even soloers. It’s a love hate relationship, you basically spend hours raging at the rng and then you restart because it felt good. Learn to like it and balance yourself between love an hate, young padawan.
map completion gives 2 legendaries
wait, what?!
map completion gives 2 legendaries
wait, what?!
gift of exploration. map completion gives 2, and making a legendary legendary requires 1. There are other things, but map completion is usually what limits my legendary-making abilities (karma and sp would be the next two limiting factors, but those are more naturally obtained).
the scenario was: I have everything else, just need map completion and I can make 2 legendaries. (“If you already have lots of SP and lots of karma, then map completion is all you’re missing to make and sell a legendary”)
yeah, map completion is a pain.. I have world completion on 2 chars so when I was getting my 5th legendary I just decided to buy it from the tp, rather than craft it. I did the math and decided it wasn’t that much cheaper than if I had got the mats and pre and crafted it xD
Tokens mainly. And it’s different buyers everytime. But I wouldn’t advice selling those days, kickers are even more agressive than before, and it takes time to fill a group. Even at the best hours, it’s about 5-10 min average if you’re lucky.
agreed, I tried to sell an arah path alone a couple weeks ago and got kicked pretty fast. I just use a placeholder now, usually will call someone from guild or one of the buyers I know. I charge them less if they are placeholding for me, like 3g so they get free tokens (normal price is 7g). the whole group usually fills in 10mins, and I haven’t been kicked once either. It’s still around 25g/hour so it’s probably the next best thing from playing the TP, which I was never much good at.
(edited by nagr.1593)
selling dungeons works fine for me, I’m getting up to 35 gold/hour if I don’t make any fails and find buyers fast(many difficulties doing that, you have to be quite a good player and have really good gear if you want stuff done fast – as a post above said, 25 gold/hour is a more or less realistic estimate given how we all make mistakes).
Though I guess just running dungeons with a speedclear party/guild is also a very decent income maker.
My ignore list servers as a filter function – I rarely ignore people without a good reason(and screaming at me in PvP isn’t one for me), so it’s basically just dungeon scammers for me there – a total of 4 people so far(kick duos) whose names i won’t reveal for obvious reasons… And by asking a friend to fill in my party I “filter” those people if they ever manage to join my runs.
(edited by Evalia.7103)
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