Anyone else frustrated with attaining XP survivor

Anyone else frustrated with attaining XP survivor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Phedre Scion.1520

Phedre Scion.1520


Boy-this seems to be an impossible title for those of us who live in a rural area that has unexpected interruptions to service and power outages. I have wasted purchased gems to buy boosters to only have a cable internet disruption and a power outage-both times when I am well into tier 3. I wish it would go by deaths, not service interruptions. I give up rather than spend more money.

(edited by Phedre Scion.1520)

Anyone else frustrated with attaining XP survivor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Alistair.9324


Yeah it’s quite irritating and frustrating at lower levels. Luckily at level 80 100k exp can easily be attained.

Hopefully they get a fix out soon though.

Anyone else frustrated with attaining XP survivor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Eathanskies.3817


It was an absolute nightmare to get, but once I hit 80 and the next monthly achievement rolled around I got it without even realising.

Erik Fallon – Coalition of Space Magicians

Anyone else frustrated with attaining XP survivor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Chorel.1720


Get to 80 and craft. Even 60ish would be fine. I was getting somewhere around 15-20k for discoveries I think.. unless I read it wrong.

Anyone else frustrated with attaining XP survivor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jia Shen.4217

Jia Shen.4217

I have been rather annoyed as well since I keep dying because I somehow manage to be at a spot where event mobs spawn and get insta-killed because there are like 6-8+ mobs in the spawn. I have a question though. Is the monthly reward worth the effort? So far the daily it seems the only worth is the XP and mystic coin. Assuming that coin is used to make the best thing we can ever have in the game.

Anyone else frustrated with attaining XP survivor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Eathanskies.3817


You get like 20 mystic coins and a bunch of xp/cash. It wasn’t great, but still pretty sweet.

Erik Fallon – Coalition of Space Magicians

Anyone else frustrated with attaining XP survivor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Edge.4180


I probably would have had it a dozen times over already. Unfortunately, mine has been stuck for weeks now at the same value, which has made it completely impossible for me to finish the monthly achievement. I’m hoping the reset will fix it (and that it won’t break again this time).

Anyone else frustrated with attaining XP survivor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ciovala.8419


The 20 mystic coins was nice, but the monetary reward was only 46 coppers…

Anyone else frustrated with attaining XP survivor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DeXyre.6025


I probably would have had it a dozen times over already. Unfortunately, mine has been stuck for weeks now at the same value, which has made it completely impossible for me to finish the monthly achievement. I’m hoping the reset will fix it (and that it won’t break again this time).

The bar will remain on the max amount of xp you achieved without dieing, if you surpass that amount you will see progress again.

Anyone else frustrated with attaining XP survivor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Edge.4180


I probably would have had it a dozen times over already. Unfortunately, mine has been stuck for weeks now at the same value, which has made it completely impossible for me to finish the monthly achievement. I’m hoping the reset will fix it (and that it won’t break again this time).

The bar will remain on the max amount of xp you achieved without dieing, if you surpass that amount you will see progress again.

That’s a nice theory and something I considered myself. However, that is not the case here. My bar has been stuck for several weeks at 21,436 xp (first tier). I’ve easily passed that value a number of times without dying (fairly simple to do at higher levels as it takes more XP than that just to gain a single level).

It’s just broken.

Actually, according to the Official GW2 Wiki, it’s bugged:

The Survivor experience counter resets any time you leave an instance. This includes logging out, changing characters/returning, entering the personal storyline, entering The Mists or WvW, or even mapping to some distant waypoints within the same map. In other words, you must plan in advance to remain within the same map for long enough to earn the 100,000 points.

(edited by Edge.4180)

Anyone else frustrated with attaining XP survivor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: magecu.2571


It’s even worse when you don’t die and then the game just doesn’t count the progress.

It happened to me.
Didn’t die on any of the characters.
Went for some crafting (wanted to get certain types of crafted items) and got two levels in the process (about 70k xp), yet the survivor meter didn’t budge from 46k.

So I went to do some questing thinking that maybe crafting doesn’t count toward the title. I did about a lvl (another 35k aprox) and the tittle didn’t budge at all.

None of my characters died, from either falling PVP or anything at all, yet there was no change.

Suffice to say I had enough and stopped being so careful about dieing.

Anyone else frustrated with attaining XP survivor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Derpinator.2894


I’m not sure if they’ve “fixed” it or not, but I was getting 177K xp from doing CM story mode with guildies the other night.

One shotted the itsy bisty tiny kitty out of that achievement.

