Best character choice ? Help
Don’t fret too much about race and background. It’s mainly for storyline and aesthetics.
With the theme you are seeking, seems like a human noble guardian fits best.
Guardian does seem to fit the criteria quite well, but anything can fit if forced. Choosing the Dignity option (crown) will create a righteous/just character if you choose that through the game. Race is just for storyline, but if you really need a race that fits, Sylvari. They are looking for peace throughout the world. They come from a tree and so have no enemies apart from Risen and Nightmare Court. Both of which are attacking the Sylvari.
I can relate to your dilemma, I tried every race for a Guardian. There are a whole lot of options to consider, but for RP purposes I think both Sobat’s and Husky’s suggestions are sound. Way I see it, you should try a human noble character first, with the dead sister storyline, to fully experience the constant threat of the centaur war – at least for me that’s a very important part of playing a human.
But you definitely want to try a Sylvari at one point. I just got into them very recently, it took me a year to seriously consider to play a walking plant. Somehow their aesthetics put me off before, but now I’m having a blast. And as someone stated on these forums – the Sylvari storyline is the most closely related to the main story. They are the saviors of Tyria, it seems.
Also, Sylvari culture tends to draw heavily on old Arthurian chivalric mythos. You can’t get much more self-righteous than a Valiant given a quest by the Dream to go right a great wrong in the world. I love my Sylvari Guardian! For background, you should go with the Green Knight to really get the chivalric traditional feel (hopefully you know the original Green Knight story).
There is nothing wrong with the Human Noble story for that feel, either. It’s all in how you play the character. My second guardian is human commoner, and he’s a selfish moocher who developed his guardian skills to keep his own hide intact -laughs-. But he could just as easily have been someone who enlisted in the Seraph to protect and defend, maybe been a “good cop” on the Commons beat.
you definitely want Sylvari for a race then .