Bloodstone beasts are a mystery

Bloodstone beasts are a mystery

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Hapmuhr.2781


Today I decided to try my hand at completing the crazed bloodstone slivers achivements. Mostly because I wanted the visage for a toon I’m going to create for Halloween. And I have to say, there is too little information and too many bugs for this to be enjoyable. The actual scavenger hunt is of course enjoyable as always, but the chase for the creatures and the lack of information anywhere on the subject is really making me wonder what the point is with this. I even lucked out and found two events where these beasts spawned, but both ended prematurely without any indication as to why they did so. Is that a bug or somesuch? Because if it is, then I’m not going to waste my time on this at all.

I get the chain with use locator, kill beasts and spawn crazed version, but it doesn’t seem to be reliable in the least. There’s far too many possible locations with no apparent actual spawning places. It’s just a random mess from my viewpoint.

So can somebody please explain to me how to reliably do this? I seriously feel as though I’m fumbling in the dark here with no indications as to how to do this. Even Dulfys guides that are usually incredibly on the spot are is just a vague indicator towards some places that hasn’t seemed to spawn anything.

Bloodstone beasts are a mystery

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Fatalyz.7168


Because the Bloodstone version can spawn off of any like mob that is killed on that map during the window.

For example, if looking for bloodstone Moa, you would kill Moa’s on Snowden Drifts (for example). Once a random Moa is killed, the boss will spawn where that one died. So the spawn point is random. The one thing to make sure of, is that it hasn’t been killed on the map that you are on (I got there early when I did mine). If it’s already dead, you’ll need to go to another instance of that map, or another map altogether. Best idea is to go to a map early, and then start killing that mob type as soon as it is in window.

I hope that this helps.

Bloodstone beasts are a mystery

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Danikat.8537


I don’t know how much help I can be because the only part I struggled with was how to use the sensor to tell which ones were currently active, but this is what worked for me.

I think the most important point is that the spawn location is completely random. This is why you can’t find a map showing where it will spawn because it can be anywhere, the only restriction is that the type of creature it spawns from has to be there (so for example the shark will only spawn in the water and the wyvern will always be around wyvern cliffs in Verdant Brink).

Also unlike a lot of events you don’t want to look for a map where it’s started – if that happens you’re probably too late because they aren’t actually that hard to kill and can go down quickly even with a small group of people. (I’m guessing this is what happened when it disappeared before you got there.)

Instead you should use the sensor again once you get to the right map to check it hasn’t already been killed, then start killing creatures of that type until it spawns. If it spawns from one you kill trust me you’ll know about it.

If it spawns elsewhere you’ll see a boss icon appear on the mini-map. This is map wide so if it’s anywhere in your map you’ll see it. Then you should use the nearest waypoint to get there ASAP (as I said they can die quickly).

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

Bloodstone beasts are a mystery

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


If it spawns elsewhere you’ll see a boss icon appear on the mini-map. This is map wide so if it’s anywhere in your map you’ll see it. Then you should use the nearest waypoint to get there ASAP (as I said they can die quickly).

If it spawns while you are on the map it also has the big announcement text. The wyvern tends to not die all that quickly due to the flying making it invulnerable.

Bloodstone beasts are a mystery

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Hapmuhr.2781


Thank you all for your help, I’ve since starting this topic managed to get the Shark and the Arctodus, so I’m slowly working my way towards the end here. I still say that this randomness is very offputting since you can get really unlocky with spawns in very remote areas.

Bloodstone beasts are a mystery

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Well they aren’t really that random since the mobs of a particular type only spawn in certain areas. Some areas also have higher density than others which increase the chance of having something spawn there like the northern border of Fields of Ruin for the devourer.