Anyone know how to make the Exotic weapons for the Legendary weapons?

Anyone know how to make the Exotic weapons for the Legendary weapons?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Saint.5914



Has anyone actually discovered a sure fire pattern to make the “Tier 1 Legendary” weapons, for lack of a better term. Everything I’ve read has said that you have to take 4 80 Rare, or 4 80 Exotic weapons (weapons depending on which you want) and use the mystic forge, the rest is left up to luck. Now I fail to believe that a developer would be stupid enough to:
1. Leave something like getting a specific weapon up to luck
2. Leave getting specific weapon stats up to luck
3. Essentially force you to farm yourkitten off, have massive help from a guild, or be rich IRL, just to craft…and once again be forced to leave it up to luck

Like I said, I fail to believe a game developer would leave stuff like that up to luck. Something like a Legendary should be based off of how much work you put into it, not “oh hey I got it on my first try” or “oh hey, I got it on my 500th try”

So if anyone does know a sure fire pattern to get the “Tier 1 Legendary” weapons, could you please share it here.


Anyone know how to make the Exotic weapons for the Legendary weapons?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Saint.5914


Also, all 4 weapons used in crafting the exotic weapon had Power, Precision and Crit Damage

Anyone know how to make the Exotic weapons for the Legendary weapons?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Setch.2398


I am confused by what you mean. Exotic weapons can be crafted (as well as exotic gear) and are not at all legendary. Legendary requires months or years to create using the great forge. It is my understanding that legendary gear has the same stats as exotic it just looks cooler. Like a billion times cooler

SOR – [Boss]

Anyone know how to make the Exotic weapons for the Legendary weapons?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Saint.5914


What I’m asking is how to get the the exotic weapon before the Legendary, for example, you need to get “Spark” before you can make “Incinerator”. Everything I’ve read so far says you have to leave it up to luck, and hope that the 4 weapons you combine together make Spark (or w/e other Exotic weapon you want) from the Mystic Forge.

I would be fine with farming my brains out for matts that I KNOW will make the weapon, but I’m not okay with farming matts just to make weapons, just to combine them together so that I have a CHANCE to get the weapon I need.

Anyone know how to make the Exotic weapons for the Legendary weapons?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Goldbear.4691


Have you tried using Forge Stones? Mystic Coins?
Even better I think the NPC right next to the forge (Miyani) has a 200 Skillpoint item called Bloodstone Shard (wiki: which should be interesting for you

checked the wiki again and found this list here:

Anyone know how to make the Exotic weapons for the Legendary weapons?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Saint.5914


Right, and that’s for the Legendary, not for the weapon required to make the Legendary. For example, for the Dagger you need, Gift of Metal, Liquid Flame, Bloodstone and Spark. Spark being the weapon you make before the actual Legendary.

And yes, I have tried using Mystic Coins, which, once again, gives you a random weapon based off of nothing but luck.

For anyone wondering what I’m talking about: 5 X + 5 Y + 30 Mystic Coins + 1 Eldritch Scroll = Some random exotic weapon, depending one what weapon materials use, X being the hilts/handles Y being the blade/blunt object

That was a good waste of 50 skill points

(edited by Saint.5914)

Anyone know how to make the Exotic weapons for the Legendary weapons?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: NoFate.3786


RNG in such games is so frustrating, instances loots are always items that u can’t use, mystic forge gives you weapons that u can’t use aswell. Why in universe GW2 has to have RNG too. Mystic Forges wiki says it is pure RNG unless you will buy recipe off the NPC.

Anyone know how to make the Exotic weapons for the Legendary weapons?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Saint.5914


I was willing to do that too NoFate, but the vendor doesn’t have a recipe for any of the first weapons, only the Gifts and such for the Legendary. That’s what makes this so dumb, yeah, it’s dumb because it’s RNG, but what’s even dumber, is that there is no clear way to make it. So even with RNG you don’t know what conditions you have to meet to even get into that RNG pool

What’s even more frustrating is the fact that I know there are people who know how to make them, or where to find them because you can find them on the trading post. And yet these people are keeping the information to themselves to try and make money off it. Someone has Dusk of Rage up for 60 gold, who has 60 gold to spend on it….people need to stop being selfish and share it with the community

(edited by Saint.5914)

Anyone know how to make the Exotic weapons for the Legendary weapons?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Saint.5914


I’ve tried everything I can think of, but I still can’t make “Spark”

Anyone know how to make the Exotic weapons for the Legendary weapons?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: slayerofdoom.5983


If i remember correctly if you go to the garrison in your borderlands and talk to the person next to the forge. check the side tab and you will find a bunch of recipes. those might be what your looking for

Anyone know how to make the Exotic weapons for the Legendary weapons?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Saint.5914


I haven’t checked that yet Slayer, if I can actually get in to WvW I will, but chances are they are just the gifts again.

So, after spending like 15 minutes running around the borderlands base, I don’t think there is a Mystic Forge here…unless I’m just missing it. Could you give a rough location of where it is, generalized based on where everything else is

(edited by Saint.5914)

Anyone know how to make the Exotic weapons for the Legendary weapons?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Saint.5914


Combinations I’ve tried that haven’t worked:
4 Rare Daggers
30 Mystic Coins, 5 Orichalcum Dagger Hilts, 5 Orichalcum Dagger Blades, and an Eldritch Scroll

Vendors I’ve checked that don’t have anything useful:
Miyani – Right next to the Lions Arch Mystic Forge
Every high end gear/pattern vendor I can think of

Websites/articles I’ve read:
Every single one pertaining to the Legendaries

Results of said tests/research….nothing

(edited by Saint.5914)

Anyone know how to make the Exotic weapons for the Legendary weapons?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Premium.4075


Considering how rare this is and how I have only seen one up for almost 80 gold on my server, I don’t think you’re going to have people just handing out the info easily haha.

Anyone know how to make the Exotic weapons for the Legendary weapons?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Saint.5914


It’s more the fact that there’s no way to find a recipe in-game or out of game right now. I don’t have the resources, nor the time to sit around and experiment with every kind of material there is. I’ve already wasted 50-some skill points trying to make this.

And from the developers who said “You don’t have to worry about getting the right piece of gear to drop” this is EXTREMELY ironic. I thought the whole idea of the game was just working hard, not having to get lucky and discover the pattern based off of how many times you use the mystic forge.