Anti-Farming script

Anti-Farming script

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: dragonfire.4638


Ok, so we all know about this. So here is my issues as many have, which I am hoping I am not the only one. This Anti-farming script is a killer when looking for any mats. I know we have TP but with how much work it takes to make money and how much some things cost, is kinda not worth to use. I tried looking for specific mats, but after awhile all i get are craps and the drop rates are just horrible. I will get like 1-5 Rawhide Leather scraps in a hour. But a bunch of trophy.

So the question is, when does the Anti-farming kicks in? how to stop it? meaning, what should i do? move location? But when will i know it has kicked in? Any other suggestion in regards to getting mats. I just hope the dev raise the drop rate just a bit more. It just suck that i will spend about 5silver getting mats and the created products sells for cooper. That is ridiculous.

Anti-Farming script

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jezath.7395


Change zone every 45 mins, at least thats what I do..

Tis not what they can do for you
Tis only what you can do for all

Anti-Farming script

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: dragonfire.4638


And by zone, do you mean the whole map or just that small area?

Anti-Farming script

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Voltic.6912


with the script it’s almost like they want us to buy gold to get mats for crafting. I need 8 of a creature drop to make 1 itemA and I need a bunch of itemA to level and to get enough for 1 itemA the anti farming script is probably triggered.

Anti-Farming script

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: dragonfire.4638



So which though,, i feel like having a monthly fee will be better. becuase been “force” (to does who will say otherwise) the reason i use force is because i like crafting, its another way to make sure the game does not end. But having to spend money to get gold for mats it ruins the fun for me. Specially when the game is supposed to give you a freedom from monthly fees.

Anti-Farming script

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: phanmc.6759


ANet doesn’t want you to stay in one place doing the same thing over and over. I’ve run around the same zone for a few hours and never encountered the diminishing returns for DEs or drops. I’ve even done the same DEs multiple times without it reducing the rewards, I just didn’t do the same one back to back.

“Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games.”
-Mike Obrien, President of Arenanet

Anti-Farming script

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: dragonfire.4638



So i can stay in the same map, just move up and down. Start from the top, kill as you go, reach the bottom and move back up. Doing this will prevent the script from kickin in?

Anti-Farming script

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: garraeth.3267


So many of these posts. imo the mods need to consolidate them all.

On topic, and completely 100% “imo”:

—I hope they keep aggressive anti-farming code in the system. I don’t think removing/reducing this is the answer.

—I hope they make the rewards for playing in ALL zones equivalent to those in Orr.

—I want to see an even distribution of players of all levels throughout all zones (obviously following the current appropriate zone level requirements).

—I love many of the zones and don’t want to have to basically live in Orr to interact with the general player base.

—With this said, it will require a lot of retraining of the playerbase to help them understand that they are not required to stay in top level zones to “grind” or “farm” or play the game. So, it goes back to ANet to really communicate this to people.

—DEs in low level zones give ~100 less karma per gold. And, imo, an “ok” tradeoff for being able to play in any zone I choose. But that’s just me and I know a lot of people will be put off with the ~100 less.

Just my $.02!

Anti-Farming script

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: phanmc.6759


I believe that’s true, I usually don’t zone out to a new location on a game session (mainly to reduce waypoint costs) and as long as I’m wandering around doing different DEs I haven’t encountered the diminishing returns.

“Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games.”
-Mike Obrien, President of Arenanet

Anti-Farming script

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lysidian.4653


So many of these posts. imo the mods need to consolidate them all.

On topic, and completely 100% “imo”:

—I hope they keep aggressive anti-farming code in the system. I don’t think removing/reducing this is the answer.

—I hope they make the rewards for playing in ALL zones equivalent to those in Orr.

—I want to see an even distribution of players of all levels throughout all zones (obviously following the current appropriate zone level requirements).

—I love many of the zones and don’t want to have to basically live in Orr to interact with the general player base.

—With this said, it will require a lot of retraining of the playerbase to help them understand that they are not required to stay in top level zones to “grind” or “farm” or play the game. So, it goes back to ANet to really communicate this to people.

—DEs in low level zones give ~100 less karma per gold. And, imo, an “ok” tradeoff for being able to play in any zone I choose. But that’s just me and I know a lot of people will be put off with the ~100 less.

