Adding a Sigil to an Unequiped Weapon In Bag Soulbinds It.

Adding a Sigil to an Unequiped Weapon In Bag Soulbinds It.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kraze.5871


Seriously? I played this game for a lot of hours now, too many than I care to admit, and never once have I read or heard anything about this. I just did some googling and came across this from the wiki itself;

“Applying an upgrade to equipped item causes that item to become soulbound.”

This item when in my bag, it cost me about 15g gold to make and now it’s useless. I thought I would add a sigil to spice it up but got screwed over.

So beware.

Going to send in a Ticket and see what happens I guess.

Adding a Sigil to an Unequiped Weapon In Bag Soulbinds It.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Bobbeeoh.2754


It says when you adding a sigil:
“Do you want to make this item soulbound?”.

Perhaps it went a bit " too fast "?

Adding a Sigil to an Unequiped Weapon In Bag Soulbinds It.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ganadorf.3460


I’m sorry to hear that. I think it’s poor design to have applying upgrades soulbind gear, too

Adding a Sigil to an Unequiped Weapon In Bag Soulbinds It.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kraze.5871


It says when you adding a sigil:
“Do you want to make this item soulbound?”.

Perhaps it went a bit " too fast "?

If this is indeed true, it is my own fault, but like I said.. I never once thought to stop and read that little text, because I figured it said “This item will be used up blah blah”.. you get what I’m saying. Why? Because this is terrible design and I wouldn’t have thought it was like this.

Adding a Sigil to an Unequiped Weapon In Bag Soulbinds It.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Bobbeeoh.2754


Well I understand your frustrations, and I also hope that they will unbound your item again for you, since you put that much money into it.
But to blame the system for warning you, before doing so is a bit… Meh imo :/

Anyway gl with your ticket, hopefully they will restore it

Adding a Sigil to an Unequiped Weapon In Bag Soulbinds It.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kraze.5871


The warning wasn’t nearly good enough. The whole line of text is just a mismash of text and the item linked. I know for a fact I’m not the only would who just flew right by it thinking it says ‘This item will be used up for good, forever, it’s gone" when using it.. not now this item is your forever because you’re simply adding an upgrade to it that someone can easily write over if they don’t like it…

Adding a Sigil to an Unequiped Weapon In Bag Soulbinds It.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Drintar.1246


Well I read it because ya know I figure a warning popup is probably important :P Sorry to hear you put that money into it though and didn’t realise this would happen. GL though

Adding a Sigil to an Unequiped Weapon In Bag Soulbinds It.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Haymaker.8924


This just happened to me, I went and double checked and in plain white text it says above “Upgrading an item will soulbind it to you” or whatever, hard to notice I guess with the red warning below it about destroying an existing upgrade.

One bug though, it says “Soulbound on Use” and not “Soulbound”

It would be nice if the soulbind warning was easier to notice, but oh well, now I know better.

Adding a Sigil to an Unequiped Weapon In Bag Soulbinds It.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lil Puppy.5216

Lil Puppy.5216

Well if the warning wasn’t exactly the same popup message you get from “are you sure you want to upgrade this item” message, maybe we wouldn’t have made this mistake.

I did the same thing. It would be wonderful if upgrading things wouldn’t soulbind things. That’s just stupid. If the item is soul/account bound it’s one thing but to soulbind something that isn’t just for an upgrade? that’s ridiculous.
As a crafter that likes to sometimes make things for others it means that I have to send them the item and the upgrade separately instead of just making the item whole for them.

Anet, thanks for reusing the same popup message for two completely different things… I upgrade items all the time, and I just click through it because it’s in my way, just like the salvaging one (YES I’M SURE!), but you don’t have a valid and distinct “THIS IS GOING TO SOULBIND THE ITEM TO YOU!!!!!!!” warning message. We don’t read the messages more than the first time we do an action (upgrading is the action we’re doing, not soulbinding), these should be different popups completely.

Idiot proofing is something you have to do in UI/UX design, you have a ways to go still.

Adding a Sigil to an Unequiped Weapon In Bag Soulbinds It.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Gestankfaust.4216


I’m sorry to hear that. I think it’s poor design to have applying upgrades soulbind gear, too


what? Why?

How else would it be used?

Adding a Sigil to an Unequiped Weapon In Bag Soulbinds It.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Darquan.1567


Ok, I got caught by the same issue. Clicking through the message because I always do for my upgrades and haven’t stopped to read it for a while. My fault. However, what I don’t get is why the item description doesn’t change to “soulbound”. I would prefer upgrades to be non-binding, but any thing you do to make is soul bound (upgrading or equipping) should make the description reflect it. Gets super confusing trying to figure out why one items can trade on TP and the other is a brick.