Armor shouldn't get damaged in WvWvW

Armor shouldn't get damaged in WvWvW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Piccolo.7296


The fact that it’s really hard to make gold and keep gold in this game is pretty annoying. So on top of that, they have it so each time you die in PVP (WvWvW) your armor gets damaged. For someone who has a hard time making gold in this game, this is really annoying. It’s hard to enjoy WvWvW when I know I could potentially lose all the gold that I have from playing in there. I really hope they change this or change it so gold isn’t hard to make.

Armor shouldn't get damaged in WvWvW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: draeath.8536


While I think it should be damaged – I think it should separate from PvE, and cost less to repair than normal (or allow you to repair with badges or whatnot) or perhaps have a free repair NPC with a long cooldown? Perhaps even a controllable resource for that, like mercenaries.

Armor shouldn't get damaged in WvWvW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Syn.3459


yes it should, if it didn’t then they’d have to remove exp

Armor shouldn't get damaged in WvWvW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: notebene.3190


yes it should, if it didn’t then they’d have to remove exp

You know, as fast as I make experience, I was going to come out and suggest an “experience to cash” exchange. I’d gladly use my experience for gold as fast as I seem to get experience.

Armor shouldn't get damaged in WvWvW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Piccolo.7296


While I think it should be damaged – I think it should separate from PvE, and cost less to repair than normal (or allow you to repair with badges or whatnot) or perhaps have a free repair NPC with a long cooldown? Perhaps even a controllable resource for that, like mercenaries.

I like this idea, allow us to repair with the tokens we get from players.

Armor shouldn't get damaged in WvWvW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vexus.5423


At level 80, completing an event Gold you get something like 2 silver and 60 copper. Really not an issue. I was down to 2c last night and back up to 60-70 silver by the end of the night. Oh… wait.. nevermind… yes it is hard to make gold! (keep inflation down!!!)

Armor shouldn't get damaged in WvWvW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: someshta.3809


I completely agree. What game out there has pvp repair costs? You die soooooo much in pvp. This will discourage others from participating.

Armor shouldn't get damaged in WvWvW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: draeath.8536


I completely agree. What game out there has pvp repair costs? You die soooooo much in pvp. This will discourage others from participating.

From the people I know who play, it doesn’t really discourage it. it just throttles it a bit. They play for a while, go broke – then go PvE for a bit and come back.

Think of it this way: helps keep the queues a teensy bit lower :P

Armor shouldn't get damaged in WvWvW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Vexus.5423


Just FYI: Repair costs are there to give a tiny incentive not to die. Before this ‘feature’ players in games would death-zerg stuff. Why not? No risk. And since you’d still get some credit, and be somewhat effective before dying, the only downside was the run back.

The repair cost is a needed reminder that charging the enemy mob of players is a bad choice, and you need to find a better way to become effective.

Armor shouldn't get damaged in WvWvW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: braks.4638


I disagree. For the same reason that siege weapons cost, I think it is great that repairs cost.

Armor shouldn't get damaged in WvWvW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: draeath.8536


Just FYI: Repair costs are there to give a tiny incentive not to die. Before this ‘feature’ players in games would death-zerg stuff. Why not? No risk. And since you’d still get some credit, and be somewhat effective before dying, the only downside was the run back.

The repair cost is a needed reminder that charging the enemy mob of players is a bad choice, and you need to find a better way to become effective.

It’s not working then – have you seen WvW? :P

Armor shouldn't get damaged in WvWvW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: polarity.8906


It’s always struck me as rather odd, that in games where you are capable of crafting some of the finest armor out there, you’re completely incapable of then repairing what you have made.

Tailors, Leatherworkers or Armorsmiths should really be able to do repairs on what they can make, although it should take some mats to do it.

Armor shouldn't get damaged in WvWvW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: draeath.8536


It’s always struck me as rather odd, that in games where you are capable of crafting some of the finest armor out there, you’re completely incapable of then repairing what you have made.

