At which level should I start buying good(rare) gear?

At which level should I start buying good(rare) gear?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: eXs.6210


Hey guys… I’m a level 35 thief here… I started playing since first week but due to the lack of time and not being able to pick one character, I’m still on level 35… the good thing though is that I settled on a thief… I was really excited for lvl 35 cause I would finally be able to get rare items… but looking at the trading post, I’m not sure why I would ever spend so much coin on lvl 35 rares when level 40 rares are just around the corner… I checked out lvl 80 gear and honestly it’s not all that incredibly more expensive… so my question is… at which point should I move up from masterwork to rare gear? at which point does it make sense from an investment perspective? or honestly should I just suck it up and level all the way to 80 with whatever cheap I can get my hands on and then invest into good gear?


At which level should I start buying good(rare) gear?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nightwing.2179


I’m also a thief. If you want to upgrade your gear, I personally did it about every 10 levels for armor/weapons. I would go with blue items since they are cheap, but green would be great when it’s affordable. At level 80, my gear is green and above, with my weapons (including aquatic) being rare.

I’d say at level +65 you should start considering rares.

SBI since account creation

At which level should I start buying good(rare) gear?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Slark.1263


Hold out as long as you can until you think you really need to. Just be sure to check your drops for better stuff then you currently have. Do not forget to do your storyline when you are 1 level higher then the listed level which will give you a great piece of gear.

The last Alt I ran did not do any upgrades until he hit 40, then once again at 60. I was getting lucky on weapon drops, otherwise you may want to upgrade your weapon sooner if its getting too old.

At which level should I start buying good(rare) gear?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ProAlex.4723


Buy blue/green gear every 10 levels. Don’t buy rares until you hit 80. Buy them if you don’t have money for exotics.

At which level should I start buying good(rare) gear?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: wouw.5837


well I never upgraded my gear and just used what I looted, when I got 80 and finished my story I chose which build I wanted to go for and bought greens to try it out, then I got my crafting up to 400 and with the looted things I had I made exotics, the weapons I just bought from the TP

Elona is Love, Elona is life.

At which level should I start buying good(rare) gear?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Eisuma.3692


Sometimes you can find stuff on the TP for ridiculously cheap prices, so it wouldn’t hurt to look. Just make sure you don’t hurt your cashflow.

At which level should I start buying good(rare) gear?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: fancy dagger feast.7520

fancy dagger feast.7520

I don’t think its worth getting rares at all stick to full blues or greens while you are leveling then once you hit 80 buy full greens then keep those until you can afford full exotics + desired runes. if you level in PvE fast your Armour seems to lack level wise its good to buy new gear from the TP every 2-3 areas you complete. i like to buy blues from the TP while leveling so i can either resell or Salvage. However if you feel like buying cool low level rare gear buy it i think once you hit 80 + full exotics the next step is to get gear you think is cool to transmog your exotics with.

I dont worry about rares period but lots of people like to have the best stuff when leveling : )

At which level should I start buying good(rare) gear?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


I buy new gear every six levels, starting with 14. I usually go with greens. Coincidentally, that is when the new tier of greens becomes available. Once I get to 39 (when rare drops begin to be available) I look at the TP as Eisuma suggested. If I find a rare that is affordable I buy it and keep it for 8-10 levels. The crafted rares (the ones that are usually without runes/sigils, at levels 35, 50, 65) are more expensive right now so I rarely spend on them.

At which level should I start buying good(rare) gear?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: eXs.6210


thanks guys! lots of good suggestions… I’m definitely just gonna go with greens till 80 and then invest into exotic!!! no use wasting that gold…

At which level should I start buying good(rare) gear?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jayne.9251


Craft your own gear and get rare recipes from the leatherworker trainer (or are you chain?) with some karma points …

L’enfer, c’est les autres

At which level should I start buying good(rare) gear?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: TheUnNamedHero.4167


Never purchased a single piece of gear myself. From 35 and up, just do the dungeon exp modes. Do all 3, and you’ll have enough tokens for a full set of gear.

2012 Halloween Tower Champion
The Lost Shores should have stayed lost.

At which level should I start buying good(rare) gear?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danikat.8537


Personally I plan to rely on drops and stuff I happen to craft while levelling my crafting skills for as long as I can, possibly all the way up to level 80. I don’t think there’s any point in working out what stats or skin to use or spending a lot of money buying it when you’re going to be replacing it sooner or later (probably sooner).

So far I’m level 30-something (don’t remember exactly) on my main and it’s working pretty well. All my equipment is pretty close to my level and I usually find suitable replacements when I need them, or even before.

When I hit level 80 I’ll probably get a max stat but relatively cheap set as a gap-filler then work out what I want long term and start working on that. Unless what I want proves to be relatively cheap/easy to get.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

At which level should I start buying good(rare) gear?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ten.8421


Don’t buy anything until you are 80.

Now that Karma is so easy to come by through Daily and Monthly Achievements, you can stay perfectly well-equipped with the green gear from the Heart Vendors (and your Personal Storyline if you are staying up to date with that). By the time you run the Orr maps that don’t have Heart Vendors anymore, you will start getting rare drops from mobs.

Gamut Gaming Group [GGG], an inclusive non-oppression, non-prejudice, non-normativity group.

At which level should I start buying good(rare) gear?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: lcpdragonslayer.7895


The only time I might recommend getting rares is if you’re planning on running dungeons, and even then I think greens will suffice as dungeon parties usually have one or two level 80s in full exotics who know what they’re doing and can hopefully help everyone finish the run. Most greens you can buy from the Trading Post at one or two copper above the sellback price, so it won’t break your bank.

If you’re not planning on doing dungeons, then yes, wait to 80, bypass the rare tier and get exotics straightaway.

At which level should I start buying good(rare) gear?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Slark.1263


Don’t buy anything until you are 80.

Now that Karma is so easy to come by through Daily and Monthly Achievements, you can stay perfectly well-equipped with the green gear from the Heart Vendors (and your Personal Storyline if you are staying up to date with that).

No matter which route you go, do not spend your Karma unless you have too. You need over 750k Karma ( sometimes well over 1 Million Karma ) to get a Legendary Weapon.

Going from 1-80 should get you around 100k. Sure you do a daily for 4500 and monthly for 45,000. That will net you about 200,000 more per month, 50% more if you save it and use a booster to get more. At this rate it will take you 3-4 months minimum to get enough Karma to get 1 Legendary…hopefully your not Duel wielding….