Any tips on Salazan as Necro?

Any tips on Salazan as Necro?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sunyavadin.7962


So far I’ve tried all my ranged weapons, and axe seems the most effective to spam.
Minion builds were the first I discounted due to them being instakilled.
Wells just don’t work effectively, he’s never taken damage form me in a well build.
High damage condition builds, I’ve tried my best, but the only things which seem to hurt him are signet of spite and my autoattack.
I can strafe him for ages, but at about half health he always brings up about his third ring of fire, and ends up using a huge fireball that my dodge does nothing to block and kills me instantly.

Any tips on Salazan as Necro?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danikat.8537


I’m up to Subject 7 and so far I’ve found Salazan to be by far the hardest opponent.

I did it on a ranger, not a necro, but what worked for me was circle strafing as long as the ring of fire wasn’t up, then as soon as it appeared using a stealth skill so he would stop attacking for a little bit and then running in a circle around the ring, healing when necessary. I didn’t try to dodge within the fire ring because I found I never had enough space – I’d dodge through the ring and end up downed. As soon as it’s down I’d go back to strafing.

I also used conditions for extra damage – bleeding and burning specifically, and didn’t bother trying to interrupt him or anything like that.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Any tips on Salazan as Necro?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sacrai.6280


I have beaten him using a power build. All I can say is he melted faster than me, don’t know if that’ll help you. I am running full berserker, and the stats are 30-25-0-0-15.

[LAGS] Sacraï – Roche de l’Augure[FR]

Any tips on Salazan as Necro?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sunyavadin.7962


Yeah, I keep circle strafing with my autoattack on, if I had a mouse I could map my attacks to like many of my friends use, it’d be easier, but dodging him when in the ring uses 100% of both my hands. I have 3 fingers free for casting and I can miss dodges if I move those off the 1-3 keys. So far I’ve found signet of spite and my autoattack can knock him down by about 25% of his health. Stealth skills aren’t an option as a necro, sadly.

Any tips on Salazan as Necro?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ProxyDamage.9826


, he’s never taken damage form me in a well build.

How…? Just drop the wells at his feet. I didn’t try him with my necro, but he doesn’t seem to move much…

Also, I don’t think he has any kind of stability, so with a power necro you could just pull him towards you with Spectral Grasp and go to town. Mostly if you go “face to face” with him he should lose.

Any tips on Salazan as Necro?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Blood Red Arachnid.2493

Blood Red Arachnid.2493

I didn’t know Salazan was a problem for necros. I beat the tar out of him on my power necro, first try.


Reaper’s Might, Axe Training, Close to Death
Ritual of Protection
Unyielding Blast, Vital Persistence, Deathly Perception

Gear: All berserker, except armor which was knights
Runes: ruby orbs
Sigils: Superior Sigil of Force x 2, Superior Sigil of Air x 2

Kind of a budget build, but I didn’t need anything else. To fight him I strafed back and forth inside of his fire rings while using Life Blast. When I ran out of DS, I followed up with the axe skills and just steadily DPSed him down. I didn’t even need to use any wells; all the HP from Death Shroud and regular HP gave me so much statistical bulk that Salazan never stood a chance.

I guess my best advice would be to go downstairs and fight alongside the zerg for a bit to recharge your life force before each fight. A full bar of lifeforce at the beginning of the fight can mean the difference between an easy fight and failure.

I don’t have opinions. I only have facts I can’t adequately prove.

Any tips on Salazan as Necro?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: CaptainShrimps.9143


Although I beat salazan on my thief, the strategy also works with necro. When he places his ring of fire around you, use spectral grasp to pull him into the centre of it, allowing you to circle strafe him without needing to dodge at all. I wasted like 6 tickets on him, but beat him on the first try I used this tactic.

Any tips on Salazan as Necro?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rainbow Sprint.3215

Rainbow Sprint.3215

I am not a necro so I can’t give specific necro build advice, but I see some common mistakes people make on him.

Never stop moving, he lays fire AOEs down at your feet while shooting fire things at you. If you stop moving the fields just stack damage and result in a quick death. Obviously dont move outside the ring of fire while it’s up, and then it’s just a matter of range.

Any tips on Salazan as Necro?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

I gave up on him on necro, finally actually beat it on engi. Go engi with flamethrower and he melts relatively fast. You have to be constantly moving though, there’s not much room for error with him, I also found it was really helpful to blast him as far away from you as possible and make sure when he makes fire rings you’re not against a wall because the ring actually goes outside the wall and you lose over half of your kiting room (and the garbage kitten camera continually freaks out to the point you can’t see him attacking anyway). Use speedy kits and invigorating speed then just swap between med kit and FT and melt his dumb kitten
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