Ascended gear - yes or no?
If you plan to do fractels, then yes. If not, then I’d keep your gold.
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If you run exotics and you love that set; finding it viable for both PVE + WvW and have the mats etc for an asc version then go for it.
A lot of people like to min/max stats. Asc is mainly and also used in fractals.
Each to their own. Do what you think is best. It is very costly but if you have no cares for money then just make some ascended stuff.
Ascended outside fractals are unneeded for sure, but if you have some alts that can use the gear, or if you like to min/max and gold isn’t a big issue then go for it, why not?
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)
Unless you really want to go in high end fractal in the next couples of month then wait for the expansion.
Why are you suggesting to wait for the expansion?
Has there been some info released that is going to change ascended?
i.e. new armor, new mechanics etc. ?
Anet has already stated that HoT will NOT release a new tier of gear and Exotic and Ascended will still be viable top tier gear. There is no reason to wait for Ascended due to HoT release. Now if you are considering a Legendary, waiting might not be a bad idea (but you can certainly collect the common materials as those are not likely to change).
If you already have the Damask, I see no reason to wait. The map rewards may make it easier to obtain materials, but it sounds like the OP already did that work.
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
No, unless:
- You regularly do Fractals L40+
- You run dungeons to set speed clearing records.
- You play in a highly competitive WvW environment, specifically with a strongly coordinated team.
- You have tons of excess wealth and you’re looking for a new long-term project.
Ascended weapons are a better deal, if you really want to go ascended. Even then, for the money, you might want to target some other type of shiny goal: mini collections, mystic forge weapons, etc
Ascended weapons are probably the way to go first. Make the armor if you really want it (it is a nice way of showing what you have achieved in crafting). Once nice thing about the armor is that it is account bound so if you make a set of light armor, any of your avies that wear light armor can use it etc. I don’t think the gear will ever be useless and possibly there may be more use for it in PVE as time goes by, hopefully.
Anet has already stated that HoT will NOT release a new tier of gear and Exotic and Ascended will still be viable top tier gear. There is no reason to wait for Ascended due to HoT release. Now if you are considering a Legendary, waiting might not be a bad idea (but you can certainly collect the common materials as those are not likely to change).
If you already have the Damask, I see no reason to wait. The map rewards may make it easier to obtain materials, but it sounds like the OP already did that work.
If Anet says that, then i should not wait till release. Got 30 damasks, iam still deciding which should i craft, but yea, thats nice info to know.
No, unless:
- You regularly do Fractals L40+
- You run dungeons to set speed clearing records.
- You play in a highly competitive WvW environment, specifically with a strongly coordinated team.
- You have tons of excess wealth and you’re looking for a new long-term project.
Ascended weapons are a better deal, if you really want to go ascended. Even then, for the money, you might want to target some other type of shiny goal: mini collections, mystic forge weapons, etc
*I dont do fractals, mainly focusing of WvW solo roam and with guild when we have scheduled.
- Iam poor, but for last month everyday i made 1 damask and thats it.
- I want to go for legendary, but thats so much effort, t6 and precursor missing, so i decide to give my self “goal” aka ascended gear.
I 100% agree that Weapons are a much more effective use of limited resources, but with all that Damask you need to ask yourself if you actually NEED Ascended Armor (are you going to run high level Fractals with that character…ever)? High level Fractals is the ONLY real REASON to have Ascended Armor. Keep in mind 30 Damask can net you +400g easy on the TP.
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
(edited by Brother Grimm.5176)
Hmm, i should get weaponsmith to 500 soon. Luckily i got for necro Dire Staff from teq and teq hoard(scepter). I could make warhorn in nearly future, and zerk weps for thief instead armor. Anyway, at least i got usefull info from here so i can make better decision.
You forget about condition damage build. Right now, condition damage is mostly not worth it (except WvW Roaming), especially in group content. With the test they did during the beta, we don’t know what will happen with it. I don’t really trust Anet about fixing condition for real, they probably just make some limited change. But we don’t know.
I can always make zerk, it fits most preffesion anyway.
A question no one’s posed is: do you want the skins? I made Light chest and legs because I wanted the outfit. My necromancer is sporting them even though I can’t do any loot-filled activities due to her bags being filled with garments ….
I think the reason nobody asked that is the general consensus is the Ascended armor skins are…..the opposite of “Epic”? While I agree with you that a few pieces do work well in other combos, the full sets are…..disappointing (considering they are the most expensive craftable armor in the game).
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
Reasons to get it:
1. More gold than you know what to do with
2. Higher level fractals (infusions can be put it any ascended trinket)
3. Must have best everything!!
4. You have lots of alts – ascended are account bound!
I have 3 sets of ascended armor, btw.
Keep in mind that its value is very niche, you most definitely don’t need it for 99% of the content and traits and rotation practice will net much more benefit.
When ascended armor crafting made it to the game, recipes were revealed and we saw that it gives roughly 5% stat improvement in exchange for a lot of gold and about a month of crafting, I said that it’s not worth it. Too much for too little. So a year has passed and what? I’m now sitting on 4 complete ascended sets.
You are unsure if game’s best in slot items that are acound bound are a good investment? Do not invest. You can do well with exotic equipment. Its the next best thing and very accesible. When you will acumulate needed mats or wealth you’ll easily can decide if you need to go that extra mile.
P.S. All four of mine Ascended sets are Berserk.
P.P.S. Developers indeed claimed that they are NOT going to implement any higher tiers of gear above ascended.
Confirm the above. Weapons make a big difference, and are worth making for power builds due to the 5% higher base damage.
Armor, only if you do high level Fractals and need the extra AR slots (ie not using +7/8 agony infusions on rings and your backpiece), or want to fully max out a main character.