Boon Duration > Healing Power >= Condition Duration > Condition Damage
How would someone decipher what this means? Does it mean that someone should go for Boon Duration First?
Or does it mean that you can start with either the stats on the left or right but whichever one you choose to start with make sure to either start with Boon duration or Condition Duration?
Thanks for the help!
Could you cite who told you this information, and in what context? Because it isn’t necessarily and always true.
However, the statement ranks various stats in order of importance, from most to least: Boon Duration, then Healing Power and/or Condition Duration, then Condition Damage.
Sorry I forgot to mention that this stat order is for a PvE support build. So in question I am trying to figure out what it means?
Also, I haven’t seen gear that gives +condition duration. Thanks for the reply.
Also, why do we loose our stats when we switch to our kits?
because at the moment we don’t keep our weapon stats when switching to a kit. this seems to also include sigils, unless that has been patched recently. if not im hoping its being looked into. although the recent change to a flamethrower trait makes me wonder of there going to not change it and instead try to balance it out that way.