Just my $.02!

Your view is in direct conflict with the core ideal and selling point of GW2.

" Isn’t ArenaNet going to ruin the game by making their game more like all the other MMORPGs?

No. ArenaNet has specifically said that they are not trying to make another World of Warcraft clone. Their core ideals of accessibility, playing how you want to play, the ability to play with your friends, and not having to wait until maximum level to ’begin playing the game’ have been prominently mentioned in the press for the game. The game also does not use the conventional “Holy Trinity” system of DPS, healer, and tank, but instead uses a damage, control, and support system. "

No offense but I really hope your suggestions are ignored. I dont want to be told I have to play a certain way or get punished.

Anti-Farming script

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mario Lemieux.9107

Mario Lemieux.9107

@phanmc “I believe that’s true, I usually don’t zone out to a new location on a game session (mainly to reduce waypoint costs) and as long as I’m wandering around doing different DEs I haven’t encountered the diminishing returns.”

Neither have I. As mentioned by someone else earlier, ANet doesnt want people sitting there doing the same thing over and over…and that includes crafting. You can easily level your crafting disciplines as you level your character…That’s why there’s crafting tiers. You should (emphasis on should) accrue enough mats for your particular tier in your particular crafting expertise through normal gameplay…i say “should” because as we know, drops are unexpected and you can’t rely on getting exactly what you need. But exploring your level areas and mapping places out, as well as DE’s, dungeons, etc, will help to accumulate enough mats…the balance of what you need to buy (hopefully) shouldn’t be too much…

Don’t forget, you only have 2 crafting disciplines…meaning the mats you get for other disciplines that you choose not to do can easily be traded/sold for the mats you need.

Worried about mastering all crafting disciplines on one character? Well, in that case, it seems you will have to play a while to get enough mats and master them all…unles you start a new character and, through its natural progression, you will gain the mats you need.

ANet wants to remove the boring grind from the game, so whenever it feels like you’re grinding and doing something over and over because you think it will serve some purpose….stop! Do something else, have fun, and you will be rewarded.

Anti-Farming script

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lysidian.4653


ANet doesnt want people sitting there doing the same thing over and over…and that includes crafting.

ANet wants to remove the boring grind from the game, so whenever it feels like you’re grinding and doing something over and over because you think it will serve some purpose….stop! Do something else, have fun, and you will be rewarded.

Please cite your source for this. I keep seeing people trying to cram this kitten down our throats and I am not buying it until I see a source from ANET specifically saying this.

Anti-Farming script

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: dragonfire.4638


Well I know grinding is not fun and neither i want to spend my whole time there when there are so many fun events occurring. But here is my situation again. I understand everything in regards to crafting tier, but i cant get to tier 2 when i need so many Rawhide leather and my luck is low. So far this whole time i have played i have gather like 125 of them. Thats not just drops, thats also savaging. So whats happening? I am currently lvl 45 with a leatherwork 41 and hunstman 39 because i need so many of something. So i am moving up in lvl but my crafting is staying behind. Also, i have gather many of 75+ skill required mats that i cant yet use. So i kinda have a dilemma here, as small as it might be.

My other option is buying them in TP. But i dont want to. Yes i do sell any other i dont use, but at the same token i dont really pick what i dont need. Like cooking, i care little for it so i walk by any of the gathering. So, if the drop rate just got raise a bit things will be different for me. But my luck also sux.

Anti-Farming script

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jezath.7395


ANet doesnt want people sitting there doing the same thing over and over…and that includes crafting.

ANet wants to remove the boring grind from the game, so whenever it feels like you’re grinding and doing something over and over because you think it will serve some purpose….stop! Do something else, have fun, and you will be rewarded.

Please cite your source for this. I keep seeing people trying to cram this kitten down our throats and I am not buying it until I see a source from ANET specifically saying this.

Check mmo manifesto video

Tis not what they can do for you
Tis only what you can do for all

Anti-Farming script

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lysidian.4653



I think it is pretty safe to assume no one will be able to cite ANET making any such statement or comment as it directly contradicts their core ideal of “playing how you want to.” If I am wrong I will gladly retract my statements.

