www.izziebytes.net | @izziebot
Hey all!
I was curious if anyone would be down to share a few tips for the different types of salvage kits and what they are best for.
Right now I use basic for greens and under, and mystic for fine / exotic (or sell the exotics if they are worth anything).
From what I gather I might have better luck using BL kits for unwanted exotics, since right now I’m leveling a bunch of professions and am hitting the 400-500 wall for many (I’m trying to do ascended gear, what a sink!)
For reference, I’m working on weaponsmith, artificer, huntsman, and jewel crafter.
I’ve actually had a lot of fun getting these up!
Thanks all
I use Black Lion Salvage Kits for Exotics.
I use Master/Mystic/Silver-Fed for Rares.
Everything else I use Basic/Copper-Fed.
I’ve been using Black Lion Salvage Kits for Rares/Exotics only because I have sooo many. I don’t think it makes a difference between those and Mystic, except for the guaranteed upgrade. I use either the Crude Salvage Kit, or Copper-fed Salvage-O-Matic for anything under Rare. (Really prefer the Crude; fewer upgrades.)
I also open all Champion Bags/Boxes on a L53, so to get the more valuable mats.
Seems like you are salvaging exactly the same way I do… basic for everything less than rare, yellow salvage kit for rare, and yeah I’d recommend using the BL salvage kit sometimes (not always) for exotics. I only use them if the item has an expensive sigil or rune that’s worth more than the entire piece, or for the exotic items that you can’t sell at all but has a valuable upgrade item. But if you do salvage all exotics with the BL kit because you have too many kits, well… at least you will get a lot of dark matter.
I seem to get a little more materials using Fine kits on greens and below than I do with basic kits. Master for rares and exotics – unless the exotics have a sigil or rune that I want (like superior rune of strength), then I use a black lion kit.
Also, I’ve started using Master kits on ALL leather armor. It may be RNG based, but I seem to receive a higher number of leather sections, and more frequently drop hardened sections when I use a master kit than fine or basic. I ran the chests in Bitterfrost Frontier, salvaged all leather with the master kit and dropped 11 hardened sections. Repeated the chest run on the same character after the night meta, salvaged all leather with fine kits. That time I dropped 5 hardened sections.
Like I said, it could be RNG was rolling in my favor, but I do seem to have better leather drop rates using the master kit regardless of whether the medium armor is blue, green, yellow, or even gray.
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