Asuran Name Suggestions
Names that follow the Asura naming traditions are tough at this point because there are so many people playing and so many names already taken. Traditionally Asura male names should be one syllable and end with a double consonant. Try using a descriptive qualifier that will make your name more unique and less likely to be taken. Remember that Asuras like big words, being in control, inventions…
Cosmic Manipulator Starr (or any name of your choice)
Sorrows Furnace
Have you considered checking the asura NPC database? If you happened to find a name you liked there it would be asura related and you could add whatever title or follow up name after it to add to the astronomy theme. Generally asura names are as Aye said though and many are taken so you will almost undoubtedly need a last name or title. I know a few of my asura are named things like Bwiff, Bwekk (twins), Millum, Tarff, Kazzax, etc