Any combos for Engineers?
I’m sure I’m doing something wrong here.
I’m currently a level 21 Rifle/Turret Engineer. I’m enjoying the game very much and this is my first run as a Engineer.
During the Beta, I played a Ranger and I noticed that my Beta Ranger was able to pull off lots of cool combos for bonus points. Almost all my Ranger’s skills had combos listed in the tooltips with them.
But for some reason I don’t seem to have any combo options right now as a Engineer. (Either that or I’m not seeing them…)
Did I pick the wrong build or something?
I am running a condition engineer, but most of your combos come from kits. Combo fields I use all of the time are burning from #4 skill on Flamethrower, Condition Removal field from Elixer gun #5 skill, you can do a water field with the Healing turret, if you use the heal turrets tool belt skill, then summon and immediately detonate the healing turret you get a water field, which provides regeneration for those around you.
I also use the bomb kit, which provides another burn combo field.
So it’s mainly Support Combos from the kits? ok, thanks.
I thought I was missing something as a Rifle-wielding maniac.
I think they should add some Rifle skill combos.
I did see some Pistol combos. But with a Rifle, I don’t seem to have any. Which sucks because I like using Rifles.
But, I guess I just have to play using what the game offers instead of trying to make the game do what I want it to do.
The rifle does have at least one combo that I know of, and you can do it yourself if you have a flamethrower equipped as well. Drop the napalm fire wall, and jump shot on top of it. It will give you the circle of fire buff where you burn anything near you. I think jump shot can be mixed with other things too, like a smoke field, and I’m pretty sure any of your shots are buffed by flame walls and other types of elemental fields when you shoot through them.
Actually according to http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Combo jump shot can activate many types of combos since it’s a leap ability.
Nothing better than the long range knockdown power of a nicely upgraded rifle! My human engineer never leaves home without it! He also carries a set of matched pistols, which are great for dungeon CQB.
The incendiary rounds you get with the flamethrower is my favorite combination with rifles and pistols.
I’m lvl 33 asura with Rifle as 1vs1 and Flamethrower for crowd control , as for utilities : default healing / land mine / bomb kit (thats for belt bomb, great thing) / elixir B / 7 series Golem
I’m working as a CD asura engie, so I have the benefit of using the radiation field to combo off of. That said, I typically use dual pistol with grenades, flamethrower, and the wrench kit.
Grenades have poison on 5, and flamethrower has burning on 4. Using some quick manuvering, you can pull an enemy in, give them bleed+vulnerability, knock them back, create a fire field, lock with pistol 5, and so on.
Here’s a question: Can you create a flaming net with your Flamethrower Firewall and your Rifle Net Shot?
If so, you can trap them and burn them at the same time!
Loudmouth, lousy PvPer, and mediocre PvEer.
I don’t own, I just play
Engineer Combo Fields
Flamethrower – Fire Field
Grenade Kit – Poison Field
Healing Turret – Water Field (1s~ duration from the 4 sec pulse + tool belt)
Flame Turret – Smoke Field
Bomb Kit – Fire Field, Smoke Field
Elixir Gun – Light Field (second light field with kit refinement trait)
Mortar – Chill Field, Water Field
Elixir R – Light Field
Elixir X – Light Field, Smoke Field
30 point explosives bomb on CC trait – Smoke Field
That should be everything. Please let me know if I missed anything.
Engineer Combo Finishers
All turret detonate abilities
Mine Gadget
Thumper Turret (Tool Belt + Activate)
Bomb Kit Tool Belt
Supply Drop
Rocket Turret Activate
Rocket Boots
Rifle #1
Pistol #1
Tool Kit Tool Belt
Personal Battering Ram Tool Belt
Rifle Turret Tool Belt
Elixir Gun #1
Rifle #5
Think I might be missing a projectile or blast. But it should be a pretty complete list. Nets do not count as a projectile finisher at the moment.