Anyone looking for a leveling buddy?

Anyone looking for a leveling buddy?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kurotsugii.1985


I am just looking for someone to play with while doing quests ,events etc. It would be a lot more fun with some company. At the moment i am level 14, located in Stormbluff(EN). It would be nice to level with someone who is the same level or close to that. Maybe even join a guild and have fun with that.

My ingame name is Death Scythhe. I would love to hear from someone either ingame or on here.

(edited by Kurotsugii.1985)

Anyone looking for a leveling buddy?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shepaski.9302


i’m looking for an adventure buddy lol.
you don’t mind a lvl 30 ranger : )

mostly i’m more keen on exploring maps and clearing all the skill, hearts,view vista, way points and points of interests in that map. doing events and such that come my way.
you lvl pretty quickly by clearing maps and i’ve only completed plains of Ashford, the back citadel and lions arch.

right now i’m working on shiver peak mountain but i don’t mind going to lower level areas, i’m still a novice at the game.

Anyone looking for a leveling buddy?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kurotsugii.1985


I would love to clear maps with you. Feel free to message me in game or friend me.

Anyone looking for a leveling buddy?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shepaski.9302


sure, my characters name is
In Wolf Hide

Anyone looking for a leveling buddy?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: hedix.1986


Kitteny ocean! :p
Not to hijack your thread, but I’m looking for a similar thing on EU servers. Got 2 lvl80s, still need some maps on my main toon, but I would also like some company for leveling my warrior and thief. Got a lowbie guildie who would also be interested.
/w in-game (main toon: Isoldë, server: Ruins of Surmia)

[QQ] – ex RoS, current Piken Square
[DV] – megaboss community

Anyone looking for a leveling buddy?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shepaski.9302


btw Kurotsugii
i’m usually online in the afternoons and night
u can use the Hong Kong time zone to gauge when i’m online, if u could let me know which time zone your at it would help greatly

Anyone looking for a leveling buddy?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kurotsugii.1985


No worries Hedix, that’s what this thread is for

Shepaski, I’ve added you in game and the times I am on are afternoon and night/mornings most days. I’m located in gmt -6.

Anyone looking for a leveling buddy?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Steve Snitzelberg.6875

Steve Snitzelberg.6875

Any humans want to lvl together i just made a theif and im only lvl 5
and kinda new to gw2

Anyone looking for a leveling buddy?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shepaski.9302


@steve, which server you in?
gimme you character name

add me
In Wolf Hide

Anyone looking for a leveling buddy?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Thrash Wolf.7892

Thrash Wolf.7892

I got altaholism pretty bad, 2 more slots in the recent sale haha, so it would be awesome to have some buddies on the friendlist for leveling and (also; high level) map completion (40 ancient wood logs pls, pls, pls!). If we get enough people fo fill a party maybe even dungeon leveling?

I’m in EU, on Deso so;

Kitteny ocean! :p
Not to hijack your thread, but I’m looking for a similar thing on *EU servers*. Got 2 lvl80s, still need some maps on my main toon, but I would also like some company for leveling my warrior and thief. Got a lowbie guildie who would also be interested.
/w in-game (main toon: Isoldë, server: Ruins of Surmia)

I’ll add you later when I get online dude, although I’ve still got the last few tequatl achievements to be working on before everyone gets bored with him

edit; My main ign is The Blizzard. Hit me up for parties with badly typed chat

Straight outta Hoelbrak

(edited by Thrash Wolf.7892)