Best order for doing map completion zones

Best order for doing map completion zones

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Birdtree.9841



Hey my fellow GW2 players I recently got my engineer to 80 and found a really good build with good speed around a map, decent damage and good survivability. My only question which is the same as the title which is how do I do the zones to make the most of my time with map completion like a suggest zone list to go since I think there are only 24 or 25 zones that I need for map completion I need an idea of zone order to get it done quickly as possible because I work nights and its hard to find the desire to play so on my days off I wanna knock out a few zones but I wanna make my time worth it rather than doing zone to zone to zone and having drag along and yes I do realise this will be rather dull and I don’t expect to be done in 2-3 days but to get it done close to within a week or so would be grand so if people could create for me a suggest zone order with #1 being the first zone to start with and getting all the way down to the final zone I should do before its all done

Best order for doing map completion zones

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Blush Lift.3570

Blush Lift.3570


Content guide isnt as optimized as it will show you events over the nearest needed icon if the event is near by. But it will get you around pretty quick. Try not to linger on slow hearts for too long, WP back to them later on when the stuff has refreshed for you to interact this will speed stuff up a lot.

Perm swiftness in your build will do you a great deal of time saving too.

(edited by Blush Lift.3570)

Best order for doing map completion zones

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Blush Lift.3570

Blush Lift.3570

You might like to check this website out. It has the optimized routes to do map completion. However, some of the maps with living story are partly out of date so you will need to take this into consideration when looking at them.

I’ve been using these maps in the last month and only places such as Kessex Hills where the Tower of Nightmare messed stuff up has been my only issue. Other maps such as Plains of Ashford have had more points of interests added too.

The link is below, there is also a reddit post with a file you can extract floating around if interested.
I don’t really have a zone order, I tend to start in the starter zone then just go into each zone from there using the guide if I’m rushing. If I’m not rushing I do a map a day, will tend to do 25% then head off and do some other content come back for another 50% then finish the last 25% later on but it all depends on how fast you want to complete it.

I know you said a week but hopefully you wont get burnt out too quickly and the maps will be helpful, I was able to complete Queensdale etc within 35-40mins following the maps.

Link below to the reddit post mentioned above:

(edited by Blush Lift.3570)

Best order for doing map completion zones

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Birdtree.9841


so is it possible to just use the content guide with story and events turned off and still get it done quickly?