Best Heavy Armor Support Profession?
- 1st place – PS Warrior or PS Condi Warrior, if you can effort condi then play with PS burn war + Banner, you still having great group support while providing around 27k DPS.
- 2nd place – Guard, nothing to say much about this guys, he is versatile in many way but the the power build nerf patch hurt him quite alot.
- Last – Rev, its true that elite specs can provide many perma type of boons but other 2 can do as well, although rev do have a healing build and we have best raw heal in the game the downside is if you play this build you will lose all your dps.
In WvW group play.
- 1st place – Rev, well this kinda weird but rev is really good at supporting while having nice damg output, resistance bot or healing or hammer backline work really well in zerg fight.
- 2nd place – Guard, same nothing to say, burn guard in wvw zerg fight is the one of the most played class.
- Last – War, this guy doesnt have any real support in wvw zerg fight beside being frontline meatbag or roaming.