Lv.80 Scrapper (Alchemist Persenia)
Lv.80 Druid (Mender Zalintyre)
(edited by Purecura.1795)
Hello Guild Wars 2 Community and LGBT community,
I jus started Guild Was 2 about 4 days ago, I’am a Lv. 15 Asuran Elementalist named Azinta on the Dragonbrand Server. I noticed that while I play the game some players arent very social.
Ive played many “Free MMOs” in the past and most of them were casual/hardcore. But there were many social players in these games. Now, iam not doubting that this game lacks a “Social Community” in game, but since ive been playing I have not come across a player who will jus chat for a few. I know most of us are focused with our own stories and exploring but I hope in the future ill come across some players who will jus enjoy “taking” a break and enjoying the scenery around us while we have a nice conversation.
As for the LGBT community, I hope you all can reach out to me (^_^).
It would be great to mingle with all of you. And journey together as well!
So I look forward to partying, conversating, and playing with all of you in the near future… this game is wonderful and I absolutely cannot wait to see what more it has to offer.
P.S: My Character INFO~
IGN: Azinta
Race: Asura
Class: Mesmer
Server: Dragonbrand
(edited by Purecura.1795)
First- I have no idea what LGBT means… I may be ignorant in this regards… Secondly- While I believe I’m a supportive and helpful player standing around and simply chatting tends to be rather boring for me. I’d much rather be running around killing something than typing hours on end. In my guild we skype and on a regular basis so typing has become a “dead” form of communication. Normally most guilds will have some form of vent like we do skype and since people tend to gravitate towards communities and stick with them you form friends. In a game when you’re talking to a friend over live chat you’re less likely to type out to a random stranger. The only recommendation I have for you is find a nice guild you’re comfortable in. Personally mine is very small and casual to the point we’ve added each other on facebook and refer to each other’s real names rather than character names.
If you feel alone or no one wants you maybe Protos de Atrium can give you a home :P (my guild)… Though we’re on Gates of Madness.
Before the game launched when I was looking at possible servers, I saw mention of Crystal Desert being an unofficial LGBT server.
I don’t know really how sexual bias really comes into an RPG but…
I am gender neutral in psychology, having no feeling of sexual identity. I am not masculine or feminine in demeanour and am physically non-sexual. I almost exclusively play female characters, as it is my way of enacting the feminine side of my nature which I cannot express in my real life.
While not strictly LGBT, I am all good with anyone of any gender preference.
can someone please tell me what LBGT means O.o?
First- I have no idea what LGBT means… I may be ignorant in this regards… Secondly- While I believe I’m a supportive and helpful player standing around and simply chatting tends to be rather boring for me. I’d much rather be running around killing something than typing hours on end. In my guild we skype and on a regular basis so typing has become a “dead” form of communication. Normally most guilds will have some form of vent like we do skype and since people tend to gravitate towards communities and stick with them you form friends. In a game when you’re talking to a friend over live chat you’re less likely to type out to a random stranger. The only recommendation I have for you is find a nice guild you’re comfortable in. Personally mine is very small and casual to the point we’ve added each other on facebook and refer to each other’s real names rather than character names.
If you feel alone or no one wants you maybe Protos de Atrium can give you a home :P (my guild)… Though we’re on Gates of Madness.
Ahh ok, well that is new to me. Iam usually the type to run up to a random character and say “hello, how are you? would you like to party?” lol. You gotta start somewhere right? So I guess I must get in with the “LINGO”, since im not use to the form of communication most players use on this MMO.
Nonetheless it does seem rather interesting on how most players will form their own communities/guilds (home) and play like that.
Oh and L.G.B.T community stands for Lesbian. gay. Bisexual. Transgenderd Community
When you choose a server, let me know, I’ll switch over (presuming you are in Europe). I like grouping with people who actually bother to communicate!
I don’t know really how sexual bias really comes into an RPG but…
I am gender neutral in psychology, having no feeling of sexual identity. I am not masculine or feminine in demeanour and am physically non-sexual. I almost exclusively play female characters, as it is my way of enacting the feminine side of my nature which I cannot express in my real life.
While not strictly LGBT, I am all good with anyone of any gender preference.
Even though Iam gay, I also (Mentally Speaking) align myself with the gender neutral aspect as well. This may sound contradicting but I consider myself masculine and feminine, or lack of a better word… ANDROGYNOUS… I embrace both…. so when I play games i try to create a androgynous male… if that cant be achieved to my liking then ill create a female.
When you choose a server, let me know, I’ll switch over (presuming you are in Europe). I like grouping with people who actually bother to communicate!
Awww Im in the USA! It made me sad earlier today when I said “hello, how are you?” to another player in the wilderness and they replied with a " ". I was totally shocked and was like “ummm ok” lol. but i guess i must get use to it.
