

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Uleq.4351


Looking for fast, not tp needing lvling place (not eotm or pavilion)


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Syrpharon.7491


Go exploring or make dungeon runs (from lv35 on)
If it’s your first time, just explore
If it’s the second time or more, run dungeons like hell and repeat same paths over and over.


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Uleq.4351


Its not so efective :/


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Syrpharon.7491


It is Uleq, I have done it tons of times with my alts. There would be wvw and pavilion, but since you excluded both of them…

You need to find a good group. Alternatively, just explore. It gives tons of exp


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Uleq.4351


I excluded pavilion cus of hardship to get into gold instance -.-


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Uleq.4351


So if you have fast way to get into one as solo, non ts player help me


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Elden Arnaas.4870

Elden Arnaas.4870

Uleq, you didn’t say whether you are new to the game or not. So let me explain a few things. When people say “exploring” they mean unlocking all the hearts, points of interest, skill points, way points, and vistas on each map. Each of these things gives you experience. Gathering(lumber, ore, and plants) also gets you a little experience each time. Completing a map also gives you an additional award.
Crafting will also give you experience, but you’ll need crafting materials. SO you’ll need to alternate this with exploring and gathering, because crafting materials are pretty expensive right now. There are also crafting guides on line. I’ve used and there are others. Personal story will also give you experience, and level appropriate gear.(If you’re doing them at the recommended level.)
Anet seems to want players to do a good mix of things. And exploring (map clearing) whole gathering and doing the local events will get you a surprising amount of experience. Some of the hearts and vistas are tedious and unpleasant, skip them and come back later.(or never, if you prefer) Exploring all the starter areas is not difficult, and will get you a lot of experience. Mix in some Personal story, gathering, events, and crafting and gathering and you should do well. You can also do the World Bosses in the starter areas, until you level up higher. You won’t get a bonus chest until you’re level 39, but it’s still worth doing.
You don’t need to “zerg” or do a train to level your characters. In fact, the primary low level zerg was just nerfed. Try a lot of different things, and avoid what you find unpleasant. It isn’t hard, but it does take some effort.


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: klep.4165


I leveled all my alts by map clearing. It is easy, relatively painless and gets you mats for crafting or selling. I actally found it enjoyable. Mix in Personal Story once in a while, and you can level to 80 quite quickly.


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Azrael.4960


Or if you have a lvl 80 character, join a group and ask if you can swap to your low level character at the boss.

Also, don’t forget to carry foods with you and any XP boosters that you have gotten as rewards. Keep those up as much as you can.


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Uleq.4351


Oh, Ye, my bad. I have already lvl 80 warrior which I played since start of open servers. But I didnt rly feel like I need diffrent characters. One week ago I switched to my lvl 2 ranger. With this item that makes you lvl 20 and crafting to 400 I got to lvl 30 in some mins. Then got some pvp tomes and made him lvl 45. Now Im planning on getting 80 fast, but exploration and pstory bores me :/ And every bb im in gets silver(not that bad) but then get disbanded after two or 3 runs Q.Q


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: pdavis.8031


The fastest way would be EotM, but as you don’t want to go that route, your only other option is dungeons (swapping out at end), and exploring. Also make sure you are doing your dailies on your alt. I found when I was leveling my alt, I would swap in dungeons, a good idea would be to unlock all the WP to the dungeons, you can get quite a bit of EXP by exploring higher level areas as well. For example, running up to HotW WP, and Arah WP. Just avoid any mobs you can, and just plough through. There really isn’t another way to level faster, unless you want to craft each of the disciplines to 400, if you have the money for it.

“You know what the chain of command is?
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”