Am I being affected by DR?

Am I being affected by DR?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: themaster.9802


I’m beginning to think I’m being affected by Diminishing Returns. I’ve been doing Fractal level 10 daily for the past month and every single run I was getting around 5 to 7 rare drops which I would then salvage for 7 to 10 ecto. Then just 15 days ago and since then I’ve only been getting 0 to 2 rare drops from a fractal level 10 run and about 0 to 2 ecto from those rares.

My friends that I run Fractals with are still getting a regular amount of drops (approximately 5). So am I being affected by DR?

Am I being affected by DR?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Brennus.1435


kitten, I’m curious for a general idea of this, I’ve done four explorables, and got less than rare on every drop, and sometimes the drop is less than the level required for the dungeon.

“Everyone is born a 5 signet Warrior,
what we become later only depends
on how hard we try and how good we want to become.” -HannaDeFreitas

Am I being affected by DR?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: themaster.9802


People I’ve been talking to think I have a DR bug. Is this something worthy of contacting support about?