Anyone else frustrated with attaining XP survivor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lymain.6723


Yes, it’s very frustrating. I don’t really understand how it works.

[AS] Tarnished Coast

Anyone else frustrated with attaining XP survivor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zenyatoo.4059


I’m not sure if they’ve “fixed” it or not, but I was getting 177K xp from doing CM story mode with guildies the other night.

One shotted the itsy bisty tiny kitty out of that achievement.

you get 177k exp on first run of the day explorables too. Which means the achievement is easily done by just doing 1 dungeon run per month.

Anyone else frustrated with attaining XP survivor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vash.1852


Most of you aren’t even talking about the same thing as the OP. OP is talking about the survivor achievement, not the monthly achievement. To get survivor you have to not die from the start of your characters life, and obtain 200,000+ experience. If you die you have lost your chance and can only make a new character to try again.

Anyone else frustrated with attaining XP survivor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Edge.4180


Most of you aren’t even talking about the same thing as the OP. OP is talking about the survivor achievement, not the monthly achievement. To get survivor you have to not die from the start of your characters life, and obtain 200,000+ experience. If you die you have lost your chance and can only make a new character to try again.

Actually, the OP is referring to the Monthly achievement, not the Hero achievement that you’re referring to. The Hero achievement has 2 tiers, where as the Monthly achievement for survivor has 4 tiers. Note that the original poster said “..and a power outage-both times when I am well into tier 3..”.

Since there is no third tier in the Hero survivor achievement, it’s clear he’s talking about the Monthly survivor achievement instead.

Anyone else frustrated with attaining XP survivor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Sparkie.3465


Phedre, could you tell us your level and give us a rough idea of how long you have between service interruptions? We could probably give you a better idea on how to proceed with more information.

Also, I suggest that, if you really care that deeply about the monthly, you might be putting too high of a value on it. It’s worth about 40 silver worth of stuff and 3% of your current XP bar right now. That’s pretty easy to make up for in a play session, even an interrupted play session.

If you are really determined to do it, though, I do have a potential solution. Take a trip to a more metropolitan area and set yourself up in an internet-enabled area for a few hours. Obviously, I don’t know where you live and I don’t know how long such a trip would take you. Your local library or community college might be an option. Coffee shops and many restaurants are another option. Maybe a friend or local family member has better internet and might put up with you for an afternoon (pro tip: pay for a meal for your host if you do this to compensate for internet-mooching).

As another tip, MMOs are not really a good hobby for someone without stable internet and power. You will only frustrate yourself. It’s like taking up fishing in the desert. Perhaps you should be more concerned with obtaining stable access to electricity first and think about MMOs later – your priorities seem a bit out of whack at the moment.

(edited by Sparkie.3465)

Anyone else frustrated with attaining XP survivor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Balthamel.2867


Well, I was tracking this achievement. I was on 78k exp and tracked it all the way to 97,771 and it just froze there, no deaths Hoping for a fix cause I would of gone way over however, since ‘going over’ I have died. Still states 97,771.

Anyone else frustrated with attaining XP survivor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: CaveSalamander.9150


It was an absolute pain in the lower levels- however once I hit 45-ish I didn’t even notice (or die since I was in 15-30 lvl areas).

Edit: Must be such a pain in the kitten now that it’s broken.

My quest is to find the dorito.

(edited by CaveSalamander.9150)

Anyone else frustrated with attaining XP survivor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: magecu.2571


Most of you aren’t even talking about the same thing as the OP. OP is talking about the survivor achievement, not the monthly achievement. To get survivor you have to not die from the start of your characters life, and obtain 200,000+ experience. If you die you have lost your chance and can only make a new character to try again.

Even that doesn’t seem to work for me.
On one character I have 0 XP on the Lifetime Survivor, that would mean that my character had to die before I even started playing trough the tutorial and I know that’s not the case.

This survivor thing doesn’t seem to work, then again the game did start quite bugged and it looks like it will take a few more months for the larger bugs to be sorted out.

Still I prefer this a lot more than only being able to play once a month waiting for the beta to complete. Even in such a state GW2 is more fun to play than other MMORPGs.

Anyone else frustrated with attaining XP survivor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Albel.6295


If your having trouble completing this at lower levels. It may help to save up alot of money and use it to level up a profession.

It took me about a gold worth of crafting materials to get 60k xp at one time

Anyone else frustrated with attaining XP survivor

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tallenn.9218


100k goes by really fast at 80. It won’t be frustrating for long.