Best class for a nooby player
I’d say Guardian is a pretty solid choice for a new player.
Raingarde – Level 80 Necromancer
Easiest? Pick one. Although a couple are somewhat limited until at least 20 while others seem to bloom early. Warriors have a lot of weapon skills to play with while engineers seem confined early. But a little later when a warrior seems to offer only a few builds that suit you, engineers seem to blossom and give you ideas.
And then it starts over. You realize that profession X has some stuff you missed, and profession Y doesn’t quite show the potential you envisioned. And then again, and again. Even at cap.
Now, I will say there are some very minor advantages/disadvantages based on size of the toon. Asuras are tiny and that can help, depending on the player, in reading enemies for dodges, in gaging jumping puzzle distances, etc. It is very minor and one can make the argument for an in-between size regardless. But easier? That is more related to what kind of skills you like; AoE rings can frustrate some and yet enthrall others. Some like movement others like cooldown efficiency. Some use the mouse all the time others hardly touch it. “Easy” is a loaded adjective….
Ranger, is easiest.
Ranger is easiest but if you’re looking to pug end game dungeons it’s harder to find people to join you. If you’re not into dungeons it hardly matters. If you’re in a guild like mine it hardly matters.
Otherwise I agree that rangers are easy mode in open world PvE.
Ranger is easiest but if you’re looking to pug end game dungeons it’s harder to find people to join you. If you’re not into dungeons it hardly matters. If you’re in a guild like mine it hardly matters.
Otherwise I agree that rangers are easy mode in open world PvE.
Not to mention they’re fun.
Yup Ranger would be my Suggestion too. Personally I went engineer what with the turrets ,the guns, and….uh.. the turrets again, weapon kits.
Warrior would be my Second suggestion. I had almost no Trouble with leveling one of those. Boring In my opinion, But it has its fun factor.
I’m thinking of some kitten kitten builds for someone that tends to not use their dodge key or memorize attack animations:
1) Ranger SB/LB with bear pets, staying at maxed range
2) Guardian H/GS/Staff AH build wearing knights gear
3) Thief D/D/SB apothecary death blossom spam while equipping signet of malice
Pretty much any class your friend needs to start understanding the concept of the game. This is something you should and will learn while leveling your character if you really want to understand it.
Currently playing Heart of Thorns.
easiest for my playstyle (PVE focused) was mesmer, hunter, ele then guard. Took a very long time to get in a groove with thief and still don’t enjoy it as much as others.
The defensive abilities of Thieves almost exclusively rely on dodging and skills that provide evades. If your friend does not have a good grasp for dodging and battlefield mobility, Thief is probably one of the worst choices for him. (Especially if he likes to pick offensive stats on his traits and equipment over defensive ones.)
I would recommend Guardian for him, or possibly Elementalist (but that is another can of worms entirely), as these professions have fewer evade-skills, and more invulnerability-skills for defense (depending on weapon choice).
Still, your friend needs to learn how to use the dodge effectively, and which enemy attacks to avoid (and which attacks to simply take). Without that, he is likely to go down more often than he would like.
I would say warrior in general, however the easiest spec has to be Ranger Longbow + Bear pet (traditional tank and spank). Thief isn’t hard to figure out but it relies on quicker reflexes so your friend may lack that.
Mesmer would be last on that list, its a slow leveling process, they do not bloom until late game. I was frustrated leveling with some thief and ele friends because of how quickly they cleared through mobs…but it’s my personal favourite class.
Guardian is my pick for 1, its easy, fun, varied, remains very useful at 80. Rangers is on par with ease, since your pet acts as a buffer/faux tank, though not as relevant endgame.