Black Lion Armor Skins Q

Black Lion Armor Skins Q

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Angelica Dream.7103

Angelica Dream.7103

If I buy a Black Lion armor skin will I have to use a Trans Stone to keep it showing for every armor grade?

Also what if you accidentally destroy or sell the armor, or sell to a merchant are you out the money? Or can you reclaim it like the Hall of Monuments reward?

Black Lion Armor Skins Q

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Corteaz.3582


I’m not too sure about the other questions (sorry), but I can confirm the last one: You cannot reclaim it, once it is used, it is used unless you get other transmutation stones to overlay it. No HoM-free-for-ever-stuff I’m afraid.

Black Lion Armor Skins Q

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Angelica Dream.7103

Angelica Dream.7103

Thanks Corteaz.

So I am guessing that it is a waste to buy any armor skins until L80 or you will have to get a lot of transmutation stones. But more importantly have to buy one to move it to L80 armor. Anyone else find that a little ridiculous for a paid item (then pay again to move it up?)

Black Lion Armor Skins Q

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Corteaz.3582


Yup yup, it’s best to save all the armour skins until L80 because exp is handed out like candy. However, if you want to transmute L80 armour, you have to get the better one from the gem store, which is about 200gems for 5 of the L80 trans stones. That’s about..77-80 silvers tops?