Available for Players to wear?

Available for Players to wear?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Greyfur.1082



Does anyone know if this chest piece is available in game ? I cant seem to find it, I know the gloves are heavy asuran cultural (which sucks)

Edit: found another character using it.


(edited by Greyfur.1082)

Available for Players to wear?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Egon Vidar.9125

Egon Vidar.9125

I have.. no idea what armour that is, actually I searched all over the place, too, I couldn’t find anything that looks just like it. But it’s also not easy to find pictures of every single armour model on Asura.

And I’m not trying to derail your thread, but I’m having a similiar problem. Is this some sort of wearable armour on the charr in the foreground?


Available for Players to wear?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Greyfur.1082


Sorry Egon Vidar, I have not seen it either

Available for Players to wear?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Forgetmenot.7032


Greyfur – Not sure if you checked but it might be a different tier of asura culture armor. I know people like to mix up the sets to give themselves a unique look.

Egon Vidar – I know a charr friend who teases me all the time to wear that armor because its revealing xD Ill ask him later when he comes on what the name of it is again. I never payed attention to the name of the armor myself since I thought it would look silly on female charr <<; And it might not be the exact model, but something similar.

Available for Players to wear?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Greyfur.1082


Greyfur – Not sure if you checked but it might be a different tier of asura culture armor. I know people like to mix up the sets to give themselves a unique look.

I looked everywhere I can think of in game and also here argos-soft.net/GW2ArmorGallery

no luck.