Hutchmistress of the Fluffy Bunny Brigade [FBB]
Bleeding details.
Hutchmistress of the Fluffy Bunny Brigade [FBB]
Is this what you’re looking for?
No, the wiki has very general information only. Detail like when ticks happen is well beyond the wiki.
I am pretty sure they even fail to mention how existing bleed stacks are modified by adding a might boon to a player.
Hutchmistress of the Fluffy Bunny Brigade [FBB]
It shows a formula on each condition’s page, saying it does X damage per second (pulse).
Bleeding, for example:
For might, the formula applies to both power and condition damage. You would plug your total condition damage into bleeding’s formula to figure out damage.
If this isn’t what you’re looking for, then I guess I don’t understand your question. I tried. :P
What I’m looking for is exactly when the ticks happen (and after I have this figured out, I’ll be looking at how fractional-second increases in duration benefit/fail to benefit condition damage). Conventional knowledge says damage from conditions happens “once per second” but this is an assumption that doesn’t actually hold up to scrutiny when looking at bleed—the damage even happens after the bleed effect ends.
Hutchmistress of the Fluffy Bunny Brigade [FBB]
I’m actually interested in this as well. I’ve noticed that bleeding doesn’t follow much of a set pattern when used on enemies in combat. You’d expect it to be like poison, every second, but it seems to be more erratic than that.
I have a hunch that bleed is calculated at the same time as the other damage over time conditions, but the damage appears staggered for the sake of appearances. The damage appears based on the condition “slot” that the bleed occupies. Each stack of bleed occupies a different slot (so that it has that nice staggered effect) but other conditions beginning or ending can cause it to shift a few slots. This would explain ticks after the condition has ended and the nice “stream” of bleed damage numbers when you have many stacks on the target.
Regardless, I’m not planning to use bleed as my baseline damage-over-time condition for looking at the effects of partial-second durations.
Hutchmistress of the Fluffy Bunny Brigade [FBB]
I have a hunch that bleed is calculated at the same time as the other damage over time conditions, but the damage appears staggered for the sake of appearances.
This, which is why when something dies from bleeding you see numbers continuing to fly off them well into their death.