Anyone know what skin this staff is?
What level were you there ? maybe you can start out with that , than look up staffs on the guildhead site .
That’s the Order of Whispers staff.
Order of Whispers? That sounds like a special set? It would’ve come from a foe drop, nothing special I bought anywhere.
Ok, so I have just had a thought after you asked my level (22)… the date I took that was August 31st, which was the day before I went on holiday. I only came back on wednesday so really, I should still have it in my inventory…
I originally thought it was my staff of hobbling, but when I equipped it was just a standard skin the one that looks a bit like a rosebud in the thumbnail so dismissed it.
I just searched for my exact same staff at trading post and the thumbnail is different and looks like it could be the staff I’m looking for. but when you mouseover and the stat box pops up, its the standard rosebud picture (I just tried to take a screenshot of the stats but the stat box doesn’t show in screenshots?!)
You think it’s possible the skins have been messed up in an update?
Right, I bought one off trading post to see as it was only 75 copper.
In my inventory the thumbnail reverts to the standard staff, in preview it’s the standard staff, then when I open black lion to sell it… It’s the special thumbnail again!!
There’s going to be alot of angry people if this is happening with other weapons, expecting a special skin but getting a bog-standard one.
I think I’ll report it as a bug. I know some fancy things have a standard thumbnail, but it’s not on having it the other way round.
So now I’m semi convinced this was the staff I was looking for with a messed up skin…