Best Profession for WvW?

Best Profession for WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lictor Alpha.3724

Lictor Alpha.3724


I played this game mainly for PvE at launch as an Ele. And anyone who has played an ele knows they just might be the worst profession in the game for PvE. So this time around I dont want to make the same mistake.

Im rerolling a new character and this time I want to try and level mostly by WvW. (since Iv done most of the PvE already). Is their one profession that stands out above the others in WvW?

Best Profession for WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RapidSausage.4620


i’m sorry, ele?? worst pve profession??, what game have you been playing!?

on topic: leveling a character in wvw has 2 drawbacks, 1) experience is good only if you’re with a zerg, 2) being low level means you’re harming your group because you don’t have any skills yet.

but should you ignore the above, i’d like you to know there is no “best” profession in WvW, all classes have their role, but if i had to pick, it would probably be ranger or warrior

Best Profession for WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lictor Alpha.3724

Lictor Alpha.3724

i’m sorry, ele?? worst pve profession??, what game have you been playing!?

The game were a single NPC can kill me in 3 hits. The game were it takes me 20+ spells to kill a single NPC. The game were a warrior can just pop god mode, argo 10 NPCs, and kill them all in 1 attack. A game were my lvl 11 warrior does more damage with thousand blades then any of my lvl 53 elemental’s spells.

Best Profession for WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Revan.6259


I’ve played both ele and warrior. They’re both good in PvE. I would maybe consider looking at some new builds with your ele, or upgrading your else’s gear.

However, if you really hate playing ele, then roll a warrior or something else you’d think would be fun. I find that every class has its role in WvW, and can be successful there.

Best Profession for WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RapidSausage.4620


i’m sorry, ele?? worst pve profession??, what game have you been playing!?

The game were a single NPC can kill me in 3 hits. The game were it takes me 20+ spells to kill a single NPC. The game were a warrior can just pop god mode, argo 10 NPCs, and kill them all in 1 attack. A game were my lvl 11 warrior does more damage with thousand blades then any of my lvl 53 elemental’s spells.

i’m afraid you’re doing it wrong then.
maybe you need a good trait spec and gear for pve.

Best Profession for WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Shoo.9016


There are no “best” choise for WvW. Most of prof-s are playable and needed at some situations.
Warriors and Thieves → High burst damage
Guardians, Elems, Engi → Nice support
Ele, Rangers, Engi, Necro → AoE damage
Warriors, Guards, Rangers – > melee semi-tank fighters.
Mesmers → range damage + support + portals.
And so on.
U need to choose your profession based on your priorities (teamplay\zergplay\solo-play, support\damager and so on), and needs of your guild\warband.

About Ele and PVE. You just do somthing wrong.
At first, if you playing right – you will not be hitted at all.
Some builds of ele are quite unkillable, ikittennow what to do. Another one (glasscannons) got HUGE AoE and Single-Taget damage, but diyng by few hits.

Best Profession for WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dezarys.1372


I played this game mainly for PvE at launch as an Ele. And anyone who has played an ele knows they just might be the worst profession in the game for PvE. So this time around I dont want to make the same mistake.

Im rerolling a new character and this time I want to try and level mostly by WvW. (since Iv done most of the PvE already). Is their one profession that stands out above the others in WvW?

To be honest with ya, all classes are great in WvW. They are all unique it just depends on how the player plays them. AoEs are one of the greatest things to have and the Elementalist can definitely cover that. Necro and Ranger are also great too. I love leading zergs and doing something I never see other commanders tell their zergs to do when defending, and that’s ranger/necro trapping the gate upon breach. (Reminds me of the Good ol’ RvR in DAOC). Warriors have the dps and bow AoEs which is nice. Guardians are good on healing support and projectile absorbing. Engineers good for cc and more! and from there I can keep on going and going. It all depends on your play style. But all classes can be helpful in WvW.