Would the game Nazis please stop telling us how we should and should not play GW2. We purchased the game just like everyone else, for as long as we are not cheating or exploiting we should be allowed to play anyway we choose.

watching it now thanks : )

Anti-Farming script

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jezath.7395


noprobs bud, i think its what you were lookin for but i may be wrong. On a side note im one of those people who actually enjoys a bit of grinding lol... not too much but a little i like.. (runs and hides in a bush)

Tis not what they can do for you
Tis only what you can do for all

Anti-Farming script

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lysidian.4653


Statements retracted

Colin Johanson (game designer) clearly states ANET/ NCsoft does not want players grinding. Thank you Colin Johanson, for selling me a game that allows me to play how I want to, and then not allowing me to play how I want to. Would you like to comment on that Mr. Colin Johanson? Perhaps you could explain how players can make gold or construct a legendary 100% grind free?

Thank you for the citation Jezath. Looks like I will be shifting my beef with not being able to grind into the issue of not being able to earn gold or items in a constant fun and exciting manner.

Anti-Farming script

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: dragonfire.4638


Ok, well, this thread kinda move away just a bit. But is coming back. Yes, as one said, I think i saw other similar thread as this one. But is weird that is no direct answer from Anet, but i guess is fine. Is something we will learn as the game goes. As we all know the game still on is crawling phase. With more time, it will mature and be better to all. I just hope that mats stop becoming more expensive than the out come product after creation, because that to me makes no sense.

Is like seen rare weapons (yellow) go for silver. I though something of such rarity will go for more.

Anti-Farming script

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jezath.7395


Ok, well, this thread kinda move away just a bit. But is coming back. Yes, as one said, I think i saw other similar thread as this one. But is weird that is no direct answer from Anet, but i guess is fine. Is something we will learn as the game goes. As we all know the game still on is crawling phase. With more time, it will mature and be better to all. I just hope that mats stop becoming more expensive than the out come product after creation, because that to me makes no sense.

Is like seen rare weapons (yellow) go for silver. I though something of such rarity will go for more.

I agree with this and its something that has annoyed me since time began and the fish crawled out of the sea… Rare items do not really seem that rare to me.. Although they are slightly rarer in GW2 than many other mmo i have seen.

I’m happy with the fact legendarys are real legendarys and take extraordinary measures to aquire. It would be quite puppy, err i mean kitten, to see loads of legendarys floating about..

I see why the stats are equal on weapons like legendarys compared to exotics, i see the thought proccess behind it but i dont agree with it tbh i prefer if they were a tiny bit stronger.

Tis not what they can do for you
Tis only what you can do for all

Anti-Farming script

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mario Lemieux.9107

Mario Lemieux.9107

Statements retracted

Colin Johanson (game designer) clearly states ANET/ NCsoft does not want players grinding. Thank you Colin Johanson, for selling me a game that allows me to play how I want to, and then not allowing me to play how I want to. Would you like to comment on that Mr. Colin Johanson? Perhaps you could explain how players can make gold or construct a legendary 100% grind free?

Thank you for the citation Jezath. Looks like I will be shifting my beef with not being able to grind into the issue of not being able to earn gold or items in a constant fun and exciting manner.

I was away from my computer for a little while but i would of so posted the link the MMO manifesto lol. Thats exactly where i understood where ANet was going with GW2.

As for grinding, no one likes to grind all the time (i mean, i shouldnt say no one, i guess some do, but grinding isnt really fun in itself.) Like the above player, i do enjoy a little grinding, but it shouldn’t even come close to being the thing i spend most of my time doing in a video game. I already have a job.

As for Colin, yes, ANet made a game that lets you play the way you want to. You can grind if you want to. Go ahead. No one is stopping you. I think the overall goal, however, is to remove that part of the game where the players whose actual circumstances allow them to grind all day long get a noticeable financial advantage for doing it. ANet seems to be assuming that grinding is no fun for anyone, which could be wrong, but overall fits the bill for most average gamers who have other pursuits. No one should be forced to clear a map over and over and over for countless hours just to gain a few mats.

Anti-Farming script

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mario Lemieux.9107

Mario Lemieux.9107

Ok, well, this thread kinda move away just a bit. But is coming back. Yes, as one said, I think i saw other similar thread as this one. But is weird that is no direct answer from Anet, but i guess is fine. Is something we will learn as the game goes. As we all know the game still on is crawling phase. With more time, it will mature and be better to all. I just hope that mats stop becoming more expensive than the out come product after creation, because that to me makes no sense.

