Anyone wanna start and play togheter?
First of all welcome to the game!,
at the moment I have no free character slots so I can’t level with you, but you are more than welcome to add me as a friend and ask questions whenever you like!
I have a free slot open if you wanna create a character together. I dont really have any friends in game. Hoping to change this! Feel free to add me and send me a tell if you want.
Hi, I am also looking for more people to play the game with. You guys can also add me if you like.
I’m also interested in making some friends here. I bought the game a year ago, but I never really found anyone to play with. You can add me as well if you’d like.
Hey , I just started playing new character
Im level 30 or 31 warrior feel free to add me to friends and we can play together
I started a warrior too. Am at around 31 i think. I’ll be home in about 10 hours or so. Hook me up so we can play together too ^^
I’m on american severers, used to play with some friejnd back in 2013, they have all left and i have come back, hit me up if your up for a party or raid or something, my new char is lv32
I bet you are already well on your way, but I will chime in anyway.
My next character will be a Charr ranger.
Will use a Experience Scroll to bump to level 20 then do Map exploration until level 40-50.
Then Personal Story.
Finally, finish up with the rest of Map Explore.
Lots of gathering, salvaging, events, hearts, and Open World stuff.
So no speed level on this one (been there and done that).
Haven’t decided a playstyle yet. Probably melee.
Sword+Warhorn maybe. Seems kinds Charr-ish
I am not in a big hurry, but when I get started I stay focused.
Feel free to message me in-game if you want to discuss getting started.
Afternoons EST (UTC-5) is when I will be playing this guy except when Ready_Up, POI, or @Aurora_Peachy is on Twitch.