Advice on gear upgrades

Advice on gear upgrades

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: PhyZiX.3802


so first of all
i would really appreciate any tips,ideas,anything that could help me

my problem is i dont know if i am too noob or the game is just crazy hard

when i play i dont see any body in the maps it is an mmo and it should a ton of people
so i cant do any event alone off course

i know that my gear is trash but could it be this is reason why i keep dying ?

any way if i wanted to upgrade my gear i just cant i cant afford it i only have 6 gold with thst i can only buy one good piece
and im lvl 73 by the way

i think getting into a guild would be good then we could go play pve content together
but all the guilds out there keep doing high lvl dungeons or farm orr i guess

also i guess my build is trash also
am a warrior so if any body know a good build tell me

i know this game community is soo helpfull so i posted this because i know i will get an answer

Advice on gear upgrades

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Curse Drew.8679

Curse Drew.8679

Yep, get a guild.

There’s daily meta events you can do to to obtain yellows, some are more popular than others use this site: So you will know when they are active, and where they are.

You can get exotic armor/weapons doing dungeons. You’ll probably want berserker stats, so i’ll recommend COF P1 (citidel of flame: path 1), it’s a good one for new warriors.

Untill lvl 80 i’d focus on uncovering maps & waypoints, so you can do those daily meta events, they are pretty rewarding. Also the living story will take you all over the place, so might aswell uncover it now. Most people are 80’s already, and they come to lower lvl zones only when it’s worth it, which most of the time it isn’t, so they are pretty dead usually.

I think doing these events you will see many many people, get some exp, & see some huge monsters/dragons. Some are low lvl events aswell like lvl 15 events, which are still worth doing at lvl 80.

Advice on gear upgrades

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Isis O Ziris.6350

Isis O Ziris.6350

+ don’t buy expensive armor and weapon until you are lvl80 and can use lvl80 stuff. It’s a waste of money. Buy greens, maybe cheap yellow on your level.

Advice on gear upgrades

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: smezmer.1206


Don’t make the same mistake I made and I know several others have made as well,!Don’t but gear with your gold, save it for more important things, use karma. Renown vendors around the world will give you gear that’s functional and affordable throughout your adventuring career. Once you hit 80 make it a point to Visit (and assist with capturing when possible) the temples down in Orr. You can get a nice set of exotic gear of varying stats down there for 42k karma each. Its far easier to gain karma then cash so use it as a substitute as much as possible and don’t buy gear at the AH until you’ve got money to burn.

As for population, well, that can rise and fall depending on what time, zone and server your at. Nothing much you can do about that one. he only thing you really can do is network, make friends, join a guild, be vocal in map chat about needing assistance (your never completely alone out there).

But most importantly,don’t be discouraged. Don’t sweat it if your having a hard time, this game has a lot of subtle nuances that take time and practice to get used to. Much of which you wont really learn until your well into your life as an 80. Best thing you can do is watch and learn from others around you and speak up if you’ve got any questions. There are a lot of people out there just dying for the opportunity to pass on what they know.

Advice on gear upgrades

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danikat.8537


when i play i dont see any body in the maps it is an mmo and it should a ton of people
so i cant do any event alone off course

What server are you on? A lot of servers have specific peak times when most people are online and if you’re not playing during that time you won’t see as many people.

It could also be partially because at the moment a lot of people are in the Crown Pavillion in Divinities Reach because that’s where the latest content is focused. But there’s a new release coming out next week which might get more people out into the open world so I’d wait and see what happens when that comes out.

i know that my gear is trash but could it be this is reason why i keep dying ?

any way if i wanted to upgrade my gear i just cant i cant afford it i only have 6 gold with thst i can only buy one good piece
and im lvl 73 by the way

It definitely could be one factor in why you keep dying. The good news is you don’t have to spend a lot of gold to upgrade your gear. I got all the way from level 1 to level 80 without ever buying gear at all. Every time I looted a piece of gear I’d check to see if I could use it and if it was better than what I had in that slot. If it was I’d swap it in. I found I got enough good drops just from normal PvE to keep all my gear close to my current level.

You can also buy stuff from karma merchants. You earn karma every time you do a heart quest or dynamic event and from many other activities (and from your daily achievements) and can spend it at heart quest NPCs and other vendors with a little pink triangle symbol to get new gear without ever touching your gold. When you get to level 80 you can head down to the temples in Orr and get a full set of exotic armor for about 42k karma.

