Black Lion Logging Axe - any use?

Black Lion Logging Axe - any use?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: igneous.8153



So I have 20 stacks of Black Lion Logging Axes lying in my bank from back in the day. I also have a set of those unlimited-use gathering tools.

I’ve read on the wiki that unlimited-use gathering tools have the same effectiveness as Black Lion gathering tools which used to drop from BL chests.

Question: can I safely destroy all my Black Lion Logging Axes? Or is there some use for them?

Black Lion Logging Axe - any use?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Donari.5237


I’d suggest you put the tools on an alt that doesn’t have the infinite tools, unless you really don’t mind handing the infinite tools off via your bank and keeping track of which alt has them. Maybe park the alt at a spot near a supply of good lumber, like the Ogre wp in south Fields of Ruin which usually has 4 to 6 soft wood log trees in the immediate vicinity. Or se Sparkfly for the hard wood trees, also a good number usually to be found there (I’ve found myself running out of hard wood of late, and all I’m using it for is to make Spiritwood Planks when I have the mats, and soft wood has been trimmed down to 2 per soft wood plank which should mean price drops on that mat).