Are omnomberry bars worth it?
For AC runs, this gives quite a boost in money. Some of the champ gravelings drop 5s, which becomes 7s with omnom bar. Spider queen, Kholer, and troll drop 10s, which becomes 14s with omnom bar. The legendary graveling drops 15s, which becomes 21s with omnom bar.
At the very least you will probably encounter spider queen, Kholer, a champ graveling, and a legendary graveling, which is a total yield of (14+14+7+21) 56s. In terms of just coin rewards, you can get 82s (26s from inital reward) from an initial AC clear, and this isn’t counting loot drops. If your team is fast and efficient enough, this is just 15 minutes or less.
Your 3s bar essentially turns into 2g in two AC runs.
Peach Tarts give 25% MF, +60 Power, and +10% Exp bonuses and are much cheaper than Omnomberry Bars. The gold you get from monsters isnt very high anyways so you might want to consider just buying peach tarts.
Without it i get around 75ish gold per monster, with omnomberry bar’s i get around 1s,7c…….and the MF is nice also, imo nothing else compares.
Do fast COF path 1 runs. You can farm nearly 8 gold in an hour. Without the bar my best was 5 gold in an hour.
No, in my experience MF food is not worth it …
I have had good drop runs without it, and terrible drop runs with it, besides the 30% increase from Omnomberry Bars is so small, you will not notice anything.
Thank you very much for the nicely detailed response, Lightrayne! Just what I wanted! I very much appreciate your help