Are Thieves giving you trouble in PvP? Check this out!

Are Thieves giving you trouble in PvP? Check this out!

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Posted by: Symbiosis.5418


Think they’re OP?

Check this out, might help!

Are Thieves giving you trouble in PvP? Check this out!

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Posted by: Ricochet Shot.2805

Ricochet Shot.2805

Very nice video.Will help me alot against those pesky thiefs.I still think that Heartseeker needs a nerf, since it takes almost no skill to do high damage with it.

Are Thieves giving you trouble in PvP? Check this out!

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Posted by: Ravnodaus.5130


Very useful. Thanks for sharing it.

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Are Thieves giving you trouble in PvP? Check this out!

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Posted by: everreal.9862


Thanks for making a post like this. It will be very helpful for people understanding how to counter Thieves. There is so much qq over them right now, and while I do think their damage as it is should be nerfed a bit I don’t think they are as OP as people make them out to be. If you know how a Thief works and how to counter their abilities then they are quite easy to kill, especially since 90% of people in pub games are running glass cannon builds. One stun or knock down to them and a quick burst combo usually does the trick, lol. Thanks again for a nice post for the community.

Are Thieves giving you trouble in PvP? Check this out!

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Posted by: PPson.7042


thieves damage in pvp is so high mostly because people run away from them, when attacking from the side or back thieves can get up to a 20% atk bonus with stacking certain traits (i believe, I know it is at least 10%). As a thief I love it when people try to run from me because we have so many cripples it doesn’t work, but most classes if they evade and are smart about it can take a thief down by kiting and slowing. Flat out retreat almost never works considering most PvP thiefs will run a skill that gives 25% movement increase.

Seiz – 80 Human Thief
Representing Terribad (TBad)

Are Thieves giving you trouble in PvP? Check this out!

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Posted by: Netherscourge.1862


I just drop Turrets all over the place and use lots of CC to kill thieves.

Are Thieves giving you trouble in PvP? Check this out!

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Posted by: VincentCross.6954


Nice video. I was playing my warrior in PvP last night and ran into a thief who just loved those vanishing skills. He would vanish all the time and he won. I never even thought of just spamming the auto attack skill.

Are Thieves giving you trouble in PvP? Check this out!

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Posted by: Smackjack.5071


Nice video. I was playing my warrior in PvP last night and ran into a thief who just loved those vanishing skills. He would vanish all the time and he won. I never even thought of just spamming the auto attack skill.

He was probably just conditioning himself to his new skill setup, i do that too.

Are Thieves giving you trouble in PvP? Check this out!

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Posted by: Wyrd One.2175

Wyrd One.2175

…especially since 90% of people in pub games are running glass cannon builds. One stun or knock down to them and a quick burst combo usually does the trick, lol.

Too true… I’ve been running a thief in sPvP and just yesterday I decided to re-trait, re-gear, and just build for as much crit chance and damage as I could. I had no extra toughness at all. It was nice when I was able to get in and land a few attacks, but I would crumble so quickly I was barely getting any kills. There are just too many skills that immobilize, daze, stun, etc… You’ve got to have some kind of defense.

Last night I redid my build again and doubled my Toughness, while still maintaining a pretty decent Power, and it’s a world of difference. I can jump in and out of the melee and not just die in a couple of hits. If I’m stunned or immobilized I have a few seconds to Shadowstep out, or just take some hits without dying instantly. I don’t hit as hard for sure, but I’m in the battle long enough to finish people off.

Are Thieves giving you trouble in PvP? Check this out!

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Posted by: VincentCross.6954


…especially since 90% of people in pub games are running glass cannon builds. One stun or knock down to them and a quick burst combo usually does the trick, lol.

Too true… I’ve been running a thief in sPvP and just yesterday I decided to re-trait, re-gear, and just build for as much crit chance and damage as I could. I had no extra toughness at all. It was nice when I was able to get in and land a few attacks, but I would crumble so quickly I was barely getting any kills. There are just too many skills that immobilize, daze, stun, etc… You’ve got to have some kind of defense.

Last night I redid my build again and doubled my Toughness, while still maintaining a pretty decent Power, and it’s a world of difference. I can jump in and out of the melee and not just die in a couple of hits. If I’m stunned or immobilized I have a few seconds to Shadowstep out, or just take some hits without dying instantly. I don’t hit as hard for sure, but I’m in the battle long enough to finish people off.

Last night I was running with a full offensive warrior rifle build and while he was pegging people with 10k+ shots right to the face with his best move. If they got close he was gone. So I tried changing to what I thought would suck. Was a full defensive build and armor with a shield and axe. I was able to kill many more people and I could stand my ground for some time as long as I didn’t get zerg stomped. lol.