Tailors, Leatherworkers or Armorsmiths should really be able to do repairs on what they can make, although it should take some mats to do it.

As well, it should require a crafting station.

Even the most talented leatherworkers or armorsmiths need tools to do such work.

Armor shouldn't get damaged in WvWvW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Blacklight.2871


I completely agree. What game out there has pvp repair costs? You die soooooo much in pvp. This will discourage others from participating.

From the people I know who play, it doesn’t really discourage it. it just throttles it a bit. They play for a while, go broke – then go PvE for a bit and come back.

Think of it this way: helps keep the queues a teensy bit lower :P

It works for me. I haven’t been back since the first time I tried it because there’s no way I’m going to pay a toll for PvP. I don’t care for it much anyway. I just wanted to complete the stupid monthly achievement.

Armor shouldn't get damaged in WvWvW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nisshoku.3479


There’s a reason that there are a lot of mobs roaming around in WvWvW, they provide a decent source of income and, from my experience, seem to drop a higher amount of blue loot. Spend about five minutes killing mobs with a few people and you’ll have enough money for two full repairs.

Armor shouldn't get damaged in WvWvW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: draeath.8536


Well, then obviously it’s not your thing – you admit it yourself.

Myself and my own squad certainly are not going to let some weenie repair tax stop us.

Nisshoku has a point, too.

Armor shouldn't get damaged in WvWvW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: azurrei.5691


So you want a zone that has free teleports and mobs/players/events that drop loot, gold, karma, and tokens – but to also have no repair costs for deaths?? yeah… I think a death penalty in WvW is justified.

Armor shouldn't get damaged in WvWvW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Derpinator.2894


I almost agree, but what about the buff you get that lasts “4 days” that says immune to damage?

I don’t think they intended for wvwvw to have a repair cost. I think it’s just broken.

And no, it shouldn’t have a cost associated. If you’re defending your world, the least that the kitten useless repair guy can do is offer his services for free.

Armor shouldn't get damaged in WvWvW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: azurrei.5691


I almost agree, but what about the buff you get that lasts “4 days” that says immune to damage?

I don’t think they intended for wvwvw to have a repair cost. I think it’s just broken.

And no, it shouldn’t have a cost associated. If you’re defending your world, the least that the kitten useless repair guy can do is offer his services for free.

The buff you get is so you can not get attacked in your “home” camp…

Armor shouldn't get damaged in WvWvW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: hahawinner.5273


I felt it kinda odd that my armor was damaged from dying in WvWvW at first too, but then when I thought about it, like Vexus said, it prevent death zerging, which so many games have in it. I think maybe instead of changing the cost of armor repairs, make it so your armor only gets damaged after X amount of deaths.

Another option would be similar to what draeath said, maybe we could use badges for armor repairs but instead of armor repairs, let us be able to exchange badges for a consumable(account bound) that prevents all armor damage for X amount of deaths with like a 2-3 hour time limit on it.

At the same time, I don’t want any sort of change like this because it will directly impact the economy, as in raising inflation, which, at this early stage of the economy, could set the economy up to fail.

Armor shouldn't get damaged in WvWvW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Gehenna.3625


I went into the WvWvW zone yesterday and thought, let’s try this out. I went in for the first time. I walked to an area and got zerged by 20 enemies and it cost over a silver to repair.

My conclusion: forget it, I ain’t doing this again. I already think the prices for using waypoints are getting ridiculous. I travel for a very small distance and it costs close to a silver just for the nearest waypoint. I am not an avid crafter/seller. I play in a more casual way and I just 2.5 gold when I got to 60 …and had to buy a new skill book at 2 gold. So yeh I am not interested in a gameplay that allows zerging and costs you money. I don’t care what the rewards are. It clearly is a place where you have to go in with at least 10 people to stand a chance and certainly has nothing to do with the join in as you come along approach of the rest of the game.

Not for me, but there’s plenty more to do

It’s a game forum. The truth is not to be found here.

