Best Race/Build for Engineer PVP oriented !!!

Best Race/Build for Engineer PVP oriented !!!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DarkSork.8637



1. HI ! I’m lvl 11 now in game, I choose to play with Engineer race Human. I found on internet that some people talk about racial skills about I wasn’t aware at the moment of character creation. Is race Charr singnifically better for engineers than Human and why/how ? It is really worth to play with those weird creatures in purpose to be a very capable class player ?

P.S. How to level faster in game, because I die a lot and Ai units that need to be killed for mission sometimes are very few and it takes long for me to finish it, idk much about engineer kits and leveling.

(edited by DarkSork.8637)

Best Race/Build for Engineer PVP oriented !!!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DarkSork.8637



Racial skills are by design not intended to make a difference in game choices. So your human engineer is just fine.

Where are you at? I’d suggest hanging out in Queensdale and Divinity, mapping and doing hearts and events. You can go through the portal in Divinity and get to Lion’s Arch, and then to the other racial cities and do those starter zones as well. All low level.

Everything gives experience: mapping, events, hearts, harvesting nodes (plants, trees, ore), POI’s (point of interest), vistas. Do it all.

Do the personal story (follow the guide, top-right of your screen) when you feel comfortable.

How is your gear? If usable pieces for level 10+ aren’t dropping, look for vendors (sword or shield icon) to update/fill out missing pieces.

I just saw that Charr race have some good attack skills like rockets for example and I was thinking that they are important bonus to engineer grenades and bombs, correct me if I am wrong.

P.S. I really want to play engineer, I am engineer my self and I like complex style of gameplay. And I really think when playing, that to be a good player on server, if Human race don’t give me anything like an engineer and it is worth the difference to play Charr engineer please tell me, I am a noob but someday I will not, will be sad if my race would be a wrong one from the begining. THX

Best Race/Build for Engineer PVP oriented !!!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: DeanBB.4268


Racial skills are by design not intended to make a difference in game choices. So your human engineer is just fine.

Where are you at? I’d suggest hanging out in Queensdale and Divinity, mapping and doing hearts and events. You can go through the portal in Divinity and get to Lion’s Arch, and then to the other racial cities and do those starter zones as well. All low level.

Everything gives experience: mapping, events, hearts, harvesting nodes (plants, trees, ore), POI’s (point of interest), vistas. Do it all.

Do the personal story (follow the guide, top-right of your screen) when you feel comfortable.

How is your gear? If usable pieces for level 10+ aren’t dropping, look for vendors (sword or shield icon) to update/fill out missing pieces.

Best Race/Build for Engineer PVP oriented !!!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


The best race for PvP is asura if there is a best(doesn’t matter as much for some professions). The reason is because their animations makes the attacks harder to read. On the other hand this is only true for unranked sPvP and WvW.