Accidently promoted a Guild leader

Accidently promoted a Guild leader

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Didiuz.2841


So. I was gonna promote a fellah to officer and bam i misscliked and he became a leader instead. Now he’s jsut wrecking around. How do i get rid of him? Or how do i demote him? He’s causing quite the unstability within the guild.

I am the guild creator but it seems i cannot demote him or kick him. Is there no way to solve this?

Since i am not the sole guild leader i cant disband the guild either. And really i dont want to lose the name or the Influence we’ve gained by convincing everyone to leave and start a new guild.

Really all help would be greatly appreciated.

Accidently promoted a Guild leader

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Wulf of Highland.1576

Wulf of Highland.1576

Ask him to step down?

Accidently promoted a Guild leader

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kal.2376


There are no in-game options to do that. Guild leaders are the highest power after all… You may want to place a ticket to customer service in this case, not sure how they will handle it though…

Accidently promoted a Guild leader

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: valemiroqi.4309


if the guy isn’t responsible enough to give Guild Leader back after realizing it was a mistake, obviously he wasn’t fit to be an officer to begin with.

Maguuma Server

Accidently promoted a Guild leader

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Deinonychus.1498


As far as I’m aware the only way for him to be lowered is if he does it to himself, otherwise he’d have equal right to demote you, what with you both being the same rank and all…

On a completely unhelpful side-note, I have to wonder how was he officer material if he is now ruining your guild?…

Accidently promoted a Guild leader

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Didiuz.2841


Yes i do realise that now.
But since i had made the officer rank pretty harmless i figured he could get it so as to stop any whining.

And yes i’ve asked him to step down. He refuses.

How do i get in contact with customer service?

Accidently promoted a Guild leader

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: CornFed.5193


Sounds like a kitten. Bad choice to make him an officer too.

Accidently promoted a Guild leader

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Didiuz.2841


Yes i’ve understood i made a mistake. Frankly I’d prefer thoose who are only gonna bug me about that to not post anything at all since it is not really helpful. Thanks

Accidently promoted a Guild leader

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: pjdizzy.1826


You’re asking a trolls nest to help with something on which there is no way they can help. Only options for you if you cannot wait for customer support is to:

A – Ask him to re-promote you to guild leader
B – Start a new guild
C – QQ

Since he’s already refused A, and you’re probably not equipped to handle B, sounds like you are left with C.

Accidently promoted a Guild leader

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SteepledHat.1345


There should probably be a prompt before you can promote someone to GL. Probably two.

“Failure to remain calm is the sign of a weak mind.”

Accidently promoted a Guild leader

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: AcidicVision.5498


Well I haven’t had this problem specifically. But I have thought about it since my guild has two leaders. Its highly unlikely there would ever be some weird power struggle, but if one ever had to get rid of the other I wondered if power would default to the guild creator by default.

Speaking of guild window mistakes…anyone else have a problem with the kick button being right next to the represent button? I must have kicked a good four people on accident by now and had to invite them back. Those two should probably be separated a little more.

The Kismet

Accidently promoted a Guild leader

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: SteepledHat.1345


I have the issue of wanting to allow all my members to recruit people, but not wanting them to be able to demote/promote/kick people of lower rank. Apparently there’s only one toggle for all of that. The guild interface is slick, but there are some things they could do to make it better.

“Failure to remain calm is the sign of a weak mind.”

Accidently promoted a Guild leader

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Hansuki.6781


I suggest buying him out. He’s clearly a toxic player and very likely just a kid, so appeal to his motivations – if hes refusing to help you out, its because he has your eventual collapse already in mind. Head him off at the pass by offering something like lewt or gold or mats if he’ll just comply, and tell him that otherwise you’ll have to start a new guild and try to take as many people as you can. He either profits from stepping down or is left with a crapshoot guild with a few straggling members. If he still chooses the later option, the other members will see his insanity and likely leave with you. Hopefully it wont come to that tho….

Accidently promoted a Guild leader

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Reknarok.7582


You should really just write a ticket and personally, if I have anyone in my guild continually whining about being promoted, I give them a swift gkick.

They will be promoted when they earn it, not because of their instant gratification mentality.

Wish I could help you out mate; but there’s really nothing we, as players, can do. You’ll have to contact Arenanet.

Accidently promoted a Guild leader

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ameepa.6793


But since i had made the officer rank pretty harmless i figured he could get it so as to stop any whining.

That must be one of the worst reasons to promote someone.

But yeah, all you can do is contact Arenanet and somehow try to prove them what has happened.

Or make a new guild and do not ruin it again with wrong kind of people. To be honest,
if you were promoting people like that, the guild was doomed already.

(edited by Ameepa.6793)