Armor shouldn't get damaged in WvWvW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Finaldeath.1059


Just FYI: Repair costs are there to give a tiny incentive not to die. Before this ‘feature’ players in games would death-zerg stuff. Why not? No risk. And since you’d still get some credit, and be somewhat effective before dying, the only downside was the run back.

The repair cost is a needed reminder that charging the enemy mob of players is a bad choice, and you need to find a better way to become effective.

The need to run all the way back is more than enough of a punishment for dying. Charging for deaths in wvw is stupid because it discourages people from actually helping to attack or defend stuff because of the risk of death and repair cost which shouldn’t be happening.

I would be fine if they made making money in wvw easier like upping the drop rate of loot bags or some better way of getting loot. Like instead of stuff dropping loot bags have an npc at the entrance of the zone that “pays” you for your contributions. I have almost 100 kills in wvw so far (haven’t played much of it yet because it was always full on the server i was on and the server i was on was always being dominated so i didn’t really bother) and have seen next to no loot bags drop.

Not to mention unobtainable loots bags like when defending a keep, you can’t just jump off the wall into a pile of enemy players and grab the bags (if they drop at all) or if you are attacking you can’t get into the keep to get the bags up on the walls unless you actually take the keep which chances are the bags would all have despawned by the time you get in.

Armor shouldn't get damaged in WvWvW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Smackjack.5071


While I think it should be damaged – I think it should separate from PvE, and cost less to repair than normal (or allow you to repair with badges or whatnot) or perhaps have a free repair NPC with a long cooldown? Perhaps even a controllable resource for that, like mercenaries.

I like this idea, allow us to repair with the tokens we get from players.

You can already by repair canisters with gold and with those repair on the spot.

Armor shouldn't get damaged in WvWvW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: hahawinner.5273


This is sort of off topic but relates to these last two posts made by Finaldeath and Gehenna.

Making money in this game is not nearly as hard as you guys are making it out to be; I’m a decent level right now and have had probably about 5G in total throughout the whole game and I’m walking around in almost entire rare armor with 3 rare weapons. How did I do this? First thing you might say is “oh he must be going crazy on Trading Post selling mats/crafts.” Truth is, all the money I’ve made in this game has been from map exploration(you get some money for 100% maps), npc-ing drops(that weren’t worth it to salvage), doing dynamic events(they pay at the end of the event), and the occasional money drop from monsters. I will admit that I have made money off the Trading Post but its only been 1G if that(since the economy is new).

(edited by Moderator)

Armor shouldn't get damaged in WvWvW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: kilopy.2173


I hate this, and it’s really what keeps me from doing PvP. Every time I die, I just see money going down the drain. Money I don’t have to spend on that type of stuff.

Death should be expected in PvP. Nobody survives forever. In PvE, it’s a punishment for screwing up, but in PvP, it’s punishment for playing correctly and is really a barrier to newer players doing it (I know I bankrupted myself once with PvP armor repairs).

Armor shouldn't get damaged in WvWvW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Finaldeath.1059


This is sort of off topic but relates to these last two posts made by Finaldeath and Gehenna.

Making money in this game is not nearly as hard as you guys are making it out to be; I’m a decent level right now and have had probably about 5G in total throughout the whole game. How did I do this? First thing you might say is “oh he must be going crazy on Trading Post selling mats/crafts.” Truth is, all the money I’ve made in this game has been from map exploration(you get some money for 100% maps), npc-ing drops(that weren’t worth it to salvage), doing dynamic events(they pay at the end of the event), and the occasional money drop from monsters. I will admit that I have made money off the Trading Post but its only been 1G if that(since the economy is new).

I know money isn’t hard to make in pve, i am talking from purely a wvw point of view. I make money pretty easily in pve.

The only time i have money issues is when i go overboard on buying junk i don’t really need like a bunch of crafting mats to level a crafting profession i don’t really use.

