Attacks obstructed for no apparent reason

Attacks obstructed for no apparent reason

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nitewish.5816


What’s the fuss about obstructed message so often in the game while attacking the door or mobs or players in plain sight (almost in their face)? I mean you can stand in front of the keep gate or a monster and shoot it only to get obstructed message on half of the attacks.

Can anyone shed some light on this?

(edited by Nitewish.5816)

Attacks obstructed for no apparent reason

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Cod Eye.1632

Cod Eye.1632

I had that bug on a couple of mobs yesterday, I just circled until I landed a hit, on another I stopped attacking and moved away until the mob ran to me and attacked, not ideal but fixed the issue for me.

“Hey I swung a sword, Hey Hey I swung a sword again,”

“After several hours I’m still swinging this sword with1 lodestone drop”

Attacks obstructed for no apparent reason

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nexxe.7081


I thought it was only me, but it happened to my Ranger the other day.

Attacks obstructed for no apparent reason

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Renegadeimp.8439


Sounds like a desync from the server. Your client is showing mobs in one place, but the server thinks they are in another. If the server thinks an object is inbetween where it thinks you and the mob is, then you’re going to get an obstruction.

Attacks obstructed for no apparent reason

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Nitewish.5816


It almost makes sense except how can you get obstructed from attacking keep doors? They dont move!

Attacks obstructed for no apparent reason

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: vjek.4270


Constant bug, been in the game forever, bug reported at least 10 times by myself over the course of all the BWE’s, since launch, etc. Happens to all professions using ranged attacks of any kind.

Terrible. Terrible. Terrible. Obstructed should only apply to world geometry/terrain and fixed placed objects. It currently applies to particle effects and dynamic attack objects, which of course it never should.

Hard to believe ArenaNet has left this bug in the game so long. Easily 25% of my attacks are obstructed during Dynamic Events with more than 5 people participating. And people wonder why they take so long?

Attacks obstructed for no apparent reason

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Haishao.6851


This is most likely a problem with the engine. It happened a few time in GW1 also but only when enemy was very close to a wall.

Attacks obstructed for no apparent reason

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: HoneyBadger.7094


I get this most on my engineer, with the flamethrower. Skill number 2 tends to get obstructed by nothing.

Maybe it’s the humidity in the air, idk. It’s annoying.

Attacks obstructed for no apparent reason

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mars.6319


I ran with my spouse today and she had “obstructed” spam when I didn’t. She was an Asura War, I was a Human Guardian.

Attacks obstructed for no apparent reason

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: NeVeRLiFt.1680


I have this happen all the time.(Ranger using Short/Long Bow)
The dev’s are not responding to this bug yet so I think it’s intentional on their part.

(edited by NeVeRLiFt.1680)

Attacks obstructed for no apparent reason

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Ethics.4519


I posted about this in the ranger bug list. The author said he didn’t know what I meant and was requesting a video of it happening.

Somebody said it happens to all range classes, but this hasn’t happened to my theif sbow or my ele at all. So, I’ll be staying away from the no-love ranger for awhile.

RIP in peace Robert

Attacks obstructed for no apparent reason

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Bluezero.9723


Not necessarily “Obstructed”, but I “Miss” stationary objects all the time as a melee. Things like doors, seige weapons, or structures. I just switch to ranged and it works fine.

80 Norn Warrior
Using Yojack’s build: Sword/Warhorn | Rifle
Gate of Madness Black Fade [BF]

Attacks obstructed for no apparent reason

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Stevoli.8795


I get this most on my engineer, with the flamethrower. Skill number 2 tends to get obstructed by nothing.

I don’t mind the occasional obstructed, what I hate is when the flame thrower’s auto-attack misses over and over until you are positioned in just the right place. Happens all the time on my engineer.

Attacks obstructed for no apparent reason

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kumu Honua.2751

Kumu Honua.2751

It’s painfully obvious when you are using melee. About the only way to fix it other than getting lucky and finding that ONE SPOT where you can hit the object is to move around. For some silly reason that seems to allow you to hit somewhat. (Still some misses, but you hit much more often.)

It’s highly annoying.

Sylvari Guardian. – Dragonbrand.

Attacks obstructed for no apparent reason

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Aramanth.1546


I’ve had this on all targetable objects at one point or another. My best guess, at least if you use a melee weapon, is the actual “enemy” it far enough away from your attacks to not get hit. I.e. the actual hittable part of a ballista is in the middle while the rest is just normal object collision.