Is like seen rare weapons (yellow) go for silver. I though something of such rarity will go for more.

I agree with this and its something that has annoyed me since time began and the fish crawled out of the sea… Rare items do not really seem that rare to me.. Although they are slightly rarer in GW2 than many other mmo i have seen.

I’m happy with the fact legendarys are real legendarys and take extraordinary measures to aquire. It would be quite puppy, err i mean kitten, to see loads of legendarys floating about..

I see why the stats are equal on weapons like legendarys compared to exotics, i see the thought proccess behind it but i dont agree with it tbh i prefer if they were a tiny bit stronger.

That would require a terrible grind to acquire something that would give an advantage to some players. That’s not fun for everyone. That sounds like WoW.

Anti-Farming script

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mario Lemieux.9107

Mario Lemieux.9107

Ok, well, this thread kinda move away just a bit. But is coming back. Yes, as one said, I think i saw other similar thread as this one. But is weird that is no direct answer from Anet, but i guess is fine. Is something we will learn as the game goes. As we all know the game still on is crawling phase. With more time, it will mature and be better to all. I just hope that mats stop becoming more expensive than the out come product after creation, because that to me makes no sense.

Is like seen rare weapons (yellow) go for silver. I though something of such rarity will go for more.

The thing about rare weapons (yellow) is just that, they’re not rare. They’re all over the place. The game is overflowing with them. So of course they will sell for less to nothing. No demand = low price.

Anti-Farming script

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: dragonfire.4638


Ok, well, this thread kinda move away just a bit. But is coming back. Yes, as one said, I think i saw other similar thread as this one. But is weird that is no direct answer from Anet, but i guess is fine. Is something we will learn as the game goes. As we all know the game still on is crawling phase. With more time, it will mature and be better to all. I just hope that mats stop becoming more expensive than the out come product after creation, because that to me makes no sense.

Is like seen rare weapons (yellow) go for silver. I though something of such rarity will go for more.

Still low lvl to get any legendary weapon. But i am happy to see someone with the same thoughts as me.

I agree with this and its something that has annoyed me since time began and the fish crawled out of the sea… Rare items do not really seem that rare to me.. Although they are slightly rarer in GW2 than many other mmo i have seen.

I’m happy with the fact legendarys are real legendarys and take extraordinary measures to aquire. It would be quite puppy, err i mean kitten, to see loads of legendarys floating about..

I see why the stats are equal on weapons like legendarys compared to exotics, i see the thought proccess behind it but i dont agree with it tbh i prefer if they were a tiny bit stronger.

Anti-Farming script

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: dragonfire.4638


Ok, well, this thread kinda move away just a bit. But is coming back. Yes, as one said, I think i saw other similar thread as this one. But is weird that is no direct answer from Anet, but i guess is fine. Is something we will learn as the game goes. As we all know the game still on is crawling phase. With more time, it will mature and be better to all. I just hope that mats stop becoming more expensive than the out come product after creation, because that to me makes no sense.

Is like seen rare weapons (yellow) go for silver. I though something of such rarity will go for more.

I guess you are right. They should change the name “rare” to either “no demand” or “too many”

The thing about rare weapons (yellow) is just that, they’re not rare. They’re all over the place. The game is overflowing with them. So of course they will sell for less to nothing. No demand = low price.

Anti-Farming script

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lysidian.4653


As for grinding, no one likes to grind all the time (i mean, i shouldnt say no one, i guess some do, but grinding isnt really fun in itself.) Like the above player, i do enjoy a little grinding, but it shouldn’t even come close to being the thing i spend most of my time doing in a video game. I already have a job.

As for Colin, yes, ANet made a game that lets you play the way you want to. You can grind if you want to. Go ahead. No one is stopping you. I think the overall goal, however, is to remove that part of the game where the players whose actual circumstances allow them to grind all day long get a noticeable financial advantage for doing it.

