Black Lion Trading Thieves

Black Lion Trading Thieves

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Savageslave.9056


Please fix the Black Lion Trading, I have noticed that when I sell something on the black lion trading, it will quote me a price for listing an item, then if i say yes, it takes the listing price direct from my cash, then it takes the listing price twice from the sale of the item, ie, if the listing price is 2 coppers, then it will take 6 coppers from me.. fix this please as we are all losing a lot of cash.

Black Lion Trading Thieves

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zombiesbum.3502


It’s not a bug, it’s just very poor information given. The TP deducts 15% total of what you sell on there. 5% listing (Which informs you clearly) and then 10% fee when you sell the item (Which doesn’t seem to inform you)

It’s just yet again another design flaw (Or is it?)

Black Lion Trading Thieves

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Astrum.3652


As Zombie said, this is not a bug. It’s a “feature” that has been around since beta.

Just multiple the price of anything you want to sell by .85 and the number you get is how much you will have after trading post expenses.

Black Lion Trading Thieves

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jornophelanthas.1475


Whenever you sell something, you also get an “expected profit” with the 10% sales tax already deducted. It’s right next to the 5% “listing fee”.

If you bear in mind that you pay the listing fee immediately upon putting the item up for sale, and the expected profit is the exact amount of money you will receive when the item (or stack of items) sells, you will know exactly how much you are paying, and how much you are earning.

Black Lion Trading Thieves

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Mystic.5934


something to add/clarify: “expected profit” – “listing fee” = actual profit after selling the item.
expected profit is your listing price * 0.9
listing fee is your listing price * 0.05
together, these give you the 15% TP fee
also note: all these fees are rounded up. so selling something for 3c will net you 1c actual profit, while selling something for 3g will net you 2,55,00