Any way to stop conditions from moving around?
Spend a bit of time on the wiki reading up on each one, and getting acquainted with the symbols. Then you can tell at a glance what you have on you (or on them)
I want to know more than just what the effect is. I want to see the duration, the source, etc
Well, I’m going to go on a limb here and assume what your trying to accomplish is waiting for a certain condition to run out so you can apply a new one right after to maximize it’s efficentcy. This would be a good idea on most MMO’s but on Guildwars it’s a little pointless. Most conditions have stacking durations <poison/cripple/burning> or stacking effects <Bleed/confusion>. I THINK the only ones that don’t apply to these rules are stuns and dazes, but those don’t generally work on raid bosses anyway. In my experiance there is little downside to just spamming my own conditions as much as possible. <nodnods>
It’s more like when you have a specific buff/condition on you that a boss that put there, but you cant read it for the life of you (literally) because it teleports around.
Stuff like Bees, living lightning, fiery fury ETC, are all hard to see what they’re actually doing to you.