Armor Inspecting

Armor Inspecting

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Skadooshbear.8903


They should make it so people can inspect others armor, and just like the other great mmorpg i playing, Aion you get to inspect other peoples armor and what they are wearing but at the same time to include privacy you can set a option to not allow people to inspect.

Life is a beach I’m just playing in the sand
– Lil Wayne

Armor Inspecting

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: teemoor.4397


Except 99% of Aion players have their Inspect option blocked. I don’t even try to inspect someone anymore.

Armor Inspecting

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Bobobejumbo.4951


I would just like to be able to see the original skins used, and dye’s applied. That’s all. Please.

Armor Inspecting

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Denial Of Service.5732

Denial Of Service.5732

No! thank you… but no, i want privacy.

and if they add it they should add an option to block it.

Armor Inspecting

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Chocula.9341


Everybody should be able to inspect everybody, I’ve never understood the desire for “privacy” when it comes to equipment. If someone is inspecting me it probably means I look cool and/or am a good player that others want to emulate

Armor Inspecting

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Caelos Silvermoon.2759

Caelos Silvermoon.2759

Because it helps fight elitism. Imagine the following scenariio:

Player 1: LF1M Arah Path 3.
Player 2: I’ll join.
Player 1: <invites player>
Player 1: <inspects player>
Player 1: Your gear / spec sucks. Sorry.
Player 1: <kicks player>

This is a common problem in WoW. The geared get better geared. It will revolve around gear and spec rather than GW2’s shining point of skill based play.
If they allow that then they should allow dps meters too. And start to be more like WoW,which is a sstrategy that has never worked for any mmo competing with wow.

Armor Inspecting

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Blackwolfe.5649


Just like with dps meters or some kind of number measuring gear.. inspect? No, just no.

Colin Johansen casts – Working As Intended
Colin Johansen hits you for 239407889 damage
Game over

Armor Inspecting

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nottsgman.8206


if you want to know what armor and dye someone is using, whats wrong with asking the person? I’m sure people wouldn’t mind saying what it is. they don’t even have to link the piece. no stats shown or anything, just what it is. simple

70 ‘mains’ and waiting for more slots
| 61 Asura | 5 Charr | 2 Norn | 1 Human | 1 Sylvari |

Armor Inspecting

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ten.8421


I have asked (via /whisper) numerous people in the game what armour they were wearing and every single one of them has responded. It is really not that scary. Just be friendly and to the point (so they don’t feel like you’re wasting their time). “Hey. I like your armour. May I ask what the shoulders are called?”/“Hello. Your dye scheme is really cool, what’s the yellow shade called?”
Takes less time than hovering through an inspect menu, plus it doesn’t matter if they’re running/porting away in the middle of it.

Gamut Gaming Group [GGG], an inclusive non-oppression, non-prejudice, non-normativity group.

Armor Inspecting

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Eladriel.7295


Everybody should be able to inspect everybody, I’ve never understood the desire for “privacy” when it comes to equipment. If someone is inspecting me it probably means I look cool and/or am a good player that others want to emulate

I don’t want a elitist jerk looking at my equipment and trying to tell my it sucks and how I suppose to have it all wrong. Dude whatever talk to the hand. I’m gonna wear what I want. What I am wearing is NOBODY’S and I said NOBODY’S business. If you want to know where I got my armor and what colors I use then be a human being and respectful enough to ask. I will tell you where I got it, if you are nice about it. If you are nasty I’ll tell you take a flying leap off a cliff. How I set up the rest of my character is none of your flippin business.

Together we stand in the face of evil!

Armor Inspecting

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Eladriel.7295


Because it helps fight elitism. Imagine the following scenariio:

Player 1: LF1M Arah Path 3.
Player 2: I’ll join.
Player 1: <invites player>
Player 1: <inspects player>
Player 1: Your gear / spec sucks. Sorry.
Player 1: <kicks player>

This is a common problem in WoW. The geared get better geared. It will revolve around gear and spec rather than GW2’s shining point of skill based play.
If they allow that then they should allow dps meters too. And start to be more like WoW,which is a sstrategy that has never worked for any mmo competing with wow.

I couldn’t agree with you more. Inspection or dps meter has no place in GW2.

Together we stand in the face of evil!

Armor Inspecting

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nay of the Ether.8913

Nay of the Ether.8913

They actually had this option in the first beta (possibly up to the 2nd i forget) but took it out, and Im kinda glad they did. What some of you mentioned was always happening, either someone followed me around after inspecting my gear begging me to just give them the same thing for free, or some elitist noobcake puffed up proclaiming how superior his gear was to mine. Nty I can do without that. if someone wants to really know, I will happily show them.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…

Armor Inspecting

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tawniey.3796


I feel kinda bad necro-bumping this thread, but I had a suggestion that might make the whole gear-inspection work without elitist jerks ruining things.
What if you could set your gear-inspect to public, private, or mutual friends?
Default could be private, but it would allow people to show off items they’ve worked hard for, skins, dyes, or just allow people to see their stats, it would allow friends to share dyes or just armor specs without linking each piece of gear, and you could still keep it to yourself.

Armor Inspecting

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Donari.5237


As mentioned in all the other “let us inspect” threads, if the public option is there then there will be many instances of people booting people from groups for refusing to let their gear be seen. If the option were released but only for mutual friends, that would just be one more required step, along with countless threads demanding expanding the functionality so “I can filter out the bads, omg, how dare they breathe in my playing space while wearing something of which I disapprove!”

Armor Inspecting

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: serenke.4806


Well, many items don’t show any stats when linked. Why not have an inspect option for the skins/dyes only? Would that hurt?

Armor Inspecting

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: metaldude.4132


The Elitism is big in this one..XD

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