Are Thieves giving you trouble in PvP? Check this out!

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Posted by: Geiir.7603


Really good and informative video! I learnt from it, and I’m a thief

Melder – Thief

Are Thieves giving you trouble in PvP? Check this out!

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Posted by: smiletonight.2165


theives? nahhhh i just put a sheild on and block HS (assuming they are bad)
otherwise i evis them for 8k and walk away.

show me a video on how to kill mesmers… PLEASE

Are Thieves giving you trouble in PvP? Check this out!

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Posted by: Jezath.7395


I agree OP nice video nice voice and nice tips

Tis not what they can do for you
Tis only what you can do for all

Are Thieves giving you trouble in PvP? Check this out!

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Posted by: Symbiosis.5418


Thanks for the feedback guys ^^

Next class(es) will probably be mesmer or guardian. Stay tuned!

Are Thieves giving you trouble in PvP? Check this out!

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Posted by: Tarinis.6054


Hope the video talks about how to stop 6k heartstrikes…

Are Thieves giving you trouble in PvP? Check this out!

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Posted by: Vexus.5423


Thanks for not revealing our most important secret! Good video.

Are Thieves giving you trouble in PvP? Check this out!

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Posted by: Reeddog.9132


Nice vid man. thanks for the info!

Are Thieves giving you trouble in PvP? Check this out!

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Posted by: Chio.9053


Just seen this. Great video!

Heartseeker does seem OP though.. That damage..

Are Thieves giving you trouble in PvP? Check this out!

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Posted by: Phoenix the One.4071

Phoenix the One.4071

Ppl will always find a op prof to whine about^^ reroll and try that prof:D I find warrior very op 1v1, then again I never had to face them 1v1:D

Are Thieves giving you trouble in PvP? Check this out!

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Posted by: Symbiosis.5418


Ppl will always find a op prof to whine about^^ reroll and try that prof:D I find warrior very op 1v1, then again I never had to face them 1v1:D

Trying a profession out really does help!

If one of them is giving you trouble, go try it out, see how it works.

Are Thieves giving you trouble in PvP? Check this out!

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Posted by: remix.9856


I can 1v1 most classes on WvW with my 80 guardian. Probably cause I’m a lvl 80 with exotic though :P

Warriors give me trouble though.

Are Thieves giving you trouble in PvP? Check this out!

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Posted by: Symbiosis.5418


I can 1v1 most classes on WvW with my 80 guardian. Probably cause I’m a lvl 80 with exotic though :P

Warriors give me trouble though.

I’ve actually got another video talking about how to deal with warriors! So check that out as well, if they’re giving you trouble!

Are Thieves giving you trouble in PvP? Check this out!

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Posted by: amradio.2513


Ppl will always find a op prof to whine about^^ reroll and try that prof:D I find warrior very op 1v1, then again I never had to face them 1v1:D

Trying a profession out really does help!

If one of them is giving you trouble, go try it out, see how it works.

Seriously it is the answer to all of your problems. If only more ppl did this.

Are Thieves giving you trouble in PvP? Check this out!

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Posted by: Vertix.5693


Ppl will always find a op prof to whine about^^ reroll and try that prof:D I find warrior very op 1v1, then again I never had to face them 1v1:D

Trying a profession out really does help!

If one of them is giving you trouble, go try it out, see how it works.

Seriously it is the answer to all of your problems. If only more ppl did this.

Yep, I had problems with Mesmer. Now I love playing it and can counter it relatively easily depending on how good the Mesmer is, but generally not too much trouble!

Are Thieves giving you trouble in PvP? Check this out!

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Posted by: Jarvis.3487


Great video very help as an elementalist being very vulnerable with only light armor. Thanks for the info

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Are Thieves giving you trouble in PvP? Check this out!

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Posted by: mynameisdan.5309


Very nice videos. Wonderful insight on how a thief plays and how a good thief orders his abilities. Thank you!

Freshfruit – Guardian of Blackgate
Cat V – Necromancer of Blackgate

Are Thieves giving you trouble in PvP? Check this out!

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Posted by: Nande.6810


Great work! Should probably help a lot of people that have problems vs thiefs!

The Bleed thief (d/d & p/p)

Are Thieves giving you trouble in PvP? Check this out!

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Posted by: Meneh.2954


Thanks for the video some extra awareness always helps.
That being said I really do hope heartseeker will be nerfed soon =)
I run 1.7k+ thoughness and still I’ve been hit for 17k damage from 3 HS hits.

It’s just way too much damage for a skill that is so spammable (and teleports you to the target).
Something in the lines of flat damage reduction or reduced damage for following heartseekers on the same target would be nice!

Are Thieves giving you trouble in PvP? Check this out!