Dang. I dont know if I can switch to a US server, or what my ping times would be to there. Sorry!
BTW you must be there mashing F5 By the time I skipped to Main you’d re-posted!
Dang. I dont know if I can switch to a US server, or what my ping times would be to there. Sorry!
BTW you must be there mashing F5
By the time I skipped to Main you’d re-posted!
Ahh its ok! Its not the end right? lol
And yes I was f5-ing lol
I’m from Europe, and am neither straight nor LBGT (I strongly believe that love has nothing to do with categorising). I do however understand that in many country’s being openly LBGT means that you are socially ignored. GW2 is no difference. Keep also in mind that many players are underage and have a different from adult viewpoint here.
Personally I would prefer to have a guild where you can openly be GLBT, and don’t be that openly in mapchat. Acceptance from friends is way more important to me then childish language from not understanding minors.
First- I have no idea what LGBT means… I may be ignorant in this regards… Secondly- While I believe I’m a supportive and helpful player standing around and simply chatting tends to be rather boring for me. I’d much rather be running around killing something than typing hours on end. In my guild we skype and on a regular basis so typing has become a “dead” form of communication. Normally most guilds will have some form of vent like we do skype and since people tend to gravitate towards communities and stick with them you form friends. In a game when you’re talking to a friend over live chat you’re less likely to type out to a random stranger. The only recommendation I have for you is find a nice guild you’re comfortable in. Personally mine is very small and casual to the point we’ve added each other on facebook and refer to each other’s real names rather than character names.
If you feel alone or no one wants you maybe Protos de Atrium can give you a home :P (my guild)… Though we’re on Gates of Madness.
Ahh ok, well that is new to me. Iam usually the type to run up to a random character and say “hello, how are you? would you like to party?” lol. You gotta start somewhere right? So I guess I must get in with the “LINGO”, since im not use to the form of communication most players use on this MMO.
Nonetheless it does seem rather interesting on how most players will form their own communities/guilds (home) and play like that.
Oh and L.G.B.T community stands for Lesbian. gay. Bisexual. Transgenderd Community
Oh- lol you learn something new everyday! Well, offer still stands for a nice home if you have trouble finding one though, I don’t believe anyone in my guild is anything but straight…. maybe someone? To be honest though when I’m on a game I’m rarely looking for a certain gender to talk to rather than just someone in general. To me its the social interaction rather than the chance of love?
No idea if that makes any sense…. lol
Owh, I feel you! I play in Ruins of Surmia and it’s silent every once in a while, but often we end up talking a lot in the /map chat.
I’m a guild officer with Equality Regiment – a casual social guild for the lgbt communities and their allies based on the Tarnished Coast server.
Look out for our [LGBT] guild tag!
I’d be glad to run around with you too. I’m on Tarnished Coast, but even if you don’t move there, we can still do dungeons. I’m an ally of the LGBT community and have a few members in my guild who are part of it also. Give me a shout in game sometime.
Yes, Crystal Desert is the unofficial GSSM (or as more people know it, LGBTQ) server. You will find many many q’ueer-themed guilds there. However, Crystal Desert is full most of the time, so moving there may not be an option.
From my own guild, I also know that a lot of us are on Tarnished Coast. Tarnished Coast is the unofficial RP server, and RP servers tend to have fewer of the ‘lol ur gay’ jerks as well, so that’s probably why.
Keep in mind that if what you are after is chatting in game, you can do this cross-server. So you can join any guild, even if its main server is not the same server as yours, and you can guild chat with them, in-game mail, whisper them etc. You can even run dungeons together, because dungeons are on their own server instance.
see… this is your problem… you come in here and imply that only LGBT people are friendly and social… I’m very straight and I love socially chatting with random people for fun… but you’ve made the assumption that you’ll only get that experience from the LGBT community… I would assume that the LGBT community would be above making sweeping negative generalizations about others since… you know… but apparently you’re not… I’m actually offended at this and its pretty hard to offend me…
see… this is your problem… you come in here and imply that only LGBT people are friendly and social… I’m very straight and I love socially chatting with random people for fun… but you’ve made the assumption that you’ll only get that experience from the LGBT community… I would assume that the LGBT community would be above making sweeping negative generalizations about others since… you know… but apparently you’re not… I’m actually offended at this and its pretty hard to offend me…
I’m not sure why you’re so offended. I really don’t see anything in the OP’s post to indicate that he/she would enjoy chatting with ONLY players from the LGBT community. He/she is presumably already chatting with straight players; it’s just a bit more challenging to find members of the LGBT community, hence this post.
I also see nothing to indicate sweeping negative generalizations about anyone. Could you perhaps clarify these generalizations you are referring to?
