Altoholic's Nightmare : Help! (WoT)

Altoholic's Nightmare : Help! (WoT)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Monstrosity.7035



Before you say play the game, play what you like, if you like playing all of them then do that, etc. I want a main to take to 80 before I worry about alts.

I have 8 char slots, each diff prof and all of them leveled at least to 10-20, thief to 38, and guardian to 40. I like them all, in most MMORPG’s I hate the “mage” class and even think the elementalist is awesome! ANet did way to good of a job at making each class viable and fun, this is like an altoholic’s worst nightmare.

Realistically, any piece of advice will sway me, I’m dead in the middle of this fence.

Background: Mostly tanks, stealth, dps
What I have played in recent games:
GW1: Warrior, Ranger, Necro, Monk, Assassin, Paragon
WoW: Warrior, DK, Pally, Rogue, and Warlock
SWTOR: Guardian, Vanguard, Scoundrel, Sentinel
D3: Monk, Barb, DH, WD
LoL: Jungler
Dota: Invoker ^.^

I play in a large guild that spans over quite a few MMORPG mostly as a soloer, getting guildies for help and endgame, but with the inclusion of WvW I really want to take my participation to the next step.

My main focus endgame will be WvW, with sPVP. (I’m aware you can play any class at level 2, but I will have to play an 80 for me to consistently play with a character)

I’m looking to make an impact in WvW and be able to be an asset to my guild/server.

Another conundrum: I love defending keeps, attacking keeps, taking supply lines, etc.

(Sylvari)Elementalist is awesome for attacking keeps and defending against siege but so darn squishy and very far from the mentality I usually play and enjoy. All the dagger abilities are so cool! Although, I play with staff because the diversity and range is so nice.
(GIANT NORN barbarian warrior stereotype)Warrior would seem like my default but I’m not too sure what they are specifically good at, kind of seem like a jack-of-all trades type to me.(Tried glass cannon, and “banner-man” support style) plus I don’t like the fact that everyone and their mother is/has a warrior.
(Human, ninja stereotype)Thief another go to for my usual selection but I don’t know if I quite enjoy him all the way, doesn’t seem to offer to much team-wise (poisons and blinds, I know.) but I do love the mobility.
(Human, knight in shining armor stereotype) Guardian, my current “main” I’m not sure if I enjoy it too much, I don’t feel that effective at offense, and while I feel like I contribute as support in big fights, I’m not sure that’s the playstyle for me. Also lack of ranged, that wimpy scepter makes me rage.
(Asura) Engineer. I was really most excited for this class at launch but was let down personally very hard. The permaswift is nice, and maybe I just haven’t leveled him enough (23?) I think, but I just hate pve with him. Seems so weak compared to EVERY other class that I have played. I’ve tried full condition flame build, power rifle build. I’m not sure. This is the one instance that I wish you could instantly be a true 80 off the bat in WvW, because raining those traited 1500 ‘nades seems awesome!
(Smallest Norn) Ranger. That longbow distance on defense! Woo! but other than that, I’m not sure how I feel about this class. I’ve never really been interested in the “hunter” archetype but in this game I imagine him more as a “Sniper”. I’ve played around with GS, sword+warhorn, and sb+LB, and it seems to be interesting, I guess. Leveling is good so far, (only 21?) I hear ranger’s aren’t very helpful in dungeons. I don’t know about that pet AI and I don’t really like any of the utility skills (besides quickness >:])
(Charr) Necro. I haven’t really played much, but when I think of it I think of affliction warlock, not pet army. I’m really sure how much I like this class with DS and what not. And not really sure about its usefulness in any part of the game (i’ve only heard negative things, too boring, not enough damage, weak, etc.)
(Sylvari) Mesmer. I hate going against this class. Oh so much, I only liked the sword pistol build really, but even then I didn’t go that deep. Not sure how I feel at all about this class, probably my least favorite..

If you haven’t jumped out of a window, broken your face from keyboard smashing, or drank yourself to death after reading all this….
Any advice and opinions on the matter would be so greatly appreciated, however biased they may be.

Yes, I’m probably giving this way too much thought…Woe is me.

Thanks, look forward to seeing you guys out there!

Altoholic's Nightmare : Help! (WoT)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rimax.3470


ahaha no worries i’ve rolled a mesmer and elementalist in there 20’s but now i play a Guardian and i’ve found my main to go too 80 with and i looooved him have fun and really stick to what you will love in the long run with pve and pvp!!

