Best way to level 1-80?

Best way to level 1-80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Systec.7206


I can’t find any new guides on this. I tried WvW but I am not getting any XP at all. Am I missing something or is the quickest way to level different now?

Best way to level 1-80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Amaranth.1985


WvW doesn’t give PvE experience anymore. Quickest way would be to use tomes of experience, or buy HoT and get a free level 80 character. Beyond that, just do as many events as you can, they typically give tons of experience.

Best way to level 1-80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tumult.2578


If I might suggest, guides can be helpful but it can also be a lot of fun taking your time exploring the whole game. There are a lot of things that can be tried in this game and following someone else’s guide pretty much limits you to what they like.
You could buy the resources and craft to level 80 in a day but then you would be at the top, able to use the best gear and weapons, etc, and not know even the basics of how to play you character or what to expect from others, or what things you’d like to spend your time and effort on.
Check out the guides, but take enough time to learn what “you” like and in the process, how to do it best.

Best way to level 1-80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


First you say best way, then you say quickest. Best way is however you like to play because just about everything in PvE gives XP.

Quickest, well there’s always crafting. Plus WvW does drop a good number of leveling tomes on you assuming you are participating. And to be honest, leveling is quite quick in PvE.

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Best way to level 1-80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: onevstheworld.2419


I’m assuming this is OP’s first character.
Crafting to level is fairly expensive if you don’t already have a stockpile of mats, and a new character won’t have enough Tomes of Knowledge to get to 80.

Doing heart quests are very efficient for the early levels (1+ levels per heart), and the personal story is good for XP and level-approriate gear. Outside of that, as people have pointed out, just play and explore… you can get to 80 in 1-2 weeks without too much effort.