Further, I can almost guarantee you that if you are a straight-but-LGBT-friendly person, almost any member of the LGBT community would love to socialize with you.
see… this is your problem… you come in here and imply that only LGBT people are friendly and social… I’m very straight and I love socially chatting with random people for fun… but you’ve made the assumption that you’ll only get that experience from the LGBT community… I would assume that the LGBT community would be above making sweeping negative generalizations about others since… you know… but apparently you’re not… I’m actually offended at this and its pretty hard to offend me…
I suggest you actually read their post properly.
They have nowhere implied that only q’ueer people are social. They are asking for social people and also would love to meet some people who identity as LGBTQ.
Your assumptions are baseless, and overly hostile.
see… this is your problem… you come in here and imply that only LGBT people are friendly and social… I’m very straight and I love socially chatting with random people for fun… but you’ve made the assumption that you’ll only get that experience from the LGBT community… I would assume that the LGBT community would be above making sweeping negative generalizations about others since… you know… but apparently you’re not… I’m actually offended at this and its pretty hard to offend me…
You assumed wrong, I did not imply that I only want to speak and communicate with Gay people, but with all people including my LGBT community. Simple as that.
Yes, Crystal Desert is the unofficial GSSM (or as more people know it, LGBTQ) server. You will find many many q’ueer-themed guilds there. However, Crystal Desert is full most of the time, so moving there may not be an option.
From my own guild, I also know that a lot of us are on Tarnished Coast. Tarnished Coast is the unofficial RP server, and RP servers tend to have fewer of the ‘lol ur gay’ jerks as well, so that’s probably why.
Keep in mind that if what you are after is chatting in game, you can do this cross-server. So you can join any guild, even if its main server is not the same server as yours, and you can guild chat with them, in-game mail, whisper them etc. You can even run dungeons together, because dungeons are on their own server instance.
Thank you for INFO! I did not know the dungeons have their own server! This makes making friends on other servers even better! What I really brings “Music to my ears” is the idea that tarnished coast is a RP server! Now that’s something I need! I may jus delete my character and head on over there. If I can squeeze in lol
Even though Iam level 15, I can achieve that level again in a few days so its no bother.
Yes, Crystal Desert is the unofficial GSSM (or as more people know it, LGBTQ) server. You will find many many q’ueer-themed guilds there. However, Crystal Desert is full most of the time, so moving there may not be an option.
From my own guild, I also know that a lot of us are on Tarnished Coast. Tarnished Coast is the unofficial RP server, and RP servers tend to have fewer of the ‘lol ur gay’ jerks as well, so that’s probably why.
Keep in mind that if what you are after is chatting in game, you can do this cross-server. So you can join any guild, even if its main server is not the same server as yours, and you can guild chat with them, in-game mail, whisper them etc. You can even run dungeons together, because dungeons are on their own server instance.
Thank you for INFO! I did not know the dungeons have their own server! This makes making friends on other servers even better! What I really brings “Music to my ears” is the idea that tarnished coast is a RP server! Now that’s something I need! I may jus delete my character and head on over there. If I can squeeze in lol
Even though Iam level 15, I can achieve that level again in a few days so its no bother.
There’s no need to delete your character to transfer. Just hit the “World Selection” button in the lower-left corner of the character selection screen, select a world, then click “Transfer.”
If you have difficulties: Best of luck!
Yes, Crystal Desert is the unofficial GSSM (or as more people know it, LGBTQ) server. You will find many many q’ueer-themed guilds there. However, Crystal Desert is full most of the time, so moving there may not be an option.
From my own guild, I also know that a lot of us are on Tarnished Coast. Tarnished Coast is the unofficial RP server, and RP servers tend to have fewer of the ‘lol ur gay’ jerks as well, so that’s probably why.
Keep in mind that if what you are after is chatting in game, you can do this cross-server. So you can join any guild, even if its main server is not the same server as yours, and you can guild chat with them, in-game mail, whisper them etc. You can even run dungeons together, because dungeons are on their own server instance.
Thank you for INFO! I did not know the dungeons have their own server! This makes making friends on other servers even better! What I really brings “Music to my ears” is the idea that tarnished coast is a RP server! Now that’s something I need! I may jus delete my character and head on over there. If I can squeeze in lol
Even though Iam level 15, I can achieve that level again in a few days so its no bother.
There’s no need to delete your character to transfer. Just hit the “World Selection” button in the lower-left corner of the character selection screen, select a world, then click “Transfer.”
If you have difficulties: Best of luck!
Ah well thanks for the heads up! But I think my eyes like what they see in regards to the Mesmer class. And I’m already a ele, so I’m gonna change lol
Just my 2 cents—and will add that sex orientation is not a problem for me. That being said, like politics, religion,nationality (yes this one has come up and acted upon by the C.C. ) etc. can cause a varity of problems, disagreements and in the worst case scenario insults. imho they really don’t need to brought into the games discussion.