Anti farm script stops players from grinding. I run into it routinely in 15 -30mins of playing. So no, I cant grind if I want to and yes ANET is stopping me. So…… based on the manifesto I should be able to get what I want in a fun and exciting way. What are my options? DEs? Welcome to DRs and essentially “grinding” DEs. WvWvW? Welcome to teleports, transfer spies, and typically one server completely dominating the maps to the point of camping outside the spawn areas to get their tokens. Dungeons? Wasnt there a cap on rewards just put in? Guess thats out. Just buy the crap off the TP? Hmmm if you dont buy gems > convert to gold > profit…… then how do you make money? You could play the TP mini game and flip items….. but wait ANET doesnt want us standing there doing the same thing over and over again.

See where this is going….. at this rate most of us got sold a lemon. So much for playing how we wanted to right.

In hindsight its pretty kittenkitten to build a game where atleast 50% of it is based on killing monsters and taking their stuff, and then punishing players for …… killing monsters and taking their stuff.

(edited by Lysidian.4653)

Anti-Farming script

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mario Lemieux.9107

Mario Lemieux.9107

As for grinding, no one likes to grind all the time (i mean, i shouldnt say no one, i guess some do, but grinding isnt really fun in itself.) Like the above player, i do enjoy a little grinding, but it shouldn’t even come close to being the thing i spend most of my time doing in a video game. I already have a job.

As for Colin, yes, ANet made a game that lets you play the way you want to. You can grind if you want to. Go ahead. No one is stopping you. I think the overall goal, however, is to remove that part of the game where the players whose actual circumstances allow them to grind all day long get a noticeable financial advantage for doing it.

Anti farm script stops players from grinding. I run into it routinely in 15 -30mins of playing. So no, I cant grind if I want to and yes ANET is stopping me. So…… based on the manifesto I should be able to get what I want in a fun and exciting way. What are my options? DEs? Welcome to DRs and essentially “grinding” DEs. WvWvW? Welcome to teleports, transfer spies, and typically one server completely dominating the maps to the point of camping outside the spawn areas to get their tokens. Dungeons? Wasnt there a cap on rewards just put in? Guess thats out. Just buy the crap off the TP? Hmmm if you dont buy gems > convert to gold > profit…… then how do you make money? You could play the TP mini game and flip items….. but wait ANET doesnt want us standing there doing the same thing over and over again.

See where this is going….. at this rate most of us got sold a lemon. So much for playing how we wanted to right.

I wish i had enough energy to respond to this properly…youre just too worried about making money and getting certain mats, instead of playing the game and having fun.

Dude, don’t play. GW2 will be fine without you.

Anti-Farming script

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lysidian.4653


lol dont worry I am not and wont. Not worth my time atm.

Anti-Farming script

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: dragonfire.4638


As for grinding, no one likes to grind all the time (i mean, i shouldnt say no one, i guess some do, but grinding isnt really fun in itself.) Like the above player, i do enjoy a little grinding, but it shouldn’t even come close to being the thing i spend most of my time doing in a video game. I already have a job.

As for Colin, yes, ANet made a game that lets you play the way you want to. You can grind if you want to. Go ahead. No one is stopping you. I think the overall goal, however, is to remove that part of the game where the players whose actual circumstances allow them to grind all day long get a noticeable financial advantage for doing it.

Anti farm script stops players from grinding. I run into it routinely in 15 -30mins of playing. So no, I cant grind if I want to and yes ANET is stopping me. So…… based on the manifesto I should be able to get what I want in a fun and exciting way. What are my options? DEs? Welcome to DRs and essentially “grinding” DEs. WvWvW? Welcome to teleports, transfer spies, and typically one server completely dominating the maps to the point of camping outside the spawn areas to get their tokens. Dungeons? Wasnt there a cap on rewards just put in? Guess thats out. Just buy the crap off the TP? Hmmm if you dont buy gems > convert to gold > profit…… then how do you make money? You could play the TP mini game and flip items….. but wait ANET doesnt want us standing there doing the same thing over and over again.

See where this is going….. at this rate most of us got sold a lemon. So much for playing how we wanted to right.

In hindsight its pretty kittenkitten to build a game where atleast 50% of it is based on killing monsters and taking their stuff, and then punishing players for …… killing monsters and taking their stuff.

You make a valid point; “so much to play how we want” when we are force to not do somethings.

