Advice for returning player
To begin with, i think u should play the story of HOT, it is nice and well done. u will have fun and slowly progress trought the new maps, masteries and unlocking specialisation.
Then u will have a better understanding of game new-tools and get your direction.
Also if you feel lost you can always start up a second character and level it whilst you catch up with the game. Having more then one class in this game is very rewarding.
As for your guardian, then maybe start with relearning your skills and which skill do what and just try it out in the core game. Making the HoT story will get you in to the new areas, but you should probably be aware of that the new areas are a bit harder then old GW2 so make sure you really are up to date with your class.
You do belong in HoT, you just need to step up your gameplay a bit. Figure out what is killing you, and then make sure your utility skills and weapons can deal with that.
For example you almost certainly want a stun breaker, which isn’t needed in the core game PvE. You probably want some condition removal. You may want a defensive skill like an invulnerability. You most likely want a melee and ranged option because some enemies have anti-meleee/range abilities. And so on.
Or travel with a friend, that makes everything much easier.
I’m new to GW2, just reached HoT a couple of weeks ago on my first 80 (a thief). I think I know what you mean on “having no business being there.” Moving from the areas around Orr to the Verdant Brink was quite a step up in difficulty. I was slaughtering everything in sight, then all of a sudden I’m dying left and right!
I figured it out by making some changes. Specifically, two areas:
1) You need a ranged weapon set in HoT, whether you like it or not. I can’t see any way around this. Certain enemies are simply a lot more dangerous at close range, while being quite easy to kite. But then again, you are a guardian and I’m a thief. Maybe you have some way around that? I couldn’t find one for my class.
2) Trading hits is a bad bet. I could get away with it and come out ahead in Tyria. Not in HoT. The name of the game in HoT is dealing damage while avoiding incoming damage. For my thief, that means relying heavily on evasion and interrupts to prevent damage.
I run DD/DA/Tr with d/p, p/p. So I have mug and impacting disruption. That’s my favorite move because I can interrupt to prevent damage while dealing two unblockable hits for solid damage in return. I pair that up with near-limitless endurance and basically never stop moving in combat.
I know that won’t necessarily translate into anything you can use directly as a guardian, but it’s just an example of how you need to look at HoT (as far as I can tell!). You can’t trade hits routinely. You need to adopt the mindset that damage is to be avoided and think about how you can accomplish that goal while simultaneously eliminating threats quickly.
I don’t know guardian or I’d offer more specific advice. But that’s a new player’s perspective on how to handle HoT!
The friend thing is the safest bet due to those pesky contested wp’s. though solo is way more fun.