If you’ve done dungeons at all you can also get weapons and armor with dungeon tokens.

IMO you should only use gold to buy gear once you reach level 80 and only then if you’re looking for specific pieces for the stat combination or skin and can only/most easily get it by buying it.

i think getting into a guild would be good then we could go play pve content together
but all the guilds out there keep doing high lvl dungeons or farm orr i guess

Not at all. There are a lot of guilds which do a bit of everything and some which focus specifically on helping people level. Have a look through the guilds section of the forum or head to Lions Arch and try asking there and I’m sure you’ll find one to suit your needs.

also i guess my build is trash also
am a warrior so if any body know a good build tell me

Check out the warrior section of the forum. (I can’t help with this one myself because I’ve never played a warrior past level 30.)

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Advice on gear upgrades

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Contiguous.1345


The best source of armour for Karma is the WvW vendors.
And WvW is the best source of Karma.

You don’t need a guild – just join the Commander’s Karma-train during peak hours.
If you die a lot – don’t repair, your bad gear isn’t worth repairing. Use it till it falls off then (maybe) buy some better.

Advice on gear upgrades

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nime.2089


Hi PhyZiX.

Don’t give up! I had a hard time getting started with my Thief in PVE but suddenly (Way after 80) I got the hang out of it. Unfortunately I do not know much about the Warrior as I did not come past the 20ies when I tried lvling it. But maybe a link like this one can help you?

If you want to do some dungeons (low lvl dungeons can actually help you getting good equipment!) try to use Don’t be shy, Ascalonian Catacombs, Caudecus’s Manor or Twilight Arbor are perfectly feasible on your lvl. Maybe just try to find a Build that doesn’t get you killed to fast. If you do a Dungeon the first time, stay back and listen to other players and do what they are doing.

I hope this helps somehow.

(edited by Nime.2089)

Advice on gear upgrades

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Static.9841


so first of all
when i play i dont see any body in the maps it is an mmo and it should a ton of people
so i cant do any event alone off course

Right now I would imagine that’s because many people are engrossed in farming the Queens Pavillion event. It may not be your cup of tea, but you could always join them in there, the levelling is incredibly rapid and you’ll farm yourself up some nice items/make some money.

any way if i wanted to upgrade my gear i just cant i cant afford it i only have 6 gold with thst i can only buy one good piece
and im lvl 73 by the way

You don’t need even 1g to gear up at your level. Forget expensive gear, get green items with the stat combo that you want, each piece aren’t usually above 2s. When you’re at 80 is when you need to concern yourself with upgrading to best in slot items.

i think getting into a guild would be good then we could go play pve content together
but all the guilds out there keep doing high lvl dungeons or farm orr i guess

Get a guild, ask in map chat.

also i guess my build is trash also
am a warrior so if any body know a good build tell me

Check the warrior forums here on the official forums, there are threads dedicated to builds and no doubt something you’ll like will be on there. You can also check intothemists website for builds and build advice.

[Zeus] Guild ~ Desolation. Not some silly muffin thing, stop stalking me Dhiania!

Advice on gear upgrades

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lethalvriend.1723


Lots of usefull tips in here, I’d like to add that there is no reason you shouldn’t do a low level zone apart from slightly less experience from kills. If you do alot of events in a zone you enjoy, even if it is lower level you will still find decent loot and you will gain good exp from the events. You’ll learn how to deal with the game better over time and have fun without dying much. I’m guessing you are doing straits of devestation or something by now, that zone is infamous for being quite harsh if you are solo. At least to me Orr used to be the hardest zone to travel through and it still is pretty tough with a non-geared lvl 80. When I first got there I didn’t die much but it definetely was a struggle compared to all other zones before it.

Advice on gear upgrades

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: PhyZiX.3802


i really really cant thank you enough guys
i will do what you guys told me
i will look for a good build on the forums
then try to find a guild too
then lvl to 80 in dungeons or low lvl zones
then get the 42k karma set from orr temple
thank you very much guys i really appreciate your help all

Advice on gear upgrades

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Isis O Ziris.6350

Isis O Ziris.6350

Just a minor correction, the detail got lost on the way from the original post it seems: 42k karma isn’t the cost of the armor set, it’s the cost of one piece of armor.

Advice on gear upgrades

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: PhyZiX.3802


lol now thats a change but i guess no problem because i got 250k karma
thank you for the correction <3