Are those account / character jumps worth it?

Are those account / character jumps worth it?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: fadeaway.2807


The ones in the gem store..
are they worth buying for a new character with no bank or bag slots?

Account jump:
30 Account-Bound Unidentified Dyes
15 Transmutation Charges
2 Bag Slot Expansions
2 Bank Tab Expansions
10 Black Lion Chest Keys
2000 gems (worth 290g if you convert the gems to gold instead?)

3 Bag slots
Copper Fed Salvage -o- matic
3 unlimited use tools
10 Transmutation charges
10 Experience Scrolls
3500 gems (worth 500g if you convert the gems to gold instead?)

Are those account / character jumps worth it?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: TheWhitevulture.9382


Hey fadeaway,
This sounds like a personal preference question to me, but I’ll try to answer it anyhow!
Are you the kind of player that doesn’t mind spending a bit of hard-earnt cash on a game? Or are you just obscenely rich in gold?
If so, I would still only take the jumpstart if you either mine a whole lot, or if you are the kind of person that wants to hoard so many things his bank and inventory always get clogged. (I know I am!)
The copper-fed-salvage -o- matic however, I would recommend getting in any case. It’s simply put the handiest item in the whole game.
Transmutation charges are fun if you’re a real fashionista, so they can add something as well, small as they might be.
As for the experience scrolls: You’ll love them for a few weeks, you can level a few characters a bit, but really, the first 20 levels are the easiest and fastest anyhow!

I would recommend getting the copperfed salvage -o- matic, and just leaving it at that, unless, like I said, you’re a massive hoarder who keeps anything that “might one day come in handy!”.

But yeah, it’s your own call.

Love, Mair


Are those account / character jumps worth it?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: fadeaway.2807


The copper-fed-salvage -o- matic however, I would recommend getting in any case. It’s simply put the handiest item in the whole game.

That good huh? I kinda thought it was useless since it has less chance to get good salvaged items than the kits?

Thank you

Are those account / character jumps worth it?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

Short story: if you can afford the gems and you plan to play “a lot”, these are great deals and I would recommend spending the gems (rather than converting to gold) on at least one of these packages. If you can only afford one package, I’d recommend the more-expensive character boost over the account version: best overall deal and has the extremely useful salvage-o-matic (same utility as any basic kit), the everlasting gathering tools, and some bonus items.

Account jump-start:
Recommendation: buy, if you plan to play “a lot” (details below).

  • 30 Account-Bound Unidentified Dyes — worth about
  • 15 Transmutation Charges — not worth anything in my opinion, since these eventually pile up
  • 2 Bag Slot Expansions — 800 gems at retail price (400 each)
  • 2 Bank Tab Expansions — 1,200 gems retail (600 each)
  • 10 Black Lion Chest Keys — not worth anything unless you love opening stuff to see what happens (these are like lotto tickets: no monetary value, except if you are lucky)
  • 2000 gems (worth 290g if you convert the gems to gold instead?)

The two pairs of inventory/storage expansions alone are worth 2,000 gems, so this package is worth getting for new players who feel they are likely to play “a lot” for more than a month or two — everyone ends up wanting more space.

Character Bump
Recommendation: buy if you expect to do some farming

  • 3 Bag slots — 1,200 gems retail
  • Copper Fed Salvage -o- matic — 800 gems retail
  • 3 unlimited use tools — 3,000 gems retail
  • 10 Transmutation charges — no value imo
  • 10 Experience Scrolls — handy, but not worth spending gems for
  • 3500 gems (worth 500g if you convert the gems to gold instead?)

5,000 gem value for 3,500? That is a mighty tempting discount. It’s absolutely worth it for people who do any sort of farming: it’s annoying to have to restock gathering tools, salvage kits, and (as above) everyone ends up wanting more storage.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”