Anti-Farming script

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: dragonfire.4638


As for grinding, no one likes to grind all the time (i mean, i shouldnt say no one, i guess some do, but grinding isnt really fun in itself.) Like the above player, i do enjoy a little grinding, but it shouldn’t even come close to being the thing i spend most of my time doing in a video game. I already have a job.

As for Colin, yes, ANet made a game that lets you play the way you want to. You can grind if you want to. Go ahead. No one is stopping you. I think the overall goal, however, is to remove that part of the game where the players whose actual circumstances allow them to grind all day long get a noticeable financial advantage for doing it.

Anti farm script stops players from grinding. I run into it routinely in 15 -30mins of playing. So no, I cant grind if I want to and yes ANET is stopping me. So…… based on the manifesto I should be able to get what I want in a fun and exciting way. What are my options? DEs? Welcome to DRs and essentially “grinding” DEs. WvWvW? Welcome to teleports, transfer spies, and typically one server completely dominating the maps to the point of camping outside the spawn areas to get their tokens. Dungeons? Wasnt there a cap on rewards just put in? Guess thats out. Just buy the crap off the TP? Hmmm if you dont buy gems > convert to gold > profit…… then how do you make money? You could play the TP mini game and flip items….. but wait ANET doesnt want us standing there doing the same thing over and over again.

See where this is going….. at this rate most of us got sold a lemon. So much for playing how we wanted to right.

I wish i had enough energy to respond to this properly…youre just too worried about making money and getting certain mats, instead of playing the game and having fun.

Dude, don’t play. GW2 will be fine without you.

I dont know about you. But to me, getting mats so i can craft and making money is part of my fun! and i bet many other.

I know what you are trying to say, but is not the problem that we want to cause, is like me, i like crafting, i like finding new recipes and hunting down the mats. That to me is fun and finally creating it, is cool. Even better selling it for good money after all the time i spend creating it.

Anti-Farming script

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mario Lemieux.9107

Mario Lemieux.9107

I get it. Hopefully they will balance it for everyone’s playing styles.

Anti-Farming script

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: bobzebrick.5309


This secret anti farming code policy has pretty much killed this game for me… Play how you want they said, yeah and get your loot nerfed to the ground. The game is ALL about loot and you fail at it. Hopefully Torchlight 2 will do a better job, and no money grabbing gem store either.

That’s what this all comes down to, you want people to buy more of your gems, and yeah I understand you need to make money and we have no monthly fee but having it covertly pushed on me like this is disagreeable.

Also I swear the code also effects salvaging which is a massive pain. I go to grind the magic find Sigil up to 25 stacks, usually hit the loot nerf, and if I try to salvage then I get disgraceful returns.

This reeks of Diablo 3 all over again but at-least the game is passable, although what should I expect from a company who came from Blizzard.

Anti-Farming script

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Cyztidy.3465


Blame the farming bots not Anet. The anti-farming code is only here to stop bots from screwing up the economy. When the bots are gone the anti-farming code should follow or be made less severe.

Anti-Farming script

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lysidian.4653


Blame the farming bots not Anet. The anti-farming code is only here to stop bots from screwing up the economy. When the bots are gone the anti-farming code should follow or be made less severe.

Are you kitten serious? Is the MAN doubling your dose of fluoride laced water in your community? People who think like this infuriate me to no end. Lets punish the masses for the actions of the few, instead of not being lazy and implementing a VIABLE solution that actually SOLVES the problem.

Anti-Farming script

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: fijea.3072


Many people (including myself) are trying to find out how to avoid the “anti-farming” and yeah I agreed we shouldn’t blame ANet since the script is to maintain the economy, fighting bots.

If you see the prices on TP atm, you’ll find many people having difficulties with maths, they didn’t include the listing fee and the tax –
Sometimes it’s better to sell it to the npc, but anyways..back on topic;
Don’t you guys think this is what the bots are doing? A program to sell cheaper than the existing value? since we could sell on TP from anywhere.
I don’t know if it does really exist or not but it could be. That way these bots doesn’t have to move from their spot to empty their bags.

So I think ANet needs to get rid of these bots immediately, then maybe they could remove the anti-farming script and we’ll be all happy.

Also, as far as I know, the anti-farming code doesn’t work with trophy items and mats.