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Posted by: HeadCrowned.6834


Rangers (bow) and elementalists are vulnerable to thieves. Im playing ranger myself, and when a thief is getting out of his invisibility its very hard to kill him when hes already near to you. The ‘’blow away’’ -arrow has a too long refresh time to keep the thief away and the Entangle roots skill has refresh of about 3 minutes I believe (!). Im trying to figure out what the best way is.

Are Thieves giving you trouble in PvP? Check this out!

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Posted by: K Cross.3458

K Cross.3458

HS doesn’t teleport you to the target.

Anyway, Arena Net is saying they are not going to nerf any soon, since they believe classes are balanced. Which means every class can be OP, but the thief is the easier to do.

And the glass canon thief build is not the most dangerous one… just saying.

Are Thieves giving you trouble in PvP? Check this out!

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Posted by: Teror.8940


I haven’t felt that they’re OP that much really. Sure I can die to them, but I can die to other classes as well.

As a Mesmer, they’re probably wasting their time with my clones and phantasms.

I also have a thief alt, and do have to agree that they are much easier to play than some other classes, like Mesmer or Elementalist.

Emerald Fang: // PvX/US/AUS/SoS

(edited by Teror.8940)

Are Thieves giving you trouble in PvP? Check this out!

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Posted by: Sneakier.9460


The only danger of the thief is their Heartseeker that hits nice.

Learn to dodge and learn to win

Gunnars Hold= Tuga Land

Are Thieves giving you trouble in PvP? Check this out!

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Posted by: Thadren Calder.1397

Thadren Calder.1397

Thieves do alot of damage yes, but they pop just as easily.

Are Thieves giving you trouble in PvP? Check this out!

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Posted by: Symbiosis.5418


The only danger of the thief is their Heartseeker that hits nice.

Learn to dodge and learn to win

There are other good thief builds actually

The heartseeker spam is just the easiest/most popular one right now.

Are Thieves giving you trouble in PvP? Check this out!

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Posted by: Fendrigan.6354


Me and another player bumped into a theif yesterday in wvw, we saw him running thowards us and we were gonna ambush him. When he walk around the corner we both died within 2 sec, neighter of us knew what happend so I checked the combat log.
The only skill he hit us with was dancing daggers and it did 4 hits within 2 sec instantly killing us. That was some nasty build

Are Thieves giving you trouble in PvP? Check this out!

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Posted by: Thadren Calder.1397

Thadren Calder.1397

As a thief i’ve killed people fast but also been killed just as fast by other classes. TBH necros seem to give me more trouble right now then other classes.

Are Thieves giving you trouble in PvP? Check this out!

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Posted by: Symbiosis.5418


As a thief i’ve killed people fast but also been killed just as fast by other classes. TBH necros seem to give me more trouble right now then other classes.

That’s interesting, necros are usually known to be somewhat “easy” for thieves.

Are Thieves giving you trouble in PvP? Check this out!

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Posted by: Mrpopo.4593


i’m happy that you think we are op but we really are not

Are Thieves giving you trouble in PvP? Check this out!

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Posted by: Thadren Calder.1397

Thadren Calder.1397

As a thief i’ve killed people fast but also been killed just as fast by other classes. TBH necros seem to give me more trouble right now then other classes.

That’s interesting, necros are usually known to be somewhat “easy” for thieves.

I’ll admit, I was surprised, and most necros give me the same problems all classes do and i just deal with them accordingly, but the fights ive had where i would say “what just happened?” it was to a necro.

Are Thieves giving you trouble in PvP? Check this out!

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Posted by: Chewie.7389


I have yet to see an mmo where the theif/rogue type class ISN’T overpowered to some level in pvp. It’s pretty annoying… GW2 not nearly as bad as WoW or other games i’ve seen. Thanks for the video link.

Are Thieves giving you trouble in PvP? Check this out!

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Posted by: Symbiosis.5418


I have yet to see an mmo where the theif/rogue type class ISN’T overpowered to some level in pvp. It’s pretty annoying… GW2 not nearly as bad as WoW or other games i’ve seen. Thanks for the video link.

It’s interesting you point that out, because I’ve usually noticed the same.

I have to say though, I tend to see this happen at most MMOs launching, but they usually get nerfed pretty hard after the game’s been out for a while.

Happened in WoW (AFAIK), Aion, … GW2? We’ll see!

Are Thieves giving you trouble in PvP? Check this out!

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Posted by: AlienMagi.7102


Nice video, having said that I still think that heartseeker and pistol are quite OP

Are Thieves giving you trouble in PvP? Check this out!

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Posted by: HellSpawn.6408


.. so what about necros (especially condition necros) vs thieves? Sounds like necros don’ t stand a chance against the massive dps unleash of thieves..