Armor shouldn't get damaged in WvWvW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: hahawinner.5273


This is sort of off topic but relates to these last two posts made by Finaldeath and Gehenna.

Making money in this game is not nearly as hard as you guys are making it out to be; I’m a decent level right now and have had probably about 5G in total throughout the whole game. How did I do this? First thing you might say is “oh he must be going crazy on Trading Post selling mats/crafts.” Truth is, all the money I’ve made in this game has been from map exploration(you get some money for 100% maps), npc-ing drops(that weren’t worth it to salvage), doing dynamic events(they pay at the end of the event), and the occasional money drop from monsters. I will admit that I have made money off the Trading Post but its only been 1G if that(since the economy is new).

I know money isn’t hard to make in pve, i am talking from purely a wvw point of view. I make money pretty easily in pve.

The only time i have money issues is when i go overboard on buying junk i don’t really need like a bunch of crafting mats to level a crafting profession i don’t really use.

Only reason I listed what I did was because money in WvW and PvE are the same thing. Also, I’ve noticed that you can get items to sell(some stuff worth 1S that is npc feed) and occasionally money in WvW.
But I do agree with everyone here, the armor repair system for WvW has to be re-done because we should have a small penalty, if any, from dying at other player’s hands.

Armor shouldn't get damaged in WvWvW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Error.6290


HEY! what about this? Play safe (smart)? ummm Build tankyer? (maybe a theif should not go full dmg when he gets downed in 2 sec in a 20v20 fight :O. Arenanet wants you to not think “oh i can rush in whit my full Nuke gear and die no problem costs me nothing so i keep rushing in and dying” they want you to use ur brain “wait am dying what is wrong? maybe i should stay furhter back or build a little bit tankyer? or should i stay close to my guardian partner? or maybe pull out my ranged weapons? or should i go get some supplies to build artilery weapons?”.
This was not only directed to theifs or Damage classes.

(edited by Error.6290)

Armor shouldn't get damaged in WvWvW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Revler.2359


WvW is about server war, and not a balanced match just to have fun.

The fact that you can lose resources (gold) as well as win makes WvW more meaningful.

But I understand the frustration.

They could shift the penalty for dying in WvW to something that pertains only to WvW, but finding something that people actually care about as much as gold is hard.

Armor shouldn't get damaged in WvWvW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: kilopy.2173


WvW is about server war, and not a balanced match just to have fun.

The fact that you can lose resources (gold) as well as win makes WvW more meaningful.

But I understand the frustration.

They could shift the penalty for dying in WvW to something that pertains only to WvW, but finding something that people actually care about as much as gold is hard.

Or, there could just be no penalty when one isn’t needed. PvP is about the PvP, it’s not about anything else, nor should it be made into anything else.

Armor shouldn't get damaged in WvWvW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: krogue.5486


If there weren’t a penalty than anyone would PVP and make dumb moves without fear of losing anything… oh wait… that still happens. Well the one thing I can say is that eventually people will stop throwing themselves out there and causing themselves to die over and over again because they don’t care. Maybe this isn’t the most effective way of dealing with idiots or it may not even be ArenaNets intention but it does help the economy out… and for that, I applaud the fact that there is penalties.

Armor shouldn't get damaged in WvWvW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lasica.5068


Having done a fair bit of WvW over the past few weeks this is something that irks me because it is being punished for something that is usually out of my control. I survive pretty well so don’t die much (in fact I got the monthly experience survivor last night in WvW) but every time I do it’s not because I personally have made a mistake it’s because I’ve run into an enemy zerg.

Take the battle just now. I’m on my 14 Mesmer with 8 others from my team taking a supply camp from 6 enemies, including an 80 warrior who is taking us down in 2-3 hits. I survive the fight, although I was downed twice, and then just as we are about to take the camp, 30 more enemies appear and we all go splat and on top of having to go all the way back to the start we now have a repair bill.