I do agree with the lack of social interaction in the game. Many do ignore others comments/text/questions or even helping out in game. The worst case was the other night when I was dead, a few came over to look and ran away with out responding to requests for revive. SAD!
P.S—try a google for a GW2 guild that has others that share your interests, believes etc. Take care.
(edited by Blude.6812)
I agree that not everyone in the world has social skills, but when it comes to being dead, I never had any issues in the really akward situations. I have been dead in hard to get places surrounded by several veterans and adds. I totally understand that it is hard to get me out of it. I swear and swallow my pirde then and go to a waypoint. But I always have been in exotic places, where I wasn’t around an enemy, and I asked kindly in mapchat and someone who was near came to me and ressed me. I had that today in the hidden garden jumple puzzle (mount maelstrom). The person who ressed me was even kind enough tgo whisper me, to explain i was on the other side of the map. he ressed me after bout 5 minutes and then we helped each other to finish the jumpinmg puzzle.
Like I said in my initial post. when talking in map chat, yo unever know who is listening, and beside sexual preferences (wich has nothing to do with this imo), some people are (thinking bout them as) hardcore gamers, some people don’t realise we are not really npc’s and some are just acting as if they are as stupid and anti-social as the hairs on a pigg’s butt.
Keep that in mind when talking into map chat and keep your own polite values, you will harvest more friends then you get rude comments. Thats a promise.
I’m new and on Dragonbrand, too!
Right now I kind of just run around alone. I always try and help people out if I see they’re in trouble and thank them when they do the same, but usually I just get a wave and they’re off.
Being gay sometimes draws negative attention, so I don’t mention it unless someone asks me or I’m among friends. It’d be nice to know I’m playing with people who’d still be cool if they knew. Maybe I’ll have to check Tarnished Coast out if I can ever catch it when it’s not full. =]
No problems understanding why I don’t get a revive when surrounded by mobs, vets etc. and a major battle. The incidents (more than a few times) were in a situation(s) when there was no enemies and there was 0 chance of being attacked during revive. They actually came over, looked and left.
I have been in major battles where others attempt to rez in the middle of it and succeed, or do a partial, fight and come back and finish the rez. I do the same. There are lots of good peeps playing. Other than a TY and wave not much more needed to be said. Even on vent, conversation drops to a minumum during the heat of battle.
Like you, after being rez/or providing a rez I have enjoyed joining forces and completing an event etc. All without saying much in chat.
@Blackcat- We must catch each other ingame then. Dont worry im sure dragon brand has more ppl from the LGBT. As for the tarnished coast, id love to go there, but its full! lol Ill jus have to wait
I’m a guild officer with Equality Regiment – a casual social guild for the lgbt communities and their allies based on the Tarnished Coast server.
Look out for our [LGBT] guild tag!
I will totally do that! im so glad LGBT guilds exist!
Just a note for Guzzi, I’m a Brit playing on the Tarnished Coast server and have no latency issues.
If someone is downed, the right thing to do is to rally them in some way. Either by trying to raise them when it’s safe to do so, or by killing the mob they are flinging rocks at.
If someone is defeated, sorry but they’re going to have to wait until after the fight is over. Almost all of the time, it takes too long to raise them safely, especially in the more hectic events.
One limitation of GW2 is the lack of built-in voice chat for parties. My last game had it, and it made coordination and organization in the heat of battle FAR easier. Event trash mobs in GW2 can kill you quickly, limiting the amount of time you can try to type to others.
Guilds tend to have a Vent/Mumble/TS/other VoIP system to communicate, but that’s not an option for people you happen to meet in an event.
I feel it’s one of the big issues for dungeon running. I have seen at least one PUG dungeon run where they gave everyone in the group temporary access to their TeamSpeak for the run, in order to coordinate.
As for LGBT guilds, I can see the desire to join one to talk to people with similar experiences. Don’t just limit yourself to them, however. Just about any mature guild will try to limit the hate speech and be accepting of differences. Although I fit under the overall LGBTQIA umbrella, I never felt the need to join an LGBT specific guild, but I’m glad they exist for those who do.
LGBTQIA? Thats a new one on me
Reminds me of a conversation I once had with a friend (and the leader of an awesome goth band)…
He: “First I was heterosexual, then homosexual, then bisexual, then trisexual, then metrosexual, then retrosexual… and now I am get-you-sexual.”
Me: “What’s trisexual?”
He: “I’ll ‘tri’ anything, darling.”
Yeah, he set me up pretty good for that one
I’m now on Dragonbrand.
PM me if you want my chara names to add
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