Are Necromancers that bad?

Are Necromancers that bad?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rok.5260


I love the idea of being a Necromancer, but lately I’ve been reading the necromancer forums here and I was just wondering if Necromancers are really that bad compared to other classes when it comes to PvE and PvP?

Right now I’m leveling my Necromancer and I’m having fun with him, but I know that Leveling and Endgame is very different, I just don’t want to be disappointed when I reach max level and have to reroll as another class.

Are Necromancers that bad?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Oglaf.1074


Compared to Elementalist and Mesmer, Necromancer sorta did get the short end of the stick.

I can do thirty Five-Dolyak Arm Curls.

Do you even lift, bro?

Are Necromancers that bad?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rufus Shinra.2351

Rufus Shinra.2351

I read the forums for every class before getting alts and they all say that their class suck. Everybody just complains about their character being too week or nerfed instead of just enjoying what they are for.

I can say that necro aren’t that bad. I actually found myself really lucky to have one on my team when doing dungeons.

You just gotta see the professions separetly. The mesmer and the necro aren’t magician. Only the ele focuses on spell casting. The other two have their own mecanics and if you don’t enjoy them, you shouldn’t play them.

Are Necromancers that bad?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: AwwGee.5628


They’re not so bad you have to reroll.

The problem with necros are their lack of damage per se really, so people who speedrun would rather not have them around.

Other than that as long as you enjoy your class, you’re fine.

Are Necromancers that bad?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Oglaf.1074


I read the forums for every class before getting alts and they all say that their class suck.

The key point here is that both Necro and Engineer players have every right to say their class suck.

I can do thirty Five-Dolyak Arm Curls.

Do you even lift, bro?

Are Necromancers that bad?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Margicar.8694


Believe me when I say this, every single profession forum you go into, there will be someone moaning this and that about everything.

I have a 80 guardian as main and love it cant fault it, I decided to play necro for an alt as it seemed the most complaints came from their forum, upon reaching lvl 80 and gearing up, I don’t see the issue, they are very fun to play very different and you can achieve allot with them when you learn the ropes as with any other profession.

If you like it, play it Win Win

Are Necromancers that bad?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garambola.2461


I’m bad, I’m bad…

No, Necromancer is not bad. I mostly end up playing my necromancer, because of the AoE on the staff helps to finance our expeditions. I do find Mesmer the easiest to survive of the cloth classes and Ele second. That does not make Necromancer bad though. You just have to be a tiny bit more careful that’s all. The difference can also be overcome with good gear. Necromancer is perfectly fine in the World of Tyria. Perhaps not in PvP though.

Are Necromancers that bad?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: LHound.8964


I find the Necromancer very good. Honestly i don’t know why people say it’s bad. I don’t play sPvP with it though, but in WvW and in PvE, it rocks! A lot of badges and general loot. Kill opponents very well. AoE quite good… so… dunno!

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Charr’s need more Love. All is Vain
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Are Necromancers that bad?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jayne.9251


My latest “love” is my necro. Initially I found she died a ton, but once I got a handle of the class I find her incredibly powerful and fun. For me, using the staff was key to survivability .. along with investing in the blood trait lines. If you WvW a lot, I find I get more badges off my necro than any other class out there .. I think it’s mostly because their AOE spells hit the enemy first and therefore “claim” the badges, even if others finish them off.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Are Necromancers that bad?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Minion of Vey.4398

Minion of Vey.4398

I used to main a necro.

They aren’t bad. No one’s going to accuse them of being OP but they’re better than engineers are right now I think.

I just stopped playing because I got bored after playing it for a really long time, which would have been the case with any class probably.

Are Necromancers that bad?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Raf.1078


Nope…one of my mains is a Necro. Its a good class. A bit wonky as far as minions go, but I never used them anyway.

PF/ GOAT on Tarnished Coast (Semi-Retired)
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon

Are Necromancers that bad?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Avatar Rage.4369

Avatar Rage.4369

It is a good class ignore the haters and this is coming from a Minion Master too

They take a bit of getting used to but you can actually make some nice builds with them too that are viable in late game areas might i add

Are Necromancers that bad?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: LithePanther.5027


I dinged mine to 80 and then haven’t logged on since. I much prefer being on my Warrior or Guardian. More damage, more survivability, just more in general, except for some types of support that Necros offer that are amazing

80 Guardian. 80 Warrior. 80 Thief. 80 Engineer. 80 Necromancer. 80 Ranger.

Are Necromancers that bad?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Turial.1293


It is not that a Necro is bad… well, it is just that they are not really OP in any way for your average “i want my legendary in a week” sort of gamer. I recently met a young man on Teamspeak who joined the game and is in love with his Necro, explaining what he loves about them in detail from builds to variety. Myself, on my own Necromancer, I just don’t feel the love, not my play style. You have 5 slots, you should test them all out, in fact, i have 8 for each profession so I can make up my own mind.

To put it in perspective, let’s say a dungeon is not going smoothly, nobody will say “hang on, a necro, that’s what we need” and that is unfortunate. They can be fun.

“Some of my best friends are heterosexual”

Are Necromancers that bad?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: LithePanther.5027


It is not that a Necro is bad… well, it is just that they are not really OP in any way for your average “i want my legendary in a week” sort of gamer. I recently met a young man on Teamspeak who joined the game and is in love with his Necro, explaining what he loves about them in detail from builds to variety. Myself, on my own Necromancer, I just don’t feel the love, not my play style. You have 5 slots, you should test them all out, in fact, i have 8 for each profession so I can make up my own mind.

To put it in perspective, let’s say a dungeon is not going smoothly, nobody will say “hang on, a necro, that’s what we need” and that is unfortunate. They can be fun.

True. It kind of speaks for itself when any composition of only guardians and warriors are some of the most successful groups for dungeons.

80 Guardian. 80 Warrior. 80 Thief. 80 Engineer. 80 Necromancer. 80 Ranger.

Are Necromancers that bad?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rennoko.5731


It is not that a Necro is bad… well, it is just that they are not really OP in any way for your average “i want my legendary in a week” sort of gamer. I recently met a young man on Teamspeak who joined the game and is in love with his Necro, explaining what he loves about them in detail from builds to variety. Myself, on my own Necromancer, I just don’t feel the love, not my play style. You have 5 slots, you should test them all out, in fact, i have 8 for each profession so I can make up my own mind.

To put it in perspective, let’s say a dungeon is not going smoothly, nobody will say “hang on, a necro, that’s what we need” and that is unfortunate. They can be fun.

Remove the bleed cap, and at least condition necros can feel like they are not hurting their team if they have to compete for bleed slots with the zerker ranger/warrior stacking up 5-8 bleeds for 50 damage per tick, knocking off your 140 per tick bleeds.

Are Necromancers that bad?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

no they are not that bad. It is a common rul for fora like these to magnify the bad. A lot of people are udner the impression that if they complain real hard someone would give a kitten and actually change things.

It’s ok to use a forum to make up your mind, but do understand the negatives are magnified.

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Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Are Necromancers that bad?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Katai.6240


Necromancers suffer from builds that don’t work. That’s the primary issue. Almost everyone goes with Condition Damage necro, and having more than 2 necros in a group kind of sucks. Most other builds fall pretty flat. Minion Necromancers are complete crap. Dagger necromancers don’t compare well to other melee, though they hold their own. I’ve not seen any Axe necromancers, though it’s my personal favorite weapon.