Ascended and Legendary Weapons without HoT

Ascended and Legendary Weapons without HoT

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Cerby.1069


I need clarification. I do not own HoT.

Am I able to craft ascended and legendary weapons without HoT?

I’ve been going through the wiki and things keep changing it seems. I’m totally lost on whether I can still get all the materials for legendary weapons without HoT. ANd now I’m totally lost on whether I can even get ascended weapons without HoT. One of the precursors required airship oil…..and the wiki listed every location as HoT only content. One of the precursors for legendary required an achievement be unlocked which was HoT only.

This is very confusing. They list on the top of certain pages “HoT content only”…..but other pages with the same stuff they don’t say “HoT only” even though the information they give does infact point to that.

Can I still craft ascended and legendary weapons without HoT? Yes or no? And if yes can some1 refer me to a source that explains how….the wiki isn’t clear.

I kill you in one gunflame, or I kill you in two.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]

Ascended and Legendary Weapons without HoT

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Teaniel.9052


Legendaries were available long before HoT; the xpac made precursors craftable.
You will need a precursor as an ingredient for your legendary, but they are also available as a (super rare) drop or a (super expensive) trading post purchase. HoT simply gave the option to complete a collection to craft one instead, however I’ve heard plenty of complaints that it’s not actually any cheaper.
As far as I know, ascended item crafting didn’t change during HoT (but I’m basing that off of silence – I know it was obtainable before, and I haven’t heard anything about changes). Ascended gear also drops rarely (I’ve heard Tequatl is a good place to try).

We’re going to devote our energies to sports, gardening, all the cultural pursuits;
in fact, we’re going to put the goons to sleep.
Meanwhile – we dig.

Ascended and Legendary Weapons without HoT

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Teaniel.9052


Ascended weapons are crafted at tier 500:

Legendaries are crafted in the mystic forge with a precursor, a gift of fortune, a gift of mastery, and a third gift unique to the weapon. You can find out what these require on this page:
To get all this, you’re going to need map completion on one character, and two crafting disciplines levelled to 400.

We’re going to devote our energies to sports, gardening, all the cultural pursuits;
in fact, we’re going to put the goons to sleep.
Meanwhile – we dig.

Ascended and Legendary Weapons without HoT

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: savacli.8172


It depends on what you want to make. If you want to make Legendaries that were introduced pre-HoT you still can as they follow the following formula:

  • Precursor (You would have to buy it or get it as a drop as you would not be able to complete the collection to get it)
  • Gift of [Specific Legendary]
  • Gift of Fortune
  • Gift of Mastery

As far as Ascended items are concerned you will be able to craft most of them. The only one’s you are locked out of are those equipment items that use stats introduced with the expansion: Viper’s, Commander’s, etc. Otherwise common prefixes like Berserker’s, Soldier’s, etc. do not require any involvement with HoT. To craft an ascended weapon the formula looks like:

  • Deldrimor/Spirit Wood component 1
  • Deldrimor/Spirit Wood component 2
  • Asecended Inscription (Must be a pre-HoT inscription in your case)
  • Vision Crystal

The other Ascended Weapon you will not be able to obtain are those acquire through collections such as the 9 Elite Specialization Weapon (Glint’s Bastion, Horologicus, etc).

Best example I can give you is crafting something like Sunrise. Technically, all four components to the weapon can be obtained without HoT. Its precursor, Dawn, used to only be obtained through luck or straight up purchase from another player. With the introduction of HoT all precursors can now be crafted by components acquired through fulfilling 3 specific collections based on your weapon. However, Precursor crafting is HoT exclusive so if you don’t have the expansion you’re stuck on having to still buy the precursor itself.

The overall crafting description for either Legendary Weapons and Ascended weapons are both rather lengthy is why I’m refraining from posting a huge wall of text. If you can maybe give us an better idea of what you’re specifically after (such as a certain stat or Legendary) we can point you in a better direction.

Ascended and Legendary Weapons without HoT

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Legendaries were available long before HoT; the xpac made precursors craftable.
You will need a precursor as an ingredient for your legendary, but they are also available as a (super rare) drop or a (super expensive) trading post purchase. HoT simply gave the option to complete a collection to craft one instead, however I’ve heard plenty of complaints that it’s not actually any cheaper.
As far as I know, ascended item crafting didn’t change during HoT (but I’m basing that off of silence – I know it was obtainable before, and I haven’t heard anything about changes). Ascended gear also drops rarely (I’ve heard Tequatl is a good place to try).

Not only is it not cheaper. It can be quite a bit more expensive. I gained around 200g by just buying The Hunter off the TP versus the value of the materials that would have been used(if I sold just the ascended materials and and used the net profit there would still be around 200g left over).