Guild Leader of Oakvale [Vale]

Best Profession for WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jayne.9251


Oh I dunno. My main is an ele and kicks butt in pve, even more so in WvW. Incredibly useful class, can block treb firing, can aoe enemies at top of keeps, can take out mass groups of players using d/d and teleport …. the only thing it’s missing is the ability to swap weapons out .. but with four stances, I imagine if they gave ele’s the ability to weapon swap they’d be unbeatable.

L’enfer, c’est les autres

Best Profession for WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: LithePanther.5027


I would play Warrior and Guardian OP

80 Guardian. 80 Warrior. 80 Thief. 80 Engineer. 80 Necromancer. 80 Ranger.

Best Profession for WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ArcTheFallen.7682


If you want to take advantage of the stealth metagame, roll thief, you can do a lot of fun stuff with them.

If you want to fight more seriously, really invest in some builds for d/d ele and look at videos because they literally can steamroll some classes in PvP due to their many attunements and versatility (let alone escape options—-ride the lightning needs to be nerfed! jk jk) But seriously, in the beginning or end if you do not use the eles in the right matter, they’ll be as good as a glass canon who can’t dodge. But if you really take the time to master the skills (when to use what) and learn how to combo skills from different attunements, you’ll be at the top of the WvW game (at least in small groups). In bigger groups, it’s probably better to go staff and drop some AoEs from behind the front lines. Also, using mistform is so OP when defending. Go outside of keep, wreck some ppl. If you down, mist form into keep then res => rinse => repeat.

Mesmers also do well in WvW, their portals lead to a lot of game changers for groups. But shatters and confusions can really get people who aren’t used to fighting mesmers.

[VZ] Sky Avalon – Guardian (Main)
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division

Best Profession for WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Rainbow.3496


i’m sorry, ele?? worst pve profession??, what game have you been playing!?

The game were a single NPC can kill me in 3 hits. The game were it takes me 20+ spells to kill a single NPC. The game were a warrior can just pop god mode, argo 10 NPCs, and kill them all in 1 attack. A game were my lvl 11 warrior does more damage with thousand blades then any of my lvl 53 elemental’s spells.

Not to be mean, but you sir are an idiot. Elementalist is literally the most OP profession in the game easily, and by far the highest skill cap (thief is as good but lower skill cap/capabilities). You clearly lack the knowledge of how to build/ what a build is, if you find yourself doing better on warrior anywhere. If your bringing up the whole , “HUNDRED BLADES OP TT”, then i am sad to inform you that if you cant dodge a bull rush, evade a warrior standing still HBing, or an NPC; then this is not the game for you. Please go play more or find out more about your own class before you spew blasphemy on the forums.

Best Profession for WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: BAMBOO.9430


i’m sorry, ele?? worst pve profession??, what game have you been playing!?

The game were a single NPC can kill me in 3 hits. The game were it takes me 20+ spells to kill a single NPC. The game were a warrior can just pop god mode, argo 10 NPCs, and kill them all in 1 attack. A game were my lvl 11 warrior does more damage with thousand blades then any of my lvl 53 elemental’s spells.

Not to be mean, but you sir are an idiot. Elementalist is literally the most OP profession in the game easily, and by far the highest skill cap (thief is as good but lower skill cap/capabilities). You clearly lack the knowledge of how to build/ what a build is, if you find yourself doing better on warrior anywhere. If your bringing up the whole , “HUNDRED BLADES OP TT”, then i am sad to inform you that if you cant dodge a bull rush, evade a warrior standing still HBing, or an NPC; then this is not the game for you. Please go play more or find out more about your own class before you spew blasphemy on the forums.

He has been talking about PvE.
The comment you Quoted is about NPC’s who don’t roll and PvE.

I can understand that warriors as a class, we can be somewhat defensive. Particularly about 100b easy mode ownage claims, as you demonstrated. But, you need to take more time to consider the discussion here before snapping.

OP, in terms of your question, ele’s are pretty strong in WvW and not just the roaming DD variety that has everyone screaming overpowered. As for being less than ideal for general PvE, well, like someone else said earlier, they may not be your style.

Since we are mentioning them, warriors have a very different style. If that’s the profession that you notice being successful, then I suggest you try one out. You may like it more. However, rest assured that they have their challenges as well. All classes do.