Asc. Catacombs Graveling burrows
Because of the massive numbers the burrows now spawn, the stage will be very laggy and culling will often occur, elementalists are a must have.Your best bet would be having 1 person defend for the front burrow, the other 4 take care of the rest. 2 elementalists dropping ice bows, other 2 take them, and 2 at a time rain arrows onto the burrows. After the first 2 on the side and the corner, front guy can take care of the burrow and move on the the next one on the right, the rest of the team follow and drop fiery greatswords and destroy the remaining 2 and/or defend Hodgins.
I did it the other day. We kept losing Hodgins even with a very savvy Mesmer guarding him, often on the last burrow.
What finally worked was powering down the first three burrows, then mopping up most of the gravelings with incidental damage to burrows, then clearing out the last. We did have an Elementalist giving us swords and bows. I was on my Guardian for protections, boons, and Elite heals.
I thought I’d be able to easily sub my Necro for my Ele also. Couldn’t do it. Went back for an Ele. Had the ele guard Hodgkins and the rest take down the burrows.
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon
I haven’t been back to try it (our group of dungeon noobs also had trouble with that bit), but I’ve been told that it’s actually not a good idea to attack the burrow that opens right by you, in the door you came in. Apparently leave that for later, because crushing that one opens a worse one. Perhaps someone with more experience can vouch for that, as I said I haven’t been back yet. Good luck!
You leave the one by the door alone and kite the spawns, but kite them AWAY from Hodgkins. There should be all attack teams take down the first burrow. For the one in the back corner only 2 or 3 to start off, then 2 to finish up. Everyone should then head to the front, mopping up little gravelings as they go, get the newly spawned front burrow and door burrow at the same time, by this time you only have 2 left. One in the bottom corner behind Hodgkins, which should be dealt with very very fast, then one all the way across the room behind the shelves in the top corner, that one you don’t need to worry about so much, just clean up spawns as you go to keep them off Hodgkins. It’s still no cakewalk even with a good team and now that the little gravelings can spam max stacks of bleeding on you constantly, it makes it extremely difficult for pug groups or uncoordinated teams. The trick to this, as with most dungeons seems to be massive amounts of aoe, despite their stance on aoe being overused and overpowered.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…
Eas, easy way, have an ele drop an ice bow, you use skill 4 on the first one on the left, you start heading to the right side while they go to the back one and the ele uses skill4, when that is done you can use skill 4 on the one infront of you, ele can on the right cornor and all your left with is the door and the very last one. As a ranger i one shot burrows with an ice bow so its a little easier but those can damage almost 90 percent ususally.