The repair bill discourages people from branching out and trying risky stuff like taking camps on the other side of the map or harrassing enemy supply lines because all the get is a repair bill for their efforts most of the time. Instead, just stick with the safe zerg group with plenty of people of to revive you before you die. This is a bad thing in my opinion.

Why make sense, when it’s so much more fun to make nonsense?

Armor shouldn't get damaged in WvWvW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Banewrath.5107


I don`t think there should be repaira in the game at all. The original game never had them why should this one? You can`t even rez yourself to a waypoint unless you pay. If you don`t have coin for the rez you can`t rez, you lay there waiting hoping someone will come along and revive you.

I know alot of people don`t seem to mind paying to repair equipment for some reason. Why I have no idea. This game has gone along the lines of lineage 2 and aion where you are charged for everything. I remember in lineage2 if you wanted to duel in th arena and if you lost you respawned with 1 hp, but they had an npc right at the respawn point for 100 gold would fill your hp up so you didn`t have top sit wait to regen. WTF! Typical NCSoft game. The game is supposed to be fun and I remember in one of the dev letters they kept repeating over and over that we are making a game that is fun and enjoyable. Well, having to shell out silver everytime I get knocked down because of whatever reason really isn`t all that much fun.

Make repair bills optional and see how many of the people who want it so bad leave it turned on.

Armor shouldn't get damaged in WvWvW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Camasi.8415


You ever hear the old term that there is value found in the work you do? High risk high reward.

Zerging strategies aren’t really effective in GW2. The player who left after being killed once.. really? Your supposed to learn something from that. You got killed, you pay a small armor penalty. Did you even take the time to see if you could make money playing WvWvW? Did you try out different tactics before inferring that zerg strategies is all that WvW is about? You have a right to your opinion but I am going to call you out when you infer an absolute based on very little evidence or word of mouth.

On my server we wipe out folks who do Zerg strategies.. How? We attack the areas they left wide open and have our defenders use siege equipment/stay behind walls (what your supposed to do when outnumbered) and eliminate the enemy zerg who have made such a dumb move. In the end, and when considering the larger picture, zerg strategies are penalized a lot more often than they are rewarded.

I love the fact that I get penalized for making stupid moves. I like that I have to use my own money if I want siege equipment. I love that a game mode based on teamwork penalizes those who try to be a lone wolf without coordinating with a team/guild. Assaulting a position should be costly and a calculated risk. Penalized death (and this is very VERY minor penalty) forces you to approach your tactics in a different manner. I don’t die as often as I used to in WvW because I learned how to adapt to that environment by joining parties, studying the map, learning about NPC drops, changing my tactics, etc,etc.

There is a reason why the game is called guild wars. WvW favors guilds because they have a treasury/guild bank for this sort of thing. If they go to some sort of token system then there will be almost no chance to fight back if your server isn’t exactly killing enough of the enemy and has been overrun. At least by using your own money earned in PvE you have a chance to come back and have sieging resources immediately available to you and your teammates (once you take supply of course!)

This is also why I love using the strategy of punishing folks who plop siege equipment behind our lines. We just ignore them and invade the areas they left open until they are forced to abandon the equipment they paid for.

WvWvW can be difficult but very rewarding at the same time. That is the whole philosophy behind it and there are a lot of people who find that to be a lot of fun (server queues attest to that)

Armor shouldn't get damaged in WvWvW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mulch.2586


Would be cool if you could pay for repairs with karma, cuz you get lots of that in wvw

Armor shouldn't get damaged in WvWvW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178


i find WvW to be one of the easiest ways to make a lot of money and exp in a short time.

if you can generate money on WvW, the money sinks to prevent inflation should also exist on it.

LegendaryMythril/Zihark Darshell

Armor shouldn't get damaged in WvWvW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Felix.3028


I agree with the OP, there shouldn’t be armor repairs in WvW. Siege gear and upgrade expenses are expensive enough as it is.

Armor shouldn't get damaged in WvWvW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Moderator.3406


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