Best way to level late night?

Best way to level late night?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: xenogias.1768


I’m not a new player. Well, in the sense that I started in EA like most of you. I have a lower 50’s ranger and with all character slots my lowest is 16 with the rest 30’s and 40’s. I would like to think I know thoes zones pretty well.

One thing I have noticed, and by a large margin is how much faster leveling during peak hours is. There is a severe lack of events in offpeak/slowest hours of the night. During peak hours I can easily make 5-6 levels in 3-4 hours. At night, when I can usually play I am lucky to make 2-3 levels in a 6hr session. Last night for example I completed 3 zones on my warrior and only went from level 36 to 39. The whole time I saw 2 active DE’s. In all fairness one zone was completely bugged The only thing working was hearts. All the dynamic events had been started but where bugged (most of them anyway).

So my question is whats the best way to level at night? 3 levels in twice the amount of time I made 5 levels earlier that day in 3 hours is unacceptable to me. Am I going to have to swap servers to a more active night server and forsake my daytime playing?

Best way to level late night?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dorpen.4653


At night, it seems best for me to focus on making sure my crafting is caught up which can give a lot of xp. Other than that I’m at a loss hopefully somebody else can give a better recommendation.