—Dan Bukvich
I know that there are players out there with nearly every legendary. I also know that to get that many takes a tremendous amount of gold. I also see in youtube videos, players who have 55,000 gold in their wallet. I know that through Silverwastes and Fractal 40, etc, there’s no way to make that kind of money unless you played 10 hours a day since the game came out. I also would like to think they didn’t make that kind of money by spending gems…I know it’s probably from the trade post, and I’ve found multiple guides that are supposed to show you how to use it effectively, but I’ve never used it to any good ends. Does anyone have some ideas for me on how to start making money faster now that I’m past the “beginner” stages of the game? (I have almost 1,000 hours on record, and less than 100 gold, though that should change once I finish the Bifrost).
Major profit is primarily derived through speculation, which is not something that someone can really guide you on. You have to attempt to intuit the future based on what you know of the items available for sale, how they are currently used, and how you think they might be used based on the little tidbits that leak out regarding future releases. For example, say we hear that the next patch is going to be on a beach. You could assume that maybe a round of new crafting recipes will use beach-themed items such as coral, so you go out and buy a bunch of coral in the hopes that your hunch was right. Once the patch hits and coral is now in high demand, you can sell your coral at a mark up for profit.
There is also profit available in crafting and flipping, though those are usually quite competitive and do not scale up (i.e. you can make 10 and sell 10 or you can make 100 and sell 10).
Flexibility so that you will be able to easily handle changes out of your control. And take advantage of such situations that will give you an edge on others that rely on a single source.
There’s a ton of little things.
(edited by Behellagh.1468)
- Laurels from Login Rewards can be traded for T6 mats that you can sell. 28 login rewards (if you take the Laurel chest on the last day of the cycle) will give you 55 laurels that you can sell for 165 T6 rare mats that you could sell on the TP for 40-50 gold.
It’s more profitable to buy Medium crafting bags for t4 materials than it is to buy the t6 bags. (99s/laurel for t4 compared to 77s/laurel for t6, figures from gw2efficiency)
Daily t4 fractals should get you a minimum of 15g/day roughly.
Meta-events in HoT all reward an Amalgamated gemstone on first daily completion (4x 1g80s ish)
If you don’t mind any mindless farming, the fractal 40 farm to sell the encryptions is a relatively good farm if you can hack the mundane nature of it. (I can’t for more than 30minutes personally, these runs are also strict as time=money)
(edited by Haleydawn.3764)
It’s more profitable to buy Medium crafting bags for t4 materials than it is to buy the t6 bags. (99s/laurel for t4 compared to 77s/laurel for t6, figures from gw2efficiency)
Thanks, good to know. I haven’t been converting Laurels to mats for a month or two as I was using my laurels for other things. This illustrates the point that you have to keep up the changes on the TP.
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