Any tips to increase fps?

Any tips to increase fps?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: TheOnlyOneNL.3821


I’m currently playing gw 2 on a laptop and i’m loving it. But sadly my laptop can only run smootly on the worst settings. Does anyone know some tips to increase my fps so i can enjoy the game on higher settings?

Any tips to increase fps?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Eddy Stylez.3259

Eddy Stylez.3259

Either wait for more optimizations, or buy a higher spec’d laptop/desktop are your only options I would assume. The game just launched, and NVIDIA and AMD havn’t really optimized their driver releases for this game yet, so wait for their next major driver releases and check your performance then.

Any tips to increase fps?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Qtin.6940


I’m afraid that you can’t really do anything If you have hardware limitations ..
Overclocking Laptops is a bad idea, do not try it.

On the other hand, you can try to scan your computer for malwares/virus
Defragment your hard drive
Close useless applications running in the background

Any tips to increase fps?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: TheOnlyOneNL.3821


Thanks for the tips

Any tips to increase fps?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kharlus.3612



As for laptops especially, make sure you are using High Performance energy profile under Power Management within Windows Settings.

I don’t know you you also did:

- Disable AA and Vsync on you GPU… it make great difference on fps…

See you!

Any tips to increase fps?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: TheVindelator.8239


Try downloading “Game Booster.” It disables programs that run in the background temporarily so games run better. (This helped me just a little.)

You could also plug a flash drive into your computer and use “ready boost.” (Not sure how much it will help but it won’t hurt.)

Any tips to increase fps?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: bonkimusha.4093


If you’re running Windows 7, you should try disabling Windows Aero.

Any tips to increase fps?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Smackwell.2380


Clean your fans, if you can. Before Guild Wars 2, I was playing another MMO on my laptop, and was getting some terrible framerates. The computer was crashing as well. I opened it up, cleaned out my fans, and not only did the computer stop crashing, but I got a 25 FPS increase, as well.

Any tips to increase fps?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Arnuk.9786


If you are running windows 7 you can disable visual themes and desktop composition. Right click your Guild Wars 2 icon and select Properties. Under the compatibility tab, click the check boxes next to Disable visual themes and Disable desktop composition and hit apply. I’ve noticed a significant increase to my FPS on a couple games doing this, including GW2. (9500gt gpu)

Any tips to increase fps?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jonny.6013


My laptop will also only run the game smoothly on lowest settings. Game Booster allowed me to switch most of the settings to Medium and it is running much more smoothly. Still can’t cope with High settings, but it’s a significant improvement.

Any tips to increase fps?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kaeyos.4912


Cooling being a key factor as mentioned earlier in the post (cleaning fans) airflow is also a concern. Try elevating the rear of your laptop while playing to allow more air to get into the intakes. YOu can also try a good cooling pad to force more air into your intakes, youll need to clean a little more with the cooling pad but it can make a difference. I run a lappy with dual 6990’s and airflow is essential!!

Any tips to increase fps?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: VendettaDFA.9368


The more resources you can free up the better your system can run. Check your startup to see what windows tries to load. If you dont want to dig … try Slim Computer .. free microsoft gold certified partner program … It can help you out. As far as ingame … reflections and shadows off then play with some of the other settings to see what works. You should be able to coax a little eyecandy if you tinker but if you are low end … you are lowend. Good luck