Altoholic's Nightmare : Help! (WoT)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Pucko.8675


Personally I love the thief. DPS is good, and after stacking a lil’ toughness, I rarely die.
I’m only at 67 with it though, and I’ve played dual dagger/dual pistol condition/crit build since the start. II find it pretty amazing in pve at least. Only did a few pvp rounds, but I found my self killing things pretty darn well in there too. And killing things is a good support for your allies in a pvp scenario. :P
I tried many of the other proffesions as well (if not all). But I keep going back to the thief, always.

Altoholic's Nightmare : Help! (WoT)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Movezigg.1238


I only played as Ranger by now, I got level 64 and now playing sPvP. I find it pretty good when you are not at 1v1 situations or I’m just playing it wrong because I can’t really win against a Mesmer/Warrior/Thief when I’m not using a double bow build (longbow&shortbow). I might try a Defender or a Warrior, but my hatred against those classes does not allow me to do it.

Altoholic's Nightmare : Help! (WoT)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Raedwulf.3712


I have to say that this game is an altoholic’s (yep, that’s me) worst nightmare. There are soooooo many ways you can play just one class, never mind 8 classes. I come from a LotRO background. There I’ve all 9 classes at the cap. I’m good on 3, very very good; I’m OK on 2; the other 4? Well, A) I don’t play them enough to remember all the nuances and, B ) naturally enough, their kit / build is not up to end-game standards. There are only so many hours in the day…

Here, I don’t think anything like that is going to be possible. Unless, of course, you’re willing to go for one build on a class & stick with that. But that would be a crying shame! Why would you want to not explore all the possibilities of the fabulous class you’re playing? Impossible!

My main is an Engineer. I’m not sure why you’re being a bit negative about them; I’m not finding any trouble killing things. Have you tried the bomb kit? You must try the bomb kit. The bomb kit is utterly brilliant. As for BOB!!! I’ve seen some comments on this forum from Eng’s using a rifle build; my guildmate swears by the elixir gun (which I haven’t tried yet). Most Eng’s seem to run around with dual pistols, as I do. The truth is, though, it’s your kits that are your most powerful tools (pun intended!). There’s an Engineer’s thread up here somewhere. If you’re seeking inspiration for the Eng, go & have a look at that – there’s some good stuff in it.

Guild Leader, The White Company, Piken Square

(edited by Raedwulf.3712)

Altoholic's Nightmare : Help! (WoT)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Monstrosity.7035


I was the harshest on Engies because I was hoping someone would come and put me in my place! They are the class I want to play the most but I seem to be the worst at! >.<
I’ve tried to run some builds from

but still having not much luck

Altoholic's Nightmare : Help! (WoT)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Raedwulf.3712


You! Over there! NOW!! This is the thread I mentioned,

They put me in mind of the LotRO Loremaster. All classes in GW2 are very flexible, but the Engineer is, I think, the most multi-skilled of all. Therefore, they are probably the hardest class to play, because there are so many different ways you can…

Guild Leader, The White Company, Piken Square

Altoholic's Nightmare : Help! (WoT)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Monstrosity.7035


I just can’t do it. I tried! Maybe for a rainy day will the engineer come out. I think i’ve narrowed it down to Warrior, Guardian, Thief or Ranger. Halp!

Altoholic's Nightmare : Help! (WoT)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Raedwulf.3712


Nope. I refuse. Errr… Not least because I know kitten all about 3 of your 4 choices. Warrior’s fun. Total mayhem. Though, despite the heavy armour, I seem to be having trouble keeping mine alive. Too bloodthirsty, that’s my trouble…

Guild Leader, The White Company, Piken Square

Altoholic's Nightmare : Help! (WoT)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Monstrosity.7035


Strange that my Human Guardian is 40, Human Thief is 37, Norn Warrior is 28 and Norn Ranger is 24. I must not like other races :S
My concern now I guess is which will be most useful for WvW
I usually play support guardian and seem to do a fairly good amount of buffing and reviving, along with gate defense.
On my thief, I usually either solo veteran’s, gather a strike force for taking supply camps/yaks, or blend into zergs.
My ranger seems to work best at wall defense.
I’m not sure where the warrior fits into the picture though, just average at everything?

Altoholic's Nightmare : Help! (WoT)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Bsquared.3421


My concern now I guess is which will be most useful for WvW

I find that the primary factor in determining which class is most useful in WvW, and PvP in general, is the person sitting between the keyboard and chair.

All the classes can be played effectively, so find the one you enjoy the most and go wreck shop out there. Somewhere in Tyria, there’s a keep to be taken!!

Nerfedname – Elementalist
Legion of Anvil Rock [